
mitchellhansen 6 years ago
parent c39994a7ae
commit e0e9218d6e

@ -61,16 +61,93 @@ The issue here is that kinda muddles the API a bit. I would need to do something
8/27 :
Compute.create_compute(data) -> compute_buffer_id
Canvas.load_image(compute_buffer_id, Compute)
But I dont always want to draw a computable...
Which I guess is fine. I could have another datatype implement computable
-> Drawable, Computable
-> Drawable
-> Drawable
-> get pipeline id (need to assoc. compiled kernel)
-> get texture id
-> get image id
-> get color
-> get vertices
get data
set data?
set settings?
get swap image id
get vertices
get color
get texture id
get descriptor set
need some sort of computable interface for the Sprite. It already has drawable
so why not computable
Pipeline is the compiled kernel/shader
in the shaders case, it has the vertex definition, constants, and the compiled code
in kernel, its just constants and compiled code
Descriptor set holds the buffers which we will pass to the pipeline
rw and settings buffers for the compu
texture buffer for the textured
image buffer for the image (swap)
Need to have certain stages in the building of the command buffer.
(Z level????)
1.) computes
2.) compute swaps
3.) render images
4.) render textures
5.) render solids
So to start with we need to know the compute data which we want to run and the kernel we want to run it on. We combine the buffers along with the pipeline generated from the compiled kernel and get
the descriptor set. We also need the XY for the compute run
I think I need to keep these kernels in their own Canvas type of structure
I want to modify their constants and recompile
let comp = Computable::new(device, data, kernel_id)
I have canvas frame. Perhaps I should do something similar for compute
ComputeFrame.add(device, data, kernel_id)
Not sure if I can do this... but inside it could be like
CompuSprite::new(&mut canvas, kernel);
new(&mut canvas) -> CompuSprite {
let img_id = canvas.new_image();
Canvas {
Canvas::swap_into(compute_buffer, swap_image);
