Getting ever so closer to fully working oct rendering. Fixed a very very weird bug that caused either register corruption or messing with the program counter or whatever. Caused by the parent stack index not being populated for the root index. Weird

mitchellhansen 7 years ago
parent c1e18ce17b
commit 91e5d1bcd6

@ -42,12 +42,12 @@ class Application {
// static const int WINDOW_X = 1366;
// static const int WINDOW_Y = 768;
// static const int WINDOW_X = 400;
// static const int WINDOW_Y = 400;
static const int WINDOW_X = 5;
static const int WINDOW_Y = 5;
static const int WINDOW_X = 1366;
static const int WINDOW_Y = 768;
// static const int WINDOW_X = 500;
// static const int WINDOW_Y = 500;
// static const int WINDOW_X = 5;
// static const int WINDOW_Y = 5;
static const int MAP_X;
static const int MAP_Y;
static const int MAP_Z;

@ -156,6 +156,7 @@ struct TraversalState get_oct_vox(
// push the root node to the parent stack
ts.parent_stack[0] = ts.current_descriptor;
ts.parent_stack_index[0] = ts.current_descriptor_index;
// Set our initial dimension and the position at the corner of the oct to keep track of our position
int dimension = setting(OCTDIM);
@ -175,14 +176,14 @@ struct TraversalState get_oct_vox(
while (dimension > 1) {
// Do the logic steps to find which sub oct we step down into
uchar3 thing = select((uchar3)(0, 0, 0),
uchar3 masks = select((uchar3)(0, 0, 0),
(uchar3)(idx_set_x_mask, idx_set_y_mask, idx_set_z_mask),
convert_char3(position >= (int3)(dimension/2) + ts.oct_pos));
// So we can be a little bit tricky here and increment our
// array index that holds our masks as we build the idx.
// Adding 1 for X, 2 for Y, and 4 for Z
ts.idx_stack[ts.scale] = thing.x | thing.y | thing.z;
ts.idx_stack[ts.scale] = masks.x | masks.y | masks.z;
// Set our voxel position to the (0,0) of the correct oct by rerunning the logic step
ts.oct_pos = ts.sub_oct_pos;
@ -319,7 +320,7 @@ __kernel void raycaster(
intersection_t += delta_t * -1 * convert_float3(isless(intersection_t, 0));
int distance_traveled = 0;
int max_distance = 20;
int max_distance = 80;
uint bounce_count = 0;
int3 face_mask = { 0, 0, 0 };
int voxel_data = 0;
@ -353,10 +354,8 @@ __kernel void raycaster(
convert_float3((traversal_state.sub_oct_pos - * traversal_state.resolution/2);
// Andrew Woo's raycasting algo
while (distance_traveled < max_distance && bounce_count < 2) {
if (setting(OCTENABLED) == 0) {
// True will result in a -1, e.g (0, 0, -1) so negate it to positive
face_mask = -1 * ( <= min(intersection_t.yzx, intersection_t.zxy));
@ -371,7 +370,7 @@ __kernel void raycaster(
// Test for out of bounds contions, add fog
if (any(voxel >= *map_dim) || any(voxel < 0)){ -= * jump_power *;
color_accumulator = mix(fog_color, (1.0f,0.3f,0.3f,1.0f), 1.0f) - max(distance_traveled / 8.0f, 0.0f);
color_accumulator = mix(fog_color, (1.0f,0.3f,0.3f,1.0f), 1.0f) - max(distance_traveled / 100.0f, 0.0f);
color_accumulator.w = 1.0f;
@ -379,16 +378,8 @@ __kernel void raycaster(
uchar prev_val = traversal_state.idx_stack[traversal_state.scale];
uchar this_face_mask = 0;
// Check the voxel face that we traversed
if (face_mask.x) {
this_face_mask = idx_set_x_mask;
else if (face_mask.y) {
this_face_mask = idx_set_y_mask;
else if (face_mask.z) {
this_face_mask = idx_set_z_mask;
uchar3 tmp = select((uchar3)(0), (uchar3)(idx_set_x_mask,idx_set_y_mask,idx_set_z_mask), convert_uchar3(face_mask == (1,1,1)));
this_face_mask = tmp.x | tmp.y | tmp.z;
// and increment the idx in the idx stack
