pulled swapchain out of shaderkernels

mitchellhansen 6 years ago
parent 28878dc345
commit bb1f782168

@ -8,14 +8,5 @@ layout(set = 0, binding = 0) uniform sampler2D tex;
layout(set = 0, binding = 1, rgba32ui) readonly uniform uimage2D img;
void main() {
ivec2 pos = ivec2(gl_FragCoord.x, gl_FragCoord.y);
f_color = imageLoad(img, ivec2(pos)) / (255.0);
float gamma = 0.5;
f_color.rgb = pow(f_color.rgb, vec3(1.0/gamma));
//f_color = out_color;
// f_color = texture(tex, tex_coords);
f_color = out_color;

@ -7,7 +7,5 @@ layout(location = 1) out vec4 out_color;
void main() {
out_color = color;
gl_Position = vec4(position, 0.0, 1.0);
tex_coords = position;

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
// Canvas is the accumulator of Sprites for drawing
// Needs to know:
// textured?
// colored?
// vertices
If it is textured. It needs to be rendered with the texture shader which requires a separate
graphics pipeline. Might as well have a new render pass as well.
Need to pull recreate swapchain out of shader_kernels.rs
I need a second version of shaderkernels
trait Drawable {
fn draw() {
pub struct Canvas {
impl Canvas {
pub fn new() -> Canvas {
Canvas {
pub fn draw() ->

@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ use vulkano::descriptor::pipeline_layout::PipelineLayoutAbstract;
use vulkano::sync::GpuFuture;
use shaderc::CompileOptions;
use shade_runner::CompileError;
use crate::workpiece::{WorkpieceLoader, Workpiece};
use winit::{EventsLoop, WindowBuilder, WindowEvent, Event, DeviceEvent, VirtualKeyCode, ElementState};
use winit::dpi::LogicalSize;
use vulkano_win::VkSurfaceBuild;
@ -54,7 +53,6 @@ mod input;
mod vkprocessor;
mod util;
mod button;
mod workpiece;
mod vertex_2d;
mod vertex_3d;
mod sprite;
@ -76,6 +74,7 @@ fn main() {
processor.compile_shaders(String::from("simple_texture"), &surface);
let mut timer = Timer::new();
let mut frame_future = Box::new(sync::now(processor.device.clone())) as Box<dyn GpuFuture>;

