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use crate::util::vertex_3d::{Vertex3D};
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::hash::Hash;
use crate::canvas::*;
use crate::canvas::managed::shader::dynamic_vertex::RuntimeVertexDef;
use crate::canvas::managed::handles::{CanvasTextureHandle, CanvasImageHandle, CanvasFontHandle, Handle};
use crate::canvas::managed::shader::text_shader::GlyphInstance;
// I don't think this is going to work without getting into Box'ing
pub trait DrawableTest<V, H, In> where H: Handle{
fn get_vertices(&self) -> Vec<V>;
fn get_instances(&self) -> Vec<In>;
fn get_handle(&self) -> H;
pub struct DrawableTestee {
pub vertices: Vec<u32>,
pub instances: Vec<u32>,
pub handle: Arc<CanvasTextureHandle>
impl<V, H: Handle, In> DrawableTest<V, H, In> for DrawableTestee {
fn get_vertices(&self) -> Vec<V> {
fn get_instances(&self) -> Vec<In> {
fn get_handle(&self) -> H {
pub trait Drawable {
fn get_vertices(&self) -> Vec<(f32, f32, f32)>;
fn get_color(&self) -> (f32, f32, f32, f32);
fn get_ti_coords(&self) -> Vec<(f32, f32)>;
fn get_texture_handle(&self) -> Option<Arc<CanvasTextureHandle>>;
fn get_image_handle(&self) -> Option<Arc<CanvasImageHandle>>;
// fn get_text_handle(&self) -> Option<Arc<CanvasTextHandle>>;
// These needs to return a vector of raw-ass data in addition to the definition for this data
fn collect(&self) -> Vec<RuntimeVertexDef> {
let color = self.get_color();
// self.get_vertices().iter().zip(self.get_ti_coords().iter()).map(|(a, b)|
// Vertex3D {
// v_position: [a.0, a.1, a.2],
// color: [color.0, color.1, color.2, color.3],
// ti_position: [b.0, b.1],
// }).collect()
pub trait VertexDefinitionAndData {
pub struct CanvasFrame {
pub colored_drawables: Vec<RuntimeVertexDef>,
pub textured_drawables: HashMap<Arc<CanvasTextureHandle>, Vec<Vec<RuntimeVertexDef>>>,
pub image_drawables: HashMap<Arc<CanvasImageHandle>, Vec<Vec<RuntimeVertexDef>>>,
pub text_drawables: HashMap<Arc<CanvasFontHandle>, Vec<GlyphInstance>>
impl CanvasFrame {
/// Creates a bare canvas frame with empty accumulators a
pub fn new() -> CanvasFrame {
CanvasFrame {
colored_drawables: vec![],
textured_drawables: Default::default(),
image_drawables: Default::default(),
text_drawables: Default::default()
// pub fn draw_test<V : VertexDefinitionAndData, H: Handle, In>(&mut self, drawable: &dyn DrawableTest<V, H, In>) {
// let h = drawable.get_handle();
// let v = drawable.get_vertices();
// let v = v.get(0).unwrap();
// // need to fill up the drawables....
// }
// TODO: Fix this for text and fonts
/// Accumulates the drawables collected Vertex2D's
pub fn draw(&mut self, drawable: &dyn Drawable) {
match drawable.get_texture_handle() {
Some(handle) => {
None => {
match drawable.get_image_handle() {
Some(handle) => {
None => {