\familyname{Hansen}% optional, remove/comment the line if not wanted
\address{602 N. Pine St.}{Ellensburg, WA}{USA}% optional, remove/comment the line if not wanted; the "country" arguments can be omitted or provided empty
\address{13304 102LN NE}{Kirkland, WA}{USA}% optional, remove/comment the line if not wanted; the "country" arguments can be omitted or provided empty
\mobile{509-607-0079}% optional, remove/comment the line if not wanted
\email{mitchellhansen0@gmail.com}% optional, remove/comment the line if not wanted
\homepage{mitchellhansen.info}% optional, remove/comment the line if not wanted
\cventry{2012--2017}{B.S. in Computer Science}{Central Washington University}{Ellensburg, WA}{}{}% arguments 3 to 6 can be left empty
\cventry{June 2016 -- Sept. 2016}{Full Stack Web Developer, Intern}{Donuts Inc.}{Bellevue}{}{At Donuts I created multiple sites utilizing the full web stack. From Javascript, HTML, and CSS, to Python, Flask, and AppEngine, I learned it all. Projects include a prototype link shortener, internal web page, a domain lookup landing page, and a realtime online game.}
\cventry{2009--2016}{Waiter}{The Palace Cafe}{Ellensburg, WA}{}{At the Palace I learned about teamwork, commitment, and responsibility.}
At Donuts I learned the basics of how software development worked and how Agile development is
applied to get effective solutions. I spent the majority of my time writing multiple micro apps
using Googles cloud services and Python.
\cventry{2012--2017}{B.S. in Computer Science}{Central Washington University}{Ellensburg, WA}{}{}% arguments 3 to 6 can be left empty
\cventry{Birth - Present}{Mega-Nerd}{}{}{}{I'm a lifelong learner and I love all things tech. I program as a hobby, love learning new things, and am always up for a challenge.}
\cventry{}{Volumetric Rendering Engine}{OpenCL, C++, SFML, RayCasting, 3D Math}{}{}{An experimental "From Scratch" volumetric rendering engine utilizing a voxel dataset organized in a sparse voxel octree, Blinn-Phong lighting, dynamic shadowing, texturing, and reflections, along with a TCP streaming Android controller. Presented at the CWU College Of The Sciences fair.}
\cventry{}{Volumetric Rendering Engine}{OpenCL, C++, SFML, RayCasting, 3D Math}{}{}{
An experimental "From Scratch" volumetric rendering engine utilizing a voxel dataset
organized in a sparse voxel octree, Blinn-Phong lighting, dynamic shadowing, texturing,
and reflections, along with a TCP streaming Android controller. Presented at the CWU
College Of The Sciences fair.
\cventry{}{Conways Game of Life}{OpenCL, C++, SFML}{}{}{Completely in-core GPU Conways Game of Life simulator and accompanying RLE decoder.}
\cventry{}{Mandelbrot Renderer}{OpenCL, C++, SFML}{}{}{Completely in-core GPU Mandelbrot renderer and explorer based on Wikipedia's Mandelbrot rendering algorithm.}
\cventry{}{Optimization Algorithms}{C++, Computer Science Mathematics}{}{}{Implementation of 15 optimization test suite functions, and 9 popular mathematical optimization algorithms.}
\cventry{}{Project Euler}{Python, Computer Science Mathematics}{}{}{Combinatorics, discrete math, and other logic problems solved using Python.}