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5 years ago
initSidebarItems({"enum":[["Either","The enum `Either` with variants `Left` and `Right` is a general purpose sum type with two cases."]],"fn":[["empty","Creates a parallel iterator that produces nothing."],["once","Creates a parallel iterator that produces an element exactly once."],["repeat","Creates a parallel iterator that endlessly repeats `elt` (by cloning it). Note that this iterator has \"infinite\" length, so typically you would want to use `zip` or `take` or some other means to shorten it, or consider using the `repeatn()` function instead."],["repeatn","Creates a parallel iterator that produces `n` repeats of `elt` (by cloning it)."],["split","The `split` function takes arbitrary data and a closure that knows how to split it, and turns this into a `ParallelIterator`."]],"mod":[["plumbing","Traits and functions used to implement parallel iteration. These are low-level details -- users of parallel iterators should not need to interact with them directly. See [the `plumbing` README][r] for a high-level overview."]],"struct":[["Chain","`Chain` is an iterator that joins `b` after `a` in one continuous iterator. This struct is created by the [`chain()`] method on [`ParallelIterator`]"],["Chunks","`Chunks` is an iterator that groups elements of an underlying iterator."],["Cloned","`Cloned` is an iterator that clones the elements of an underlying iterator."],["Empty","Iterator adaptor for the `empty()` function."],["Enumerate","`Enumerate` is an iterator that returns the current count along with the element. This struct is created by the [`enumerate()`] method on [`IndexedParallelIterator`]"],["Filter","`Filter` takes a predicate `filter_op` and filters out elements that match. This struct is created by the [`filter()`] method on [`ParallelIterator`]"],["FilterMap","`FilterMap` creates an iterator that uses `filter_op` to both filter and map elements. This struct is created by the [`filter_map()`] method on [`ParallelIterator`]."],["FlatMap","`FlatMap` maps each element to an iterator, then flattens these iterators together. This struct is created by the [`flat_map()`] method on [`ParallelIterator`]"],["Flatten","`Flatten` turns each element to an iterator, then flattens these iterators together. This struct is created by the [`flatten()`] method on [`ParallelIterator`]."],["Fold","`Fold` is an iterator that applies a function over an iterator producing a single value. This struct is created by the [`fold()`] method on [`ParallelIterator`]"],["FoldWith","`FoldWith` is an iterator that applies a function over an iterator producing a single value. This struct is created by the [`fold_with()`] method on [`ParallelIterator`]"],["Inspect","`Inspect` is an iterator that calls a function with a reference to each element before yielding it."],["Interleave","`Interleave` is an iterator that interleaves elements of iterators `i` and `j` in one continuous iterator. This struct is created by the [`interleave()`] method on [`IndexedParallelIterator`]"],["InterleaveShortest","`InterleaveShortest` is an iterator that works similarly to `Interleave`, but this version stops returning elements once one of the iterators run out."],["Intersperse","`Intersperse` is an iterator that inserts a particular item between each item of the adapted iterator. This struct is created by the [`intersperse()`] method on [`ParallelIterator`]"],["IterBridge","`IterBridge` is a parallel iterator that wraps a sequential iterator."],["Map","`Map` is an iterator that transforms the elements of an underlying iterator."],["MapInit","`MapInit` is an iterator that transforms the elements of an underlying iterator."],["MapWith","`MapWith` is an iterator that transforms the elements of an underlying iterator."],["MaxLen","`MaxLen` is an iterator that imposes a maximum length on iterator splits. This struct is created by the [`max_len()`] method on [`IndexedParallelIterator`]"],["MinLen","`MinLen` is an iterator that imposes a minimum length on iterator splits. This struct is created by the [`min_len()`] method on [`IndexedParallelIterator`]"],["Once","Iterator