initSidebarItems({"enum":[["AccessCheckError","Error that can happen when checking whether we have access to a resource."],["AccessError","Access to a resource was denied."],["FenceWaitError","Error that can be returned when waiting on a fence."],["FlushError","Error that can happen when creating a graphics pipeline."],["Sharing","Declares in which queue(s) a resource can be used."],["SharingMode","Declares in which queue(s) a resource can be used."]],"fn":[["now","Builds a future that represents \"now\"."]],"struct":[["AccessFlagBits",""],["Event","Used to block the GPU execution until an event on the CPU occurs."],["Fence","A fence is used to know when a command buffer submission has finished its execution."],["FenceSignalFuture","Represents a fence being signaled after a previous event."],["JoinFuture","Two futures joined into one."],["NowFuture","A dummy future that represents \"now\"."],["PipelineStages",""],["Semaphore","Used to provide synchronization between command buffers during their execution."],["SemaphoreSignalFuture","Represents a semaphore being signaled after a previous event."]],"trait":[["GpuFuture","Represents an event that will happen on the GPU in the future."]]});