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<p>Just like for CPU code, you have to ensure that buffers and images are not accessed mutably by
multiple GPU queues simultaneously and that they are not accessed mutably by the CPU and by the
GPU simultaneously.</p>
<p>This safety is enforced at runtime by vulkano but it is not magic and you will require some
knowledge if you want to avoid errors.</p>
<h1 id="futures" class="section-header"><a href="#futures">Futures</a></h1>
<p>Whenever you ask the GPU to start an operation by using a function of the vulkano library (for
example executing a command buffer), this function will return a <em>future</em>. A future is an
object that implements <a href="trait.GpuFuture.html">the <code>GpuFuture</code> trait</a> and that represents the
point in time when this operation is over.</p>
<p>No function in vulkano immediately sends an operation to the GPU (with the exception of some
unsafe low-level functions). Instead they return a future that is in the pending state. Before
the GPU actually starts doing anything, you have to <em>flush</em> the future by calling the <code>flush()</code>
method or one of its derivatives.</p>
<p>Futures serve several roles:</p>
<li>Futures can be used to build dependencies between operations and makes it possible to ask
that an operation starts only after a previous operation is finished.</li>
<li>Submitting an operation to the GPU is a costly operation. By chaining multiple operations
with futures you will submit them all at once instead of one by one, thereby reducing this
<li>Futures keep alive the resources and objects used by the GPU so that they don't get destroyed
while they are still in use.</li>
<p>The last point means that you should keep futures alive in your program for as long as their
corresponding operation is potentially still being executed by the GPU. Dropping a future
earlier will block the current thread (after flushing, if necessary) until the GPU has finished
the operation, which is usually not what you want.</p>
<p>If you write a function that submits an operation to the GPU in your program, you are
encouraged to let this function return the corresponding future and let the caller handle it.
This way the caller will be able to chain multiple futures together and decide when it wants to
keep the future alive or drop it.</p>
<h1 id="executing-an-operation-after-a-future" class="section-header"><a href="#executing-an-operation-after-a-future">Executing an operation after a future</a></h1>
<p>Respecting the order of operations on the GPU is important, as it is what <em>proves</em> vulkano that
what you are doing is indeed safe. For example if you submit two operations that modify the
same buffer, then you need to execute one after the other instead of submitting them
independently. Failing to do so would mean that these two operations could potentially execute
simultaneously on the GPU, which would be unsafe.</p>
<p>This is done by calling one of the methods of the <code>GpuFuture</code> trait. For example calling
<code>prev_future.then_execute(command_buffer)</code> takes ownership of <code>prev_future</code> and will make sure
to only start executing <code>command_buffer</code> after the moment corresponding to <code>prev_future</code>
happens. The object returned by the <code>then_execute</code> function is itself a future that corresponds
to the moment when the execution of <code>command_buffer</code> ends.</p>
<h2 id="between-two-different-gpu-queues" class="section-header"><a href="#between-two-different-gpu-queues">Between two different GPU queues</a></h2>
<p>When you want to perform an operation after another operation on two different queues, you
<strong>must</strong> put a <em>semaphore</em> between them. Failure to do so would result in a runtime error.
Adding a semaphore is a simple as replacing <code>prev_future.then_execute(...)</code> with
<p><strong>Note</strong>: A common use-case is using a transfer queue (ie. a queue that is only capable of
performing transfer operations) to write data to a buffer, then read that data from the
rendering queue.</p>
<p>What happens when you do so is that the first queue will execute the first set of operations
(represented by <code>prev_future</code> in the example), then put a semaphore in the signalled state.
