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initSidebarItems({"fn":[["abs","The absolute value of `a`."],["angle","Computes the smallest angle between two vectors."],["center","The center of two points."],["clamp","Returns a reference to the input value clamped to the interval `[min, max]`."],["convert","Converts an object from one type to an equivalent or more general one."],["convert_ref","Converts an object from one type to an equivalent or more general one."],["convert_ref_unchecked","Use with care! Same as `try_convert` but without any property checks."],["convert_unchecked","Use with care! Same as `try_convert` but without any property checks."],["dimension","The dimension of the given algebraic entity seen as a vector space."],["distance","The distance between two points."],["distance_squared","The squared distance between two points."],["dot","Computes the dot product of two vectors."],["id","Gets the ubiquitous multiplicative identity element."],["inf","Returns the infimum of `a` and `b`."],["inf_sup","Returns simultaneously the infimum and supremum of `a` and `b`."],["inverse","Computes the multiplicative inverse of an (always invertible) algebraic entity."],["is_convertible","Indicates if `try_convert` will succeed without actually performing the conversion."],["magnitude","A synonym for `norm`, aka length."],["magnitude_squared","A synonym for `norm_squared`, aka length squared."],["max","Same as `cmp::max`."],["min","Same as `cmp::min`."],["norm","Computes the L2 (Euclidean) norm of a vector."],["norm_squared","Computes the squared L2 (Euclidean) norm of the vector `v`."],["normalize","Computes the normalized version of the vector `v`."],["one","Gets the multiplicative identity element."],["origin","Gets the origin of the given point."],["partial_clamp","Clamp `value` between `min` and `max`. Returns `None` if `value` is not comparable to `min` or `max`."],["partial_cmp","Compare `a` and `b` using a partial ordering relation."],["partial_ge","Returns `true` iff `a` and `b` are comparable and `a >= b`."],["partial_gt","Returns `true` iff `a` and `b` are comparable and `a > b`."],["partial_le","Returns `true` iff `a` and `b` are comparable and `a <= b`."],["partial_lt","Returns `true` iff `a` and `b` are comparable and `a < b`."],["partial_max","Return the maximum of `a` and `b` if they are comparable."],["partial_min","Return the minimum of `a` and `b` if they are comparable."],["partial_sort2","Sorts two values in increasing order using a partial ordering."],["sup","Returns the supremum of `a` and `b`."],["try_convert","Attempts to convert an object to a more specific one."],["try_convert_ref","Attempts to convert an object to a more specific one."],["try_inverse","Tries to gets an inverted copy of a square matrix."],["try_normalize","Computes the normalized version of the vector `v` or returns `None` if its norm is smaller than `min_norm`."],["wrap","Wraps `val` into the range `[min, max]` using modular arithmetics."],["zero","Gets the additive identity element."]],"mod":[["base","[Reexported at the root of this crate.] Data structures for vector and matrix computations."],["geometry","[Reexported at the root of this crate.] Data structures for points and usual transformations (rotations, isometries, etc.)"],["linalg","[Reexported at the root of this crate.] Factorization of real matrices."]],"struct":[["Complex","A complex number in Cartesian form."],["Id","The universal identity element wrt. a given operator, usually noted `Id` with a context-dependent subscript."]],"trait":[["ComplexField","Trait shared by all complex fields and its subfields (like real numbers)."],["Real","The field of reals. This has been renamed to `RealField`."],["RealField","Trait shared by all reals."]]});