traversal_state.idx_stack[traversal_state.scale] ^= this_face_mask;
@ -397,17 +388,14 @@ __kernel void raycaster(
uchar mask_index = traversal_state.idx_stack[traversal_state.scale];
// Whether or not the next oct we want to enter in the current CD's valid mask is 1 or 0
bool is_valid = false;
// Check to see if the idx increased or decreased
// If it decreased, thus invalid
// Pop up the stack until the oct that the idx flip is valid and we landed on a valid oct
if (mask_index > prev_val) // TODO: Rework this logic so we don't have this bodgy if
is_valid = (traversal_state.parent_stack[traversal_state.parent_stack_position] >> 16) & mask_8[mask_index];
bool is_valid = select(false,
(bool)(traversal_state.parent_stack[traversal_state.parent_stack_position] >> 16) & mask_8[mask_index],
mask_index > prev_val);
failsafe = 0;
while (mask_index < prev_val || !is_valid) {
while ((mask_index < prev_val || !is_valid) && traversal_state.scale >= 1) {
// Clear and pop the idx stack
traversal_state.idx_stack[traversal_state.scale] = 0;
@ -421,9 +409,6 @@ __kernel void raycaster(
// Update the prev_val for our new idx
prev_val = traversal_state.idx_stack[traversal_state.scale];
// Keep track of the 0th edge of our current oct, while keeping
// track of the sub_oct we're coming from
//traversal_state.sub_oct_pos = traversal_state.oct_pos;
@ -438,15 +423,15 @@ __kernel void raycaster(
traversal_state.current_descriptor =
// Update the prev_val for our new idx
prev_val = traversal_state.idx_stack[traversal_state.scale];
// Apply the face mask to the new idx for the while check
traversal_state.idx_stack[traversal_state.scale] ^= this_face_mask;
// Get the mask index of the new idx and check the valid status
mask_index = traversal_state.idx_stack[traversal_state.scale];
is_valid = (traversal_state.parent_stack[traversal_state.parent_stack_position] >> 16) & mask_8[mask_index];
if (failsafe > 10)
@ -454,14 +439,7 @@ __kernel void raycaster(
// valid oct at the leaf indicated by the current idx in the idx stack scale
// While we haven't bottomed out and the oct we're looking at is valid
failsafe = 0;
if (jump_power == 8 && is_valid)
failsafe = 5;
if (jump_power > 1 && is_valid)
failsafe = 1;
for (;jump_power > 1 && is_valid;) {
while((jump_power > 1 || jump_power == 8 ) && is_valid) {
// If all went well and we found a valid non-leaf oct then we will traverse further down the hierarchy
@ -498,25 +476,19 @@ __kernel void raycaster(
// Unlike the single shot DFS, we inherited a valid idx from the upwards traversal. So now we must
// set the idx at the tail end of this for loop
// Do the logic steps to find which sub oct we step down into
if (voxel.x >= (jump_power) + traversal_state.oct_pos.x) {
// Set our voxel position to the (0,0) of the correct oct
traversal_state.oct_pos.x += (jump_power);
// Set the idx to represent the move
traversal_state.idx_stack[traversal_state.scale] |= idx_set_x_mask;
if (voxel.y >= (jump_power) + traversal_state.oct_pos.y) {
// Do the logic steps to find which sub oct we step down into
uchar3 masks = select((uchar3)(0, 0, 0),
(uchar3)(idx_set_x_mask, idx_set_y_mask, idx_set_z_mask),
convert_char3(voxel >= (int3)(jump_power) + traversal_state.oct_pos));
traversal_state.oct_pos.y += (jump_power);
traversal_state.idx_stack[traversal_state.scale] |= idx_set_y_mask;
if (voxel.z >= (jump_power) + traversal_state.oct_pos.z) {
// So we can be a little bit tricky here and increment our
// array index that holds our masks as we build the idx.