Meanwhile the second queue blocks (if necessary) until that same semaphore gets signalled, and
then only will execute the second set of operations.</p>
<p>Since you want to avoid blocking the second queue as much as possible, you probably want to
flush the operation to the first queue as soon as possible. This can easily be done by calling
<code>then_signal_semaphore_and_flush()</code> instead of <code>then_signal_semaphore()</code>.</p>
<h2 id="between-several-different-gpu-queues" class="section-header"><a href="#between-several-different-gpu-queues">Between several different GPU queues</a></h2>
<p>The <code>then_signal_semaphore()</code> method is appropriate when you perform an operation in one queue,
and want to see the result in another queue. However in some situations you want to start
multiple operations on several different queues.</p>
<p>TODO: this is not yet implemented</p>
<h1 id="fences" class="section-header"><a href="#fences">Fences</a></h1>
<p>A <code>Fence</code> is an object that is used to signal the CPU when an operation on the GPU is finished.</p>
<p>Signalling a fence is done by calling <code>then_signal_fence()</code> on a future. Just like semaphores,
you are encouraged to use <code>then_signal_fence_and_flush()</code> instead.</p>
<p>Signalling a fence is kind of a "terminator" to a chain of futures.</p>
<p>TODO: lots of problems with how to use fences
TODO: talk about fence + semaphore simultaneously
TODO: talk about using fences to clean up</p>
</div><h2 id='structs' class='section-header'><a href="#structs">Structs</a></h2>
<table><tr class='module-item'><td><a class="struct" href="struct.AccessFlagBits.html" title='vulkano::sync::AccessFlagBits struct'>AccessFlagBits</a></td><td class='docblock-short'></td></tr><tr class='module-item'><td><a class="struct" href="struct.Event.html" title='vulkano::sync::Event struct'>Event</a></td><td class='docblock-short'><p>Used to block the GPU execution until an event on the CPU occurs.</p>
</td></tr><tr class='module-item'><td><a class="struct" href="struct.Fence.html" title='vulkano::sync::Fence struct'>Fence</a></td><td class='docblock-short'><p>A fence is used to know when a command buffer submission has finished its execution.</p>
</td></tr><tr class='module-item'><td><a class="struct" href="struct.FenceSignalFuture.html" title='vulkano::sync::FenceSignalFuture struct'>FenceSignalFuture</a></td><td class='docblock-short'><p>Represents a fence being signaled after a previous event.</p>
</td></tr><tr class='module-item'><td><a class="struct" href="struct.JoinFuture.html" title='vulkano::sync::JoinFuture struct'>JoinFuture</a></td><td class='docblock-short'><p>Two futures joined into one.</p>
</td></tr><tr class='module-item'><td><a class="struct" href="struct.NowFuture.html" title='vulkano::sync::NowFuture struct'>NowFuture</a></td><td class='docblock-short'><p>A dummy future that represents "now".</p>
</td></tr><tr class='module-item'><td><a class="struct" href="struct.PipelineStages.html" title='vulkano::sync::PipelineStages struct'>PipelineStages</a></td><td class='docblock-short'></td></tr><tr class='module-item'><td><a class="struct" href="struct.Semaphore.html" title='vulkano::sync::Semaphore struct'>Semaphore</a></td><td class='docblock-short'><p>Used to provide synchronization between command buffers during their execution.</p>
</td></tr><tr class='module-item'><td><a class="struct" href="struct.SemaphoreSignalFuture.html" title='vulkano::sync::SemaphoreSignalFuture struct'>SemaphoreSignalFuture</a></td><td class='docblock-short'><p>Represents a semaphore being signaled after a previous event.</p>
</td></tr></table><h2 id='enums' class='section-header'><a href="#enums">Enums</a></h2>
<table><tr class='module-item'><td><a class="enum" href="enum.AccessCheckError.html" title='vulkano::sync::AccessCheckError enum'>AccessCheckError</a></td><td class='docblock-short'><p>Error that can happen when checking whether we have access to a resource.</p>
</td></tr><tr class='module-item'><td><a class="enum" href="enum.AccessError.html" title='vulkano::sync::AccessError enum'>AccessError</a></td><td class='docblock-short'><p>Access to a resource was denied.</p>
</td></tr><tr class='module-item'><td><a class="enum" href="enum.FenceWaitError.html" title='vulkano::sync::FenceWaitError enum'>FenceWaitError</a></td><td class='docblock-short'><p>Error that can be returned when waiting on a fence.</p>
</td></tr><tr class='module-item'><td><a class="enum" href="enum.FlushError.html" title='vulkano::sync::FlushError enum'>FlushError</a></td><td class='docblock-short'><p>Error that can happen when creating a graphics pipeline.</p>
</td></tr><tr class='module-item'><td><a class="enum" href="enum.Sharing.html" title='vulkano::sync::Sharing enum'>Sharing</a></td><td class='docblock-short'><p>Declares in which queue(s) a resource can be used.</p>
</td></tr><tr class='module-item'><td><a class="enum" href="enum.SharingMode.html" title='vulkano::sync::SharingMode enum'>SharingMode</a></td><td class='docblock-short'><p>Declares in which queue(s) a resource can be used.</p>
</td></tr></table><h2 id='traits' class='section-header'><a href="#traits">Traits</a></h2>
<table><tr class='module-item'><td><a class="trait" href="trait.GpuFuture.html" title='vulkano::sync::GpuFuture trait'>GpuFuture</a></td><td class='docblock-short'><p>Represents an event that will happen on the GPU in the future.</p>
</td></tr></table><h2 id='functions' class='section-header'><a href="#functions">Functions</a></h2>
<table><tr class='module-item'><td><a class="fn" href="fn.now.html" title='vulkano::sync::now fn'>now</a></td><td class='docblock-short'><p>Builds a future that represents "now".</p>
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