@ -26,31 +25,27 @@ Currently I'm getting my bearings again on this project.
=== canvas ===
I made a maybe(?) good change to the heirarchy of the canvas. Hiding the construction of handles from anything outside.
Currently, canvas is separated out to the state container itself and one API class for users to interact with, in addition to a set of 'managed' objects
Buffers and Handles are at one level, shared with text which is unrelated.
Why do I hold the shader handles (CompiledShaderHandle)
Currently, canvas is separated out to
* A state container: CanvasState
* An Interface class CanvasFrame
* `Managed` objects. Aka, everything that CanvasState holds
In Shader lie the shader compilers, pipelines, and supporting data.
CanvasText is just laying around until I use it...
Shader pipeline objects exists in one level of managed
Handle and Buffer objects exists in the base managed level
**Current Question:**
Where do I put the CompiledShaderHandles?
I need to put them where I create them. The actual shader doesn't.
== Do I commit to the all handles in handles.rs? ==
FYI The shader API is actually pretty badass
=== canvas frame ===
The current workflow:
load_shader::<GenericShader, ColorVertex2D>("shadername", a, b);
enum of vertex types
sprite holds vertex::type1
poly holds vertex::type2
canvasframe holds <enumType>
So right now it looks like I am having some trouble in the drawing of the CanvasFrame I've crafted.
canvasState.run takes canvasFrame<enumType>
It is seriously just a Vector of VertexTypes. Which should be fine