use crate::util::vertex_3d::{Vertex3D}; use std::sync::Arc; use std::collections::HashMap; use crate::canvas::canvas_state::{Drawable}; use crate::canvas::shader::text_shader::GlyphInstance; use std::hash::Hash; use crate::canvas::*; use crate::canvas::shader::dynamic_vertex::RuntimeVertexDef; use crate::canvas::canvas_state::CanvasFontHandle; /// I dont know why this isnt working /// fqowiejf pub struct CanvasFrame { pub colored_drawables: Vec, pub textured_drawables: HashMap, Vec>>, pub image_drawables: HashMap, Vec>>, pub text_drawables: HashMap, Vec> } /* This is sort of the beginning of our interface with the user definable sprites. Will be taking in multiple type of items TEXT FontHandle VertexDefintion color position instances (string) Textured TextureHandle VertexDefintion position coords size Vertex definition is directly correlated to the compiled code. How do I bucket these I guess I could store them and set handles like I do textures The only ent that can create these vertex handles is the vkprocessor. So Text can only get a vertex definition by going like shader.get_definition() Text FontHandle VertexHandle Drawable must include shader_handle (but how to I get this to the text? this is runtime) Okay, no. Maybe a default shader type of setup. With a shader handle override???? Type: Text Textured Img Color frame.draw(text) { text.type == TEXT { // When it matches to default text shader text_shader.get_definition() text_shader.get_pipeline() } ... else { // When the user passes in a shader text.shader_handle.get_definition() text.shader_handle.get_pipeline() } } // Has default shader let text = Text::new("asdoif"); let frame = CanvasFrame::new(); frame.draw(text);; */ impl CanvasFrame { /// Creates a bare canvas frame with empty accumulators a pub fn new() -> CanvasFrame { CanvasFrame { colored_drawables: vec![], textured_drawables: Default::default(), image_drawables: Default::default(), text_drawables: Default::default() } } // TODO: Fix this for text and fonts /// Accumulates the drawables collected Vertex2D's pub fn draw(&mut self, drawable: &dyn Drawable) { match drawable.get_texture_handle() { Some(handle) => { self.textured_drawables .entry(handle.clone()) .or_insert(Vec::new()) .push(drawable.collect()); } None => { match drawable.get_image_handle() { Some(handle) => { self.image_drawables .entry(handle.clone()) .or_insert(Vec::new()) .push(drawable.collect()); } None => { self.colored_drawables.extend(drawable.collect()); } } } } } } pub struct GenericCanvasFrame { frame_data: HashMap, Vec)>> } // //impl GenericCanvasFrame { // // /// Creates a bare canvas frame with empty accumulators // pub fn new() -> GenericCanvasFrame { // GenericCanvasFrame { // frame_data: Default::default() // } // } // // pub fn draw(&mut self, drawable: &dyn DrawableTest) { // self.frame_data // .entry(drawable.get_handle().clone()) // .or_insert(Vec::new()) // .push((drawable.get_vertices(), drawable.get_instances())); // } //}