* But can also have structs that impl functionality
* The data can be contained within traits. But it has to do all IO through the trait interface. ALL
* Problem, for example I have primitives like textured sprites, and also complex widgets which also have additional IO they they need. Like text input or buttons. I suppose This could all be made message based. So when the text input receives a focus, and then key presses it would update. When the enter key is pressed it could create a customer event for which another component is the listener...
* Maybe this is the way to go... Have some generic structure that has a render(params), notify(event), update(delta) -> VEvent
* So if I had a textbox sprite it could notify(key events) render
* We can split up components in order to have sharable sets of data for shared functionality. e.g rendering
So that article more or less talked about what I was thinking with the ECS. But they didn't really go into the separation of components.