\documentclass[11pt,a4paper,sans,english]{moderncv} \moderncvstyle{casual} \moderncvcolor{blue} %\nopagenumbers{} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[scale=0.85,top=1cm, a4paper]{geometry} \usepackage{babel} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{pgfgantt} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % personal data %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \renewcommand*{\namefont}{\fontsize{38}{40}\mdseries\upshape} \firstname{Mitchell} \familyname{Hansen} \address{13304 102LN NE}{Kirkland, WA}{USA} \mobile{509-607-0079} \email{mitchellhansen0@gmail.com} \homepage{mitchellhansen.info} \extrainfo{\homepagesymbol\httplink{github.com/mitchellhansen}} \begin{document} %----- resume --------------------------------------------------------- \makecvtitle \vspace*{-8mm} \section{Experience} \cventry{July 2017 -- Present}{Software Developer}{Espial}{Kirkland, WA}{}{ At Espial I learned how to effectively develop for embedded linux products. This includes bugfixing, reading and understanding legacy C++, automation, and other duties related to maintaining a large hardware/software product. Later in my time at Espial I also was given the opportunity to work on a large cloud SaaS solution which provided cable operators an interface for managing millions of devices. } \cventry{June 2016 -- Sept. 2016}{Full Stack Web Developer, Intern}{Donuts Inc.}{Bellevue, WA}{}{ At Donuts I learned the basics of how software development worked and how Agile development is applied to get effective solutions. I spent the majority of my time writing multiple micro apps using Googles cloud services and Python. } \section{Education} \cventry{2012--2017}{B.S. in Computer Science}{Central Washington University}{Ellensburg, WA}{}{} % arguments 3 to 6 can be left empty \cventry{1990's - Present}{Self-Taught}{}{}{}{I'm a lifelong learner and love all things tech. I program as a hobby, love learning new things, and am always up for a challenge.} \section{Skills \& Languages} \cventry{}{In depth knowledge / Professional experience}{}{}{}{ C++, OpenCL, Python, Linux } \cventry{}{Enough to be dangerous}{}{}{}{ Java, SQL, Javascript, HTML \& CSS, 3D Graphics, Android, Git / Perforce } \cventry{}{Passing knowledge, enough to sound dangerous}{}{}{}{ AWS, Alexa, AppEngine, Bash, Clang, Flask, GCC, GDB, \LaTeX, OpenGL, Unity3D, Windows, Windows Phone, Zune } \cventry{}{Great grokker}{}{}{}{ In the end, programming is programming, it's all really the same. I take pride in my ability to pick up on new tech / languages extremely quickly, and problem solve my way out of difficult situations. I hope that my portfolio / work experience demonstrates this fact more so than just words can convey. } \vspace*{-2mm} \section{Portfolio} \cventry{}{Volumetric Rendering Engine}{OpenCL, C++, SFML, RayCasting, 3D Math}{}{}{ An experimental "From Scratch" volumetric rendering engine utilizing a voxel dataset organized in a sparse voxel octree, Blinn-Phong lighting, dynamic shadowing, texturing, and reflections, along with a TCP streaming Android controller. Presented at the CWU College Of The Sciences fair. } \cventry{}{Conways Game of Life}{OpenCL, C++, SFML}{}{}{Completely in-core GPU Conways Game of Life simulator and accompanying RLE decoder.} \cventry{}{Optimization Algorithms}{C++, Computer Science Mathematics}{}{}{Implementation of 15 optimization test suite functions, and 9 popular mathematical optimization algorithms.} \cventry{}{Project Euler}{Python, Computer Science Mathematics}{}{}{Combinatorics, discrete math, and other logic problems solved using Python.} \end{document}