@ -125,10 +125,8 @@ pub struct VkProcessor<'a> {
pub image_buffer: Vec<u8>,
pub compute_image_buffers: Vec<Arc<CpuAccessibleBuffer<[u8]>>>,
pub settings_buffer: Option<Arc<CpuAccessibleBuffer<[u32]>>>,
// pub swapchain: Option<Arc<Swapchain<Window>>>,
// pub images: Option<Vec<Arc<SwapchainImage<Window>>>>,
pub xy: (u32, u32),
pub render_pass: Option<Arc<RenderPassAbstract + Send + Sync>>,
pub vertex_buffer: Option<Arc<(dyn BufferAccess + std::marker::Send + std::marker::Sync + 'static)>>,
pub vertex_buffer2: Option<Arc<(dyn BufferAccess + std::marker::Send + std::marker::Sync + 'static)>>,
pub dynamic_state: DynamicState,
@ -139,8 +137,9 @@ pub struct VkProcessor<'a> {
pub image_buffer_store : Vec<Box<ImageAccess + Send + Sync>>,
pub compute_image: Option<ComputeImage>,
pub swapchain: Option<Arc<Swapchain<Window>>>,
pub swapchain_images: Option<Vec<Arc<SwapchainImage<Window>>>>,
// pub image_buffers_obj : ImageBuffers,
@ -183,7 +182,6 @@ impl<'a> VkProcessor<'a> {
compute_image_buffers: Vec::new(),
settings_buffer: Option::None,
xy: (0, 0),
render_pass: Option::None,
vertex_buffer: Option::None,
vertex_buffer2: None,
@ -193,7 +191,10 @@ impl<'a> VkProcessor<'a> {
textures: vec![],
image_buffer_store: vec![],
compute_image: None
compute_image: None,
swapchain: None,
swapchain_images: None
@ -212,9 +213,64 @@ impl<'a> VkProcessor<'a> {
pub fn create_swapchain(&mut self, surface: &'a Arc<Surface<Window>>) {
let (mut swapchain, images) = {
let capabilities = surface.capabilities(self.physical).unwrap();
let usage = capabilities.supported_usage_flags;
let alpha = capabilities.supported_composite_alpha.iter().next().unwrap();
// Choosing the internal format that the images will have.
let format = capabilities.supported_formats[0].0;
// Set the swapchains window dimensions
let initial_dimensions = if let Some(dimensions) = surface.window().get_inner_size() {
// convert to physical pixels
let dimensions: (u32, u32) = dimensions.to_physical(surface.window().get_hidpi_factor()).into();
[dimensions.0, dimensions.1]
} else {
// The window no longer exists so exit the application.
panic!("window closed");
1, // Layers
PresentMode::Fifo, true, None).unwrap()
self.swapchain = Some(swapchain);
self.swapchain_images = Some(images);
// On resizes we have to recreate the swapchain
pub fn recreate_swapchain(&mut self, surface: &'a Arc<Surface<Window>>) {
self.shader_kernels = Some(self.shader_kernels.take().unwrap().recreate_swapchain(surface));
let dimensions = if let Some(dimensions) = surface.window().get_inner_size() {
let dimensions: (u32, u32) = dimensions.to_physical(surface.window().get_hidpi_factor()).into();
[dimensions.0, dimensions.1]
} else {
let (new_swapchain, new_images) = match self.swapchain.clone().unwrap().clone().recreate_with_dimension(dimensions) {
Ok(r) => r,
// This error tends to happen when the user is manually resizing the window.
// Simply restarting the loop is the easiest way to fix this issue.
Err(SwapchainCreationError::UnsupportedDimensions) => panic!("Uh oh"),
Err(err) => panic!("{:?}", err)
self.swapchain = Some(new_swapchain);
self.swapchain_images = Some(new_images);
fn get_texture_from_file(image_filename: String, queue: Arc<Queue>) -> Arc<ImmutableImage<Format>> {
@ -376,7 +432,7 @@ impl<'a> VkProcessor<'a> {
pub fn run(&mut self, surface: &'a Arc<Surface<Window>>, mut frame_future: Box<dyn GpuFuture>) -> Box<dyn GpuFuture> {
let mut framebuffers = window_size_dependent_setup(&self.shader_kernels.clone().unwrap().swapchain_images.clone(),
let mut framebuffers = window_size_dependent_setup(&self.swapchain_images.clone().unwrap().clone(),
&mut self.dynamic_state);
@ -388,8 +444,8 @@ impl<'a> VkProcessor<'a> {
// Whenever the window resizes we need to recreate everything dependent on the window size.
// In this example that includes the swapchain, the framebuffers and the dynamic state viewport.
if recreate_swapchain {
self.shader_kernels = Some(self.shader_kernels.clone().unwrap().recreate_swapchain(surface));
framebuffers = window_size_dependent_setup(&self.shader_kernels.clone().unwrap().swapchain_images.clone(),
framebuffers = window_size_dependent_setup(&self.swapchain_images.clone().unwrap().clone(),
&mut self.dynamic_state);
@ -398,7 +454,7 @@ impl<'a> VkProcessor<'a> {
// This function can block if no image is available. The parameter is an optional timeout
// after which the function call will return an error.
let (image_num, acquire_future) = match vulkano::swapchain::acquire_next_image(self.shader_kernels.clone().unwrap().swapchain.clone(), None) {
let (image_num, acquire_future) = match vulkano::swapchain::acquire_next_image(self.swapchain.clone().unwrap().clone(), None) {
Ok(r) => r,
Err(AcquireError::OutOfDate) => {
recreate_swapchain = true;
@ -450,7 +506,7 @@ impl<'a> VkProcessor<'a> {
// Wait on the previous frame, then execute the command buffer and present the image
let future = frame_future.join(acquire_future)
.then_execute(self.queue.clone(), command_buffer).unwrap()
.then_swapchain_present(self.queue.clone(), self.shader_kernels.clone().unwrap().swapchain.clone(), image_num)
.then_swapchain_present(self.queue.clone(), self.swapchain.clone().unwrap().clone(), image_num)
match future {