// Adding 1 for X, 2 for Y, and 4 for Z
traversal_state.idx_stack[traversal_state.scale] = masks.x | masks.y | masks.z;
traversal_state.oct_pos.z += (jump_power);
traversal_state.idx_stack[traversal_state.scale] |= idx_set_z_mask;
// Set our voxel position to the (0,0) of the correct oct by rerunning the logic step
traversal_state.oct_pos += select((int3)(0), (int3)(jump_power), voxel >= (int3)(jump_power) + traversal_state.oct_pos);
jump_power /= 2;
@ -526,29 +498,22 @@ __kernel void raycaster(
if (failsafe > 10)
traversal_state.sub_oct_pos = traversal_state.oct_pos;
while (true){
if (voxel.x >= (jump_power) + traversal_state.oct_pos.x) {
traversal_state.sub_oct_pos.x += (jump_power);
traversal_state.idx_stack[traversal_state.scale] |= idx_set_x_mask;
if (voxel.y >= (jump_power) + traversal_state.oct_pos.y) {
traversal_state.sub_oct_pos.y += (jump_power);
traversal_state.idx_stack[traversal_state.scale] |= idx_set_y_mask;
if (voxel.z >= (jump_power) + traversal_state.oct_pos.z) {
traversal_state.sub_oct_pos.z += (jump_power);
traversal_state.idx_stack[traversal_state.scale] |= idx_set_z_mask;
uchar3 masks = select((uchar3)(0, 0, 0),
(uchar3)(idx_set_x_mask, idx_set_y_mask, idx_set_z_mask),
convert_char3(voxel >= (int3)(jump_power) + traversal_state.oct_pos));
// So we can be a little bit tricky here and increment our
// array index that holds our masks as we build the idx.
// Adding 1 for X, 2 for Y, and 4 for Z
traversal_state.idx_stack[traversal_state.scale] = masks.x | masks.y | masks.z;
// Set our voxel position to the (0,0) of the correct oct by rerunning the logic step
traversal_state.sub_oct_pos += select((int3)(0), (int3)(jump_power), voxel >= (int3)(jump_power) + traversal_state.oct_pos);
traversal_state = traversal_state;
// Add the delta for the jump power and the traversed face
intersection_t += delta_t * jump_power * fabs(convert_float3(;
@ -575,168 +540,168 @@ traversal_state.sub_oct_pos = traversal_state.oct_pos;
// break;
// }
//voxel_data = map[voxel.x + (*map_dim).x * (voxel.y + (*map_dim).z * (voxel.z))];
// =======================================================================
// =======================================================================
else {
// True will result in a -1, e.g (0, 0, -1) so negate it to positive
face_mask = -1 * ( <= min(intersection_t.yzx, intersection_t.zxy));
intersection_t += delta_t * convert_float3(; += *;
// Test for out of bounds contions, add fog
if (any(voxel >= *map_dim) || any(voxel < 0)){ -= *;
color_accumulator = mix(fog_color, voxel_color, 1.0f - max(distance_traveled / 700.0f, 0.0f));
color_accumulator.w *= 4;
voxel_data = map[voxel.x + (*map_dim).x * (voxel.y + (*map_dim).z * (voxel.z))];
// else {
// // True will result in a -1, e.g (0, 0, -1) so negate it to positive
// face_mask = -1 * ( <= min(intersection_t.yzx, intersection_t.zxy));
// intersection_t += delta_t * convert_float3(;
// += *;
// // Test for out of bounds contions, add fog
// if (any(voxel >= *map_dim) || any(voxel < 0)){
// -= *;
// color_accumulator = mix(fog_color, voxel_color, 1.0f - max(distance_traveled / 700.0f, 0.0f));
// color_accumulator.w *= 4;
// break;
// }
// voxel_data = map[voxel.x + (*map_dim).x * (voxel.y + (*map_dim).z * (voxel.z))];
// }
// =======================================================================
// =======================================================================
if (voxel_data == 5 || voxel_data == 6) {
// Determine where on the 2d plane the ray intersected
face_position = zeroed_float3;
tile_face_position = zeroed_float2;
// Collect the sign of the face hit for ray redirection
sign = (1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
// First determine the percent of the way the ray is towards the next intersection_t
// in relation to the xyz position on the plane
if (face_mask.x == 1) {
sign.x *= -1.0;
// the next intersection for this plane - the last intersection of the passed plane / delta of this plane
// basically finds how far in on the other 2 axis we are when the ray traversed the plane
float z_percent = (intersection_t.z - (intersection_t.x - delta_t.x)) / delta_t.z;
float y_percent = (intersection_t.y - (intersection_t.x - delta_t.x)) / delta_t.y;
// Since we intersected face x, we know that we are at the face (1.0)
// I think the 1.001f rendering bug is the ray thinking it's within the voxel
// even though it's sitting on the very edge
face_position = (float3)(1.00001f, y_percent, z_percent);
tile_face_position = face_position.yz;
else if (face_mask.y == 1) {
sign.y *= -1.0;
float x_percent = (intersection_t.x - (intersection_t.y - delta_t.y)) / delta_t.x;
float z_percent = (intersection_t.z - (intersection_t.y - delta_t.y)) / delta_t.z;
face_position = (float3)(x_percent, 1.00001f, z_percent);
tile_face_position = face_position.xz;
else if (face_mask.z == 1) {
sign.z *= -1.0;
float x_percent = (intersection_t.x - (intersection_t.z - delta_t.z)) / delta_t.x;
float y_percent = (intersection_t.y - (intersection_t.z - delta_t.z)) / delta_t.y;
face_position = (float3)(x_percent, y_percent, 1.00001f);
tile_face_position = face_position.xy;
// Because the raycasting process is agnostic to the quadrant
// it's working in, we need to transpose the sign over to the face positions.
