@ -1,137 +1,46 @@
#include "Pather.h"
#include <iostream>
node::node(sf::Vector2i XY, double h, int cF, int cL, node* p, Pather* pather_) {
xy = XY;
hueristic = h;
cameFrom = cF;
closedList = cL;
parent = p;
pather = pather_;
node::node() {
node::~node() {
void node::neighbors() {
int x = pather->getEndNodePosition().x;
int y = pather->getEndNodePosition().y;
sf::Vector2i dest0XY(xy.x, xy.y - 1); // North
if (!pather->map->isTileSolid(dest0XY) && pather->visitedMap(dest0XY.x, dest0XY.y) != 1) {
// If so, find the distance between this node and the end node, the hueristic
int tempx = (x - dest0XY.x);
int tempy = (y - dest0XY.y);
// I think dv is the hueristic??
double dv = sqrt((tempx * tempx) + (tempy * tempy));
double v = dv;
// Take that value and create a new node
pather->openList.emplace(new node(dest0XY, v, 0, 1, pather->active_node, pather), v);
// Set that tile as visited so we don't get stuck in a loop
pather->visitedMap(dest0XY.x, dest0XY.y) = 1;
sf::Vector2i dest1XY(xy.x + 1, xy.y); // East
if (!pather->map->isTileSolid(dest1XY) && pather->visitedMap(dest1XY.x, dest1XY.y) != 1) {
// If so, find the distance between this node and the end node, the hueristic
int tempx = (x - dest1XY.x);
int tempy = (y - dest1XY.y);
// I think dv is the hueristic??
double dv = sqrt((tempx * tempx) + (tempy * tempy));
double v = dv;
// Take that value and create a new node
pather->openList.emplace(new node(dest1XY, v, 1, 1, pather->active_node, pather), v);
// Set that tile as visited so we don't get stuck in a loop
pather->visitedMap(dest1XY.x, dest1XY.y) = 1;
sf::Vector2i dest2XY(xy.x, xy.y + 1); // South
if (!pather->map->isTileSolid(dest2XY) && pather->visitedMap(dest2XY.x, dest2XY.y) != 1) {
// If so, find the distance between this node and the end node, the hueristic
int tempx = (x - dest2XY.x);
int tempy = (y - dest2XY.y);
// I think dv is the hueristic??
double dv = sqrt((tempx * tempx) + (tempy * tempy));
double v = dv;
// Take that value and create a new node
pather->openList.emplace(new node(dest2XY, v, 2, 1, pather->active_node, pather), v);
// Set that tile as visited so we don't get stuck in a loop
pather->visitedMap(dest2XY.x, dest2XY.y) = 1;
sf::Vector2i dest3XY(xy.x - 1, xy.y); // West
if (!pather->map->isTileSolid(dest3XY) && pather->visitedMap(dest3XY.x, dest3XY.y) != 1) {
// If so, find the distance between this node and the end node, the hueristic
int tempx = (x - dest3XY.x);
int tempy = (y - dest3XY.y);
// I think dv is the hueristic??
double dv = sqrt((tempx * tempx) + (tempy * tempy));
double v = dv;
// Take that value and create a new node
pather->openList.emplace(new node(dest3XY, v, 3, 1, pather->active_node, pather), v);
// Set that tile as visited so we don't get stuck in a loop
pather->visitedMap(dest3XY.x, dest3XY.y) = 1;
Pather::Pather(Map* map_) {
map = map_;
//visitedMap = new MultiArray<int, App::WINDOW_HEIGHT, App::WINDOW_WIDTH>();
Pather::~Pather() {
sf::Vector2i Pather::getEndNodePosition() {
return end_node->xy;
return end_node->getPosition();
std::deque<int> Pather::pathTo(sf::Vector2i start, sf::Vector2i end) {
node* Pather::getActiveNode() {
return active_node;
// Clear the visited map for erroneous data
std::deque<int> Pather::getPathTo(sf::Vector2i start, sf::Vector2i end) {
// Clear the visited map of erroneous data
for (int i = 0; i < Map::CELLS_WIDTH; i++) {
for (int l = 0; l < Map::CELLS_HEIGHT; l++) {
visitedMap(i, l) = 0;
visited_map(i, l) = 0;
std::cout << visitedMap(10, 163);
// Place the start and end nodes
start_node = new node(start, 7000, 0, 0, nullptr, this);
end_node = new node(end, 0, 0, 0, nullptr, this);
start_node = new node(start, 7000, 0, nullptr, this);
end_node = new node(end, 0, 0, nullptr, this);
// Set the entry point, clean up any stray data from last run
active_node = start_node;
// Seed for the loop
openList.emplace(start_node, start_node->hueristic);
// Seed for the loop, hueristic is intentionally high
open_list.emplace(start_node, start_node->getHueristic());
// Set up the early exit, and enter into the loop
early_exit = false;
path_list = loop();
@ -141,26 +50,29 @@ std::deque<int> Pather::pathTo(sf::Vector2i start, sf::Vector2i end) {
std::deque<int> Pather::loop() {
// Damn thing keeps falling out of scope
while (!openList.empty() && !early_exit) {
// Early exit jankyness, need to change this
if (closedList.size() > 1000) {
no_path = true;
early_exit = true;
while (!open_list.empty() && !early_exit) {
if (closed_list.size() > 1000) { // Quits when the path gets to be over 1000 long, janky
no_path = true; // Signal no path was found
early_exit = true; // Break
if (active_node->xy.x == end_node->xy.x && active_node->xy.y == end_node->xy.y) {
// Check to see if we're at our destination, break if we are
if (active_node->getPosition().x == end_node->getPosition().x && active_node->getPosition().y == end_node->getPosition().y) {
early_exit = true;
// If we didn't get held up before, do a round of a*
else {
// Find the pair with the lowest hueristic
// 5/10
std::pair<node*, double> bestMin(start_node, 10000);
std::pair<node*, double> bestMin(start_node, 10000); // Get a clean value for the comparison
for (auto testMin: openList) {
// Compare all the values in openList for the one with the smallest hueristic
// O(n) complexity so it can get verrrrryyyy slow
for (auto testMin: open_list) {
if (bestMin.second >= testMin.second)
bestMin = testMin;
@ -169,22 +81,23 @@ std::deque<int> Pather::loop() {
active_node = bestMin.first;
// Find the neighbors for that node
// Remove the active node from the openlist as you have visited it and called its neighbors
// Check to see if the node has already been added to the closed list, if not, add it
if (closedList.count(active_node) == 0) {
closedList.emplace(active_node, active_node->hueristic);
if (closed_list.count(active_node) == 0) {
closed_list.emplace(active_node, active_node->getHueristic());
// When we're done, get the return path
std::deque<int> return_path = returnPath();
if (no_path || return_path.empty()) {
if (no_path || return_path.empty()) { // If we had an error, display it
return std::deque<int>();
std::cout << " no return path " << std::endl;
@ -193,12 +106,14 @@ std::deque<int> Pather::loop() {
std::deque<int> Pather::returnPath() {
// Deque that will be returned
std::deque<int> path;
while (active_node->parent != nullptr) {
// Backtrack through the active_nodes, adding their cameFrom value to the deque
while (active_node->getParent() != nullptr) {
node* parent = active_node->parent;
node* parent = active_node->getParent();
delete active_node;
active_node = parent;