@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ struct EntryPoint<'a> {
pub struct ShaderKernels {
pub swapchain : Arc<Swapchain<Window>>,
pub swapchain_images: Vec<Arc<SwapchainImage<Window>>>, // Surface which is drawn to
// pub swapchain : Arc<Swapchain<Window>>,
// pub swapchain_images: Vec<Arc<SwapchainImage<Window>>>, // Surface which is drawn to
pub render_pass: Arc<RenderPassAbstract + Send + Sync>,
pub graphics_pipeline: Option<Arc<GraphicsPipelineAbstract + Sync + Send>>,
@ -93,26 +93,26 @@ impl ShaderKernels {
// On resizes we have to recreate the swapchain
pub fn recreate_swapchain(mut self, surface: &Arc<Surface<Window>>) -> Self {
let dimensions = if let Some(dimensions) = surface.window().get_inner_size() {
let dimensions: (u32, u32) = dimensions.to_physical(surface.window().get_hidpi_factor()).into();
[dimensions.0, dimensions.1]
} else {
return self;
let (new_swapchain, new_images) = match self.swapchain.clone().recreate_with_dimension(dimensions) {
Ok(r) => r,
// This error tends to happen when the user is manually resizing the window.
// Simply restarting the loop is the easiest way to fix this issue.
Err(SwapchainCreationError::UnsupportedDimensions) => panic!("Uh oh"),
Err(err) => panic!("{:?}", err)
self.swapchain = new_swapchain;
self.swapchain_images = new_images;
// pub fn recreate_swapchain(mut self, surface: &Arc<Surface<Window>>) -> Self {
// let dimensions = if let Some(dimensions) = surface.window().get_inner_size() {
// let dimensions: (u32, u32) = dimensions.to_physical(surface.window().get_hidpi_factor()).into();
// [dimensions.0, dimensions.1]
// } else {
// return self;
// };
// let (new_swapchain, new_images) = match self.swapchain.clone().recreate_with_dimension(dimensions) {
// Ok(r) => r,
// // This error tends to happen when the user is manually resizing the window.
// // Simply restarting the loop is the easiest way to fix this issue.
// Err(SwapchainCreationError::UnsupportedDimensions) => panic!("Uh oh"),
// Err(err) => panic!("{:?}", err)
// };
// self.swapchain = new_swapchain;
// self.swapchain_images = new_images;
// self
// }
pub fn new(filename: String,
surface: &Arc<Surface<Window>>,
@ -120,35 +120,38 @@ impl ShaderKernels {
physical: PhysicalDevice,
device: Arc<Device>) -> ShaderKernels {
let (mut swapchain, images) = {
let capabilities = surface.capabilities(physical).unwrap();
let usage = capabilities.supported_usage_flags;
let alpha = capabilities.supported_composite_alpha.iter().next().unwrap();
// Choosing the internal format that the images will have.
let format = capabilities.supported_formats[0].0;
// Set the swapchains window dimensions
let initial_dimensions = if let Some(dimensions) = surface.window().get_inner_size() {
// convert to physical pixels
let dimensions: (u32, u32) = dimensions.to_physical(surface.window().get_hidpi_factor()).into();
[dimensions.0, dimensions.1]
} else {
// The window no longer exists so exit the application.
panic!("window closed");
1, // Layers
PresentMode::Fifo, true, None).unwrap()
// let (mut swapchain, images) = {
// let capabilities = surface.capabilities(physical).unwrap();
// let usage = capabilities.supported_usage_flags;
// let alpha = capabilities.supported_composite_alpha.iter().next().unwrap();
// // Choosing the internal format that the images will have.
// let format = capabilities.supported_formats[0].0;
// // Set the swapchains window dimensions
// let initial_dimensions = if let Some(dimensions) = surface.window().get_inner_size() {
// // convert to physical pixels
// let dimensions: (u32, u32) = dimensions.to_physical(surface.window().get_hidpi_factor()).into();
// [dimensions.0, dimensions.1]
// } else {
// // The window no longer exists so exit the application.
// panic!("window closed");
// };
// Swapchain::new(device.clone(),
// surface.clone(),
// capabilities.min_image_count,
// format,
// initial_dimensions,
// 1, // Layers
// usage,
// &queue,
// SurfaceTransform::Identity,
// alpha,
// PresentMode::Fifo, true, None).unwrap()
// };
let capabilities = surface.capabilities(physical).unwrap();
let format = capabilities.supported_formats[0].0;
let filenames = ShaderKernels::get_path(filename.clone());
@ -208,7 +211,7 @@ impl ShaderKernels {
// be one of the types of the `vulkano::format` module (or alternatively one
// of your structs that implements the `FormatDesc` trait). Here we use the
// same format as the swapchain.
format: swapchain.clone().format(),
format: format,
// TODO:
samples: 1,
@ -224,8 +227,8 @@ impl ShaderKernels {
ShaderKernels {
swapchain: swapchain,
swapchain_images: images,
// swapchain: swapchain,
// swapchain_images: images,
//physical: physical,
//options: CompileOptions::new().ok_or(CompileError::CreateCompiler).unwrap(),