// If we don't it will think that it is always working in the (1, 1, 1) quadrant
// and will just "copy" the quadrant. This includes shadows as they use the face_position
// in order to cast the intersection ray!!
face_position.x = select((face_position.x), (-face_position.x + 1.0f), (int)(ray_dir.x > 0));
tile_face_position.x = select((tile_face_position.x), (-tile_face_position.x + 1.0f), (int)(ray_dir.x < 0));
if (ray_dir.y > 0){
face_position.y = -face_position.y + 1;
} else {
tile_face_position.x = 1.0 - tile_face_position.x;
// We run into the Hairy ball problem, so we need to define
// a special case for the zmask
if (face_mask.z == 1) {
tile_face_position.x = 1.0f - tile_face_position.x;
tile_face_position.y = 1.0f - tile_face_position.y;
face_position.z = select((face_position.z), (-face_position.z + 1.0f), -1 * (int)(ray_dir.z > 0));
tile_face_position.y = select((tile_face_position.y), (-tile_face_position.y + 1.0f), -1 * (int)(ray_dir.z < 0));
// Now we detect what type of of voxel we intersected and decide whether
// to bend the ray, send out a light intersection ray, or add texture color
if (voxel_data == 5 && !shadow_ray){
shadow_ray = true; += (float3)read_imagef(
convert_int2(tile_face_position * convert_float2(*atlas_dim / *tile_dim)) +
convert_int2((float2)(5, 0) * convert_float2(*atlas_dim / *tile_dim))
color_accumulator = view_light(
(convert_float3(voxel) + face_position) - (float3)(lights[4], lights[5], lights[6]),
(float4)(lights[0], lights[1], lights[2], lights[3]),
(convert_float3(voxel) + face_position) - (*cam_pos),
face_mask * voxel_step
fog_distance = distance_traveled;
max_distance = distance_traveled + fast_distance(convert_float3(voxel), (float3)(lights[4], lights[5], lights[6]));
float3 hit_pos = convert_float3(voxel) + face_position;
ray_dir = normalize((float3)(lights[4], lights[5], lights[6]) - hit_pos);
if (any(ray_dir == zeroed_float3))
voxel -= voxel_step * face_mask;
voxel_step = ( -1, -1, -1 ) * ((ray_dir > 0) - (ray_dir < 0));
delta_t = fabs(1.0f / ray_dir);
intersection_t = delta_t * ((hit_pos) - floor(hit_pos)) * convert_float3(voxel_step);
intersection_t += delta_t * -convert_float3(isless(intersection_t, 0));
} else if (voxel_data == 6 && !shadow_ray) { += (float3)read_imagef(
convert_int2(tile_face_position * convert_float2(*atlas_dim / *tile_dim)) +
convert_int2((float2)(3, 4) * convert_float2(*atlas_dim / *tile_dim))
voxel_color.w -= 0.0f;
float3 hit_pos = convert_float3(voxel) + face_position;
ray_dir *= sign;
if (any(ray_dir == zeroed_float3))
voxel -= voxel_step * face_mask;
voxel_step = ( -1, -1, -1 ) * (ray_dir > 0) - (ray_dir < 0);
delta_t = fabs(1.0f / ray_dir);
intersection_t = delta_t * ((hit_pos)-floor(hit_pos)) * convert_float3(voxel_step);
intersection_t += delta_t * -convert_float3(isless(intersection_t, 0));
bounce_count += 1;
} else {
color_accumulator.w = 0.1f;
// if (voxel_data == 5 || voxel_data == 6) {
// // Determine where on the 2d plane the ray intersected
// face_position = zeroed_float3;
// tile_face_position = zeroed_float2;
// // Collect the sign of the face hit for ray redirection
// sign = (1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
// // First determine the percent of the way the ray is towards the next intersection_t
// // in relation to the xyz position on the plane
// if (face_mask.x == 1) {
// sign.x *= -1.0;
