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initSidebarItems({"enum":[["IncompatibleVertexDefinitionError","Error that can happen when the vertex definition doesn't match the input of the vertex shader."],["InputRate","How the vertex source should be unrolled."],["VertexMemberTy","Type of a member of a vertex struct."]],"struct":[["AttributeInfo","Information about a single attribute within a vertex. TODO: change that API"],["BufferlessDefinition","Implementation of `VertexDefinition` for drawing with no buffers at all."],["BufferlessVertices","Value to be passed as the vertex source for bufferless draw commands."],["OneVertexOneInstanceDefinition","Unstable."],["SingleBufferDefinition","Implementation of `VertexDefinition` for a single vertex buffer."],["SingleInstanceBufferDefinition","Same as `SingleBufferDefinition` but advances by instance."],["TwoBuffersDefinition","Unstable."],["VertexMemberInfo","Information about a member of a vertex struct."]],"trait":[["Vertex","Describes an individual `Vertex`. In other words a collection of attributes that can be read from a vertex shader."],["VertexDefinition","Trait for types that describe the definition of the vertex input used by a graphics pipeline."],["VertexMember","Trait for data types that can be used as vertex members. Used by the `impl_vertex!` macro."],["VertexSource","Extension trait of `VertexDefinition`. The `L` parameter is an acceptable vertex source for this vertex definition."]]});