1    use std::path::PathBuf;
3    use gilrs::Event as GilEvent;
4    use legion::world::SubWorld;
5    use legion::*;
6    use winit_24::dpi::{PhysicalPosition, PhysicalSize, LogicalPosition};
7    use winit_24::event::DeviceEvent::MouseMotion;
8    use winit_24::event::{AxisId, DeviceEvent, DeviceId, ElementState, Event, KeyboardInput, ModifiersState, MouseButton, MouseScrollDelta, StartCause, Touch, TouchPhase, WindowEvent, VirtualKeyCode};
9    use winit_24::window::{Theme, WindowId, Window};
11   use crate::camera::{Camera, CameraController};
12   use crate::owned_event::OwnedWindowEvent::MouseWheel;
13   use std::sync::{Mutex, Arc};
14   use std::cmp::Ordering;
15   use imgui::Io;
16   use crate::imgui_supp::imgui_support::{ImguiContext, ImguiPlatform};
18   #[derive(Clone)]
19   pub enum OwnedUIEvent<T> {
20       UIEvent(T),
21   }
23   #[derive(Clone)]
24   pub enum OwnedEventExtension {
25       /// Custom events here
26       MouseHeldEvent {},
27       KeyHeldEvent {},
28       GamepadEvent {
29           gil_event: GilEvent,
30       },
31   }
33   #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
34   pub enum OwnedEvent<T> {
35       /// Custom events here
36       MouseHeldEvent {},
37       KeyHeldEvent {},
38       GamepadEvent {
39           gil_event: GilEvent,
40       },
42       /// Winit events here
43       NewEvents(StartCause),
44       WindowEvent {
45           window_id: WindowId,
46           event: OwnedWindowEvent,
47       },
48       DeviceEvent {
49           device_id: DeviceId,
50           event: DeviceEvent,
51       },
52       UserEvent(T),
53       Suspended,
54       Resumed,
55       MainEventsCleared,
56       RedrawRequested(WindowId),
57       RedrawEventsCleared,
58       LoopDestroyed,
59   }
61   impl<T> From<Event<'_, T>> for OwnedEvent<T> {
62       fn from(event: Event<T>) -> Self {
63           match event {
64               Event::NewEvents(cause) => OwnedEvent::NewEvents(cause),
65               Event::WindowEvent {
66                   window_id: window_id,
67                   event: event,
68               } => OwnedEvent::WindowEvent {
69                   window_id: window_id,
70                   event: match event {
71                       WindowEvent::AxisMotion {
72                           device_id,
73                           axis,
74                           value,
75                       } => OwnedWindowEvent::AxisMotion {
76                           device_id,
77                           axis,
78                           value,
79                       },
80                       WindowEvent::Resized(physical_size) => OwnedWindowEvent::Resized(physical_size),
81                       WindowEvent::Moved(physical_position) => {
82                           OwnedWindowEvent::Moved(physical_position)
83                       }
84                       WindowEvent::CloseRequested => OwnedWindowEvent::CloseRequested,
85                       WindowEvent::Destroyed => OwnedWindowEvent::Destroyed,
86                       WindowEvent::DroppedFile(path_buf) => OwnedWindowEvent::DroppedFile(path_buf),
87                       WindowEvent::HoveredFile(path_buf) => OwnedWindowEvent::HoveredFile(path_buf),
88                       WindowEvent::HoveredFileCancelled => OwnedWindowEvent::HoveredFileCancelled,
89                       WindowEvent::ReceivedCharacter(char) => {
90                           OwnedWindowEvent::ReceivedCharacter(char)
91                       }
92                       WindowEvent::Focused(bool) => OwnedWindowEvent::Focused(bool),
93                       WindowEvent::KeyboardInput {
94                           device_id: device_id,
95                           input: input,
96                           is_synthetic: is_synthetic,
97                       } => OwnedWindowEvent::KeyboardInput {
98                           device_id,
99                           input,
100                          is_synthetic,
101                      },
102                      WindowEvent::ModifiersChanged(modifiers_state) => {
103                          OwnedWindowEvent::ModifiersChanged(modifiers_state)
104                      }
105                      WindowEvent::CursorMoved {
106                          device_id: device_id,
107                          position: position,
108                          modifiers: modifiers,
109                      } => OwnedWindowEvent::CursorMoved {
110                          device_id,
111                          position,
112                          modifiers,
113                      },
114                      WindowEvent::CursorEntered {
115                          device_id: device_id,
116                      } => OwnedWindowEvent::CursorEntered { device_id },
117                      WindowEvent::CursorLeft {
118                          device_id: device_id,
119                      } => OwnedWindowEvent::CursorLeft { device_id },
120                      WindowEvent::MouseWheel {
121                          device_id: device_id,
122                          delta: delta,
123                          phase: phase,
124                          modifiers: modifiers,
125                      } => OwnedWindowEvent::MouseWheel {
126                          device_id,
127                          delta,
128                          phase,
129                          modifiers,
130                      },
131                      WindowEvent::MouseInput {
132                          device_id: device_id,
133                          state: state,
134                          button: button,
135                          modifiers: modifiers,
136                      } => OwnedWindowEvent::MouseInput {
137                          device_id,
138                          state,
139                          button,
140                          modifiers,
141                      },
142                      WindowEvent::TouchpadPressure {
143                          device_id: device_id,
144                          pressure: pressure,
145                          stage: stage,
