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Creation-Date: 2020-01-22T18:39:43-08:00
====== Dynamic Vertex ======
{{{code: lang="rust" linenumbers="True"
#[derive(Default, Debug, Clone)]
pub struct RuntimeVertexDef {
buffers: Vec<(u32, usize, InputRate)>, // (attribute id, stride, Vertex or Instance data)
vertex_buffer_ids: Vec<(usize, usize)>,//
attributes: Vec<(String, u32, AttributeInfo)>,
num_vertices: u32,
impl RuntimeVertexDef {
/// primitive is an input value or struct which can then describe
/// these damn values that are required for inputting them into vulkan
pub fn from_primitive(primitive: u32) -> RuntimeVertexDef {
/// Returns the indices of the buffers to bind as vertex buffers and the byte offset, when
/// drawing the primitive.
pub fn vertex_buffer_ids(&self) -> &[(usize, usize)] {
unsafe impl<I> VertexDefinition<I> for RuntimeVertexDef
where I: ShaderInterfaceDef
/// Iterator that returns the offset, the stride (in bytes) and input rate of each buffer.
type BuffersIter = VecIntoIter<(u32, usize, InputRate)>;
/// Iterator that returns the attribute location, buffer id, and infos.
type AttribsIter = VecIntoIter<(u32, u32, AttributeInfo)>;
fn definition(&self, interface: &I) ->
<(Self::BuffersIter, Self::AttribsIter), IncompatibleVertexDefinitionError>{
let buffers = vec![
(0, mem::size_of::<T>(), InputRate::Vertex),
(1, mem::size_of::<U>(), InputRate::Instance),
/// I don't know what the fuck is going on here... It just repackages the buffs
/// Needs the num vertices
unsafe impl VertexSource<Vec<Arc<dyn BufferAccess + Send + Sync>>> for RuntimeVertexDef {
fn decode(&self, bufs: Vec<Arc<dyn BufferAccess + Send + Sync>>)
-> (Vec<Box<dyn BufferAccess + Send + Sync>>, usize, usize)
bufs.into_iter().map(|b| Box::new(b) as Box<_>).collect(), // Box up the buffers
self.num_vertices as usize, // Number of vertices
1 // Number of instances