Content-Type: text/x-zim-wiki Wiki-Format: zim 0.4 Creation-Date: 2020-10-06T22:33:37-07:00 ====== layout-scripts ====== Created Tuesday 06 October 2020 ===== Keywords ===== ***table will need some description of it's requested elements*** **Actually I think this could just be done in the parser. Emitting warnings if names dont match** elem table { } **elem is a keyword specifying that the next token will implement some type of rendering behaviour in this case, it is a table.** elem table : globalTableFormatting { meta tableFormatting { } } meta globalTableFormatting { } **meta is a keyword specifying that the next token will contain some subset of the data that an elem that needs to render.** ===== Nesting ===== **There is no way around a tree structure in the markup.** elem div { } elem table { meta tableFormatting { color: Black, } elem tr { elem tc { text: "testText1" } elem tc { text: "testText2" } } } **But I think I can strongly type the nesting structure, e.g** struct Table { fn addChild(child: TableRow) } elem!(table, Table) struct TableRow { fn addChild(child: TableColumn) } elem!(table, TableRow)