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initSidebarItems({"enum":[["Bits","Containes either the consumed bytes and reconstructed bits or only the consumed bytes if the supplied buffer was not bit enough"]],"fn":[["encode","Convenience function that reads and compresses all bytes from `R`."]],"struct":[["Decoder","Decoder for a LZW compressed stream (this algorithm is used for GIF files)."],["DecoderEarlyChange","Decoder for a LZW compressed stream using an “early change” algorithm (used in TIFF files)."],["Encoder","LZW encoder using the algorithm of GIF files."],["LsbReader","Reads bits from a byte stream, LSB first."],["LsbWriter","Writes bits to a byte stream, LSB first."],["MsbReader","Reads bits from a byte stream, MSB first."],["MsbWriter","Writes bits to a byte stream, MSB first."]],"trait":[["BitReader","A bit reader."],["BitWriter","A bit writer."]]});