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initSidebarItems({"enum":[["AllocFromRequirementsFilter",""],["AllocLayout","Layout of the object being allocated."],["MappingRequirement","Whether an allocation should map the memory or not."],["PotentialDedicatedAllocation","Enumeration that can contain either a generic allocation coming from a pool, or a dedicated allocation for one specific resource."]],"struct":[["StdHostVisibleMemoryTypePool","Memory pool that operates on a given memory type."],["StdHostVisibleMemoryTypePoolAlloc",""],["StdMemoryPool",""],["StdMemoryPoolAlloc",""],["StdNonHostVisibleMemoryTypePool","Memory pool that operates on a given memory type."],["StdNonHostVisibleMemoryTypePoolAlloc",""]],"trait":[["MemoryPool","Pool of GPU-visible memory that can be allocated from."],["MemoryPoolAlloc","Object that represents a single allocation. Its destructor should free the chunk."]]});