initSidebarItems({"constant":[["IN_ACCESS","Event: File was accessed"],["IN_ALL_EVENTS","Event: Any event occured"],["IN_ATTRIB","Event: Metadata was changed"],["IN_CLOEXEC","Set the `FD_CLOEXEC` flag for an inotify instance"],["IN_CLOSE","Event: File was closed"],["IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE","Event: Non-writable file or directory was closed"],["IN_CLOSE_WRITE","Event: Writable file was closed"],["IN_CREATE","Event: File or directory was created in watched directory"],["IN_DELETE","Event: File or directory in watched directory was deleted"],["IN_DELETE_SELF","Event: Watched file or directory was deleted"],["IN_DONT_FOLLOW","Don't dereference path, if it is a symbolic link"],["IN_EXCL_UNLINK","Ignore events for children, that have been unlinked from watched directory"],["IN_IGNORED","Indicates that a file system watch was removed"],["IN_ISDIR","Indicates that the subject of an event is a directory"],["IN_MASK_ADD","Update existing watch mask, instead of replacing it"],["IN_MODIFY","Event: File was modified"],["IN_MOVE","Event: File or directory within watched directory was moved"],["IN_MOVED_FROM","Event: File or directory was moved out of watched directory"],["IN_MOVED_TO","Event: File or directory was moved into watched directory"],["IN_MOVE_SELF","Event: Watched file or directory was moved"],["IN_NONBLOCK","Set an inotify instance to non-blocking mode"],["IN_ONESHOT","Remove watch after one event"],["IN_ONLYDIR","Only watch path, if it is a directory"],["IN_OPEN","Event: File or directory was opened"],["IN_Q_OVERFLOW","Indicates that the event queue has overflowed"],["IN_UNMOUNT","Indicates that file system containing a watched object has been unmounted"]],"fn":[["close",""],["inotify_add_watch","Adds or updates an inotify watch"],["inotify_init","Creates an inotify instance"],["inotify_init1","Creates an inotify instance"],["inotify_rm_watch","Removes an inotify watch"],["read",""]],"struct":[["inotify_event","Describes a file system event"]]});