146                      } => OwnedWindowEvent::TouchpadPressure {
147                          device_id,
148                          pressure,
149                          stage,
150                      },
151                      WindowEvent::Touch(touch) => OwnedWindowEvent::Touch(touch),
152                      WindowEvent::ScaleFactorChanged {
153                          scale_factor: scale_factor,
154                          new_inner_size: new_inner_size,
155                      } => OwnedWindowEvent::ScaleFactorChanged {
156                          scale_factor,
157                          new_inner_size: PhysicalSize {
158                              width: new_inner_size.width,
159                              height: new_inner_size.height,
160                          },
161                      },
162                      WindowEvent::ThemeChanged(theme) => OwnedWindowEvent::ThemeChanged(theme),
163                  },
164              },
165              Event::DeviceEvent {
166                  device_id: device_id,
167                  event: event,
168              } => OwnedEvent::DeviceEvent { device_id, event },
169              Event::UserEvent(user_event) => OwnedEvent::UserEvent(user_event),
170              Event::Suspended => OwnedEvent::Suspended,
171              Event::Resumed => OwnedEvent::Resumed,
172              Event::MainEventsCleared => OwnedEvent::MainEventsCleared,
173              Event::RedrawRequested(window_id) => OwnedEvent::RedrawRequested(window_id),
174              Event::RedrawEventsCleared => OwnedEvent::RedrawEventsCleared,
175              Event::LoopDestroyed => OwnedEvent::LoopDestroyed,
176          }
177      }
178  }
180  #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)]
181  pub enum OwnedWindowEvent {
182      Resized(PhysicalSize<u32>),
183      Moved(PhysicalPosition<i32>),
184      CloseRequested,
185      Destroyed,
186      DroppedFile(PathBuf),
187      HoveredFile(PathBuf),
188      HoveredFileCancelled,
189      ReceivedCharacter(char),
190      Focused(bool),
191      KeyboardInput {
192          device_id: DeviceId,
193          input: KeyboardInput,
194          is_synthetic: bool,
195      },
196      ModifiersChanged(ModifiersState),
197      CursorMoved {
198          device_id: DeviceId,
199          position: PhysicalPosition<f64>,
200          #[deprecated = "Deprecated in favor of WindowEvent::ModifiersChanged"]
201          modifiers: ModifiersState,
202      },
203      CursorEntered {
204          device_id: DeviceId,
205      },
206      CursorLeft {
207          device_id: DeviceId,
208      },
209      MouseWheel {
210          device_id: DeviceId,
211          delta: MouseScrollDelta,
212          phase: TouchPhase,
213          #[deprecated = "Deprecated in favor of WindowEvent::ModifiersChanged"]
214          modifiers: ModifiersState,
215      },
216      MouseInput {
217          device_id: DeviceId,
218          state: ElementState,
219          button: MouseButton,
220          #[deprecated = "Deprecated in favor of WindowEvent::ModifiersChanged"]
221          modifiers: ModifiersState,
222      },
223      TouchpadPressure {
224          device_id: DeviceId,
225          pressure: f32,
226          stage: i64,
227      },
228      AxisMotion {
229          device_id: DeviceId,
230          axis: AxisId,
231          value: f64,
232      },
233      Touch(Touch),
234      ScaleFactorChanged {
235          scale_factor: f64,
236          new_inner_size: PhysicalSize<u32>,
237      },
238      ThemeChanged(Theme),
239  }
242  /// Because I am a glutton for punishment I am going to just do a mono-event-dispatch-magoooo
243  #[system]
244  #[write_component(Camera)]
245  #[write_component(CameraController)]
246  pub fn event_dispatch(
247      world: &mut SubWorld,
248      #[resource] event_stack: &mut Vec<OwnedEvent<OwnedEventExtension>>,
249      #[resource] imgui_context: &mut Arc<Mutex<ImguiContext>>,
250      #[resource] imgui_platform: &mut Arc<Mutex<ImguiPlatform>>,
251      #[resource] winit_window: &mut Window,
252  ) {
253      use winit_24::event::Event::DeviceEvent;
255      for event in event_stack {
257          match event {
258              OwnedEvent::DeviceEvent {
259                  event: winit_24::event::DeviceEvent::MouseMotion { delta },
260                  ..
261              } => {
262                  let mut query = <(&mut CameraController)>::query();
263                  for (camera_controller) in query.iter_mut(world) {
264                      camera_controller.process_mouse(delta.0, delta.1);
265                  }
267              },
268              OwnedEvent::DeviceEvent {
269                  event: winit_24::event::DeviceEvent::Key(keyboard_input),
270                  ..
271              } => {
272                  let mut query = <(&mut CameraController)>::query();
273                  for (camera_controller) in query.iter_mut(world) {
274                      camera_controller.process_keyboard(
275                          keyboard_input.virtual_keycode.unwrap(),
276                          keyboard_input.state,
277                      );
278                  }
280                  match keyboard_input.virtual_keycode.unwrap() {
281                      VirtualKeyCode::R => {
282                          if keyboard_input.state == ElementState::Pressed {
285                              //winit_window.set_cursor_grab(true);
286                          }
287                      }
288                      VirtualKeyCode::Escape => {
289                          if keyboard_input.state == ElementState::Pressed {
290                              //winit_window.set_cursor_grab(false);
291                          }
292                      }
293                      _ => ()
294                  }
295              }
296              _ => {}
297          }
299          let mut imgui_context = &mut imgui_context.lock().unwrap().context;
300          let mut imgui_platform = &mut imgui_platform.lock().unwrap().platform;
302          imgui_platform.handle_event(imgui_context.io_mut(), &winit_window, &event);
303      }
304  }