// // the next intersection for this plane - the last intersection of the passed plane / delta of this plane
// // basically finds how far in on the other 2 axis we are when the ray traversed the plane
// float z_percent = (intersection_t.z - (intersection_t.x - delta_t.x)) / delta_t.z;
// float y_percent = (intersection_t.y - (intersection_t.x - delta_t.x)) / delta_t.y;
// // Since we intersected face x, we know that we are at the face (1.0)
// // I think the 1.001f rendering bug is the ray thinking it's within the voxel
// // even though it's sitting on the very edge
// face_position = (float3)(1.00001f, y_percent, z_percent);
// tile_face_position = face_position.yz;
// }
// else if (face_mask.y == 1) {
// sign.y *= -1.0;
// float x_percent = (intersection_t.x - (intersection_t.y - delta_t.y)) / delta_t.x;
// float z_percent = (intersection_t.z - (intersection_t.y - delta_t.y)) / delta_t.z;
// face_position = (float3)(x_percent, 1.00001f, z_percent);
// tile_face_position = face_position.xz;
// }
// else if (face_mask.z == 1) {
// sign.z *= -1.0;
// float x_percent = (intersection_t.x - (intersection_t.z - delta_t.z)) / delta_t.x;
// float y_percent = (intersection_t.y - (intersection_t.z - delta_t.z)) / delta_t.y;
// face_position = (float3)(x_percent, y_percent, 1.00001f);
// tile_face_position = face_position.xy;
// }
// // Because the raycasting process is agnostic to the quadrant
// // it's working in, we need to transpose the sign over to the face positions.
// // If we don't it will think that it is always working in the (1, 1, 1) quadrant
// // and will just "copy" the quadrant. This includes shadows as they use the face_position
// // in order to cast the intersection ray!!
// face_position.x = select((face_position.x), (-face_position.x + 1.0f), (int)(ray_dir.x > 0));
// tile_face_position.x = select((tile_face_position.x), (-tile_face_position.x + 1.0f), (int)(ray_dir.x < 0));
// if (ray_dir.y > 0){
// face_position.y = -face_position.y + 1;
// } else {
// tile_face_position.x = 1.0 - tile_face_position.x;
// // We run into the Hairy ball problem, so we need to define
// // a special case for the zmask
// if (face_mask.z == 1) {
// tile_face_position.x = 1.0f - tile_face_position.x;
// tile_face_position.y = 1.0f - tile_face_position.y;
// }
// }
// face_position.z = select((face_position.z), (-face_position.z + 1.0f), -1 * (int)(ray_dir.z > 0));
// tile_face_position.y = select((tile_face_position.y), (-tile_face_position.y + 1.0f), -1 * (int)(ray_dir.z < 0));
// // Now we detect what type of of voxel we intersected and decide whether
// // to bend the ray, send out a light intersection ray, or add texture color
// if (voxel_data == 5 && !shadow_ray){
// shadow_ray = true;
// += (float3)read_imagef(
// texture_atlas,
// convert_int2(tile_face_position * convert_float2(*atlas_dim / *tile_dim)) +
// convert_int2((float2)(5, 0) * convert_float2(*atlas_dim / *tile_dim))
// ).xyz/2;
// color_accumulator = view_light(
// voxel_color,
// (convert_float3(voxel) + face_position) - (float3)(lights[4], lights[5], lights[6]),
// (float4)(lights[0], lights[1], lights[2], lights[3]),
// (convert_float3(voxel) + face_position) - (*cam_pos),
// face_mask * voxel_step
// );
// fog_distance = distance_traveled;
// max_distance = distance_traveled + fast_distance(convert_float3(voxel), (float3)(lights[4], lights[5], lights[6]));
// float3 hit_pos = convert_float3(voxel) + face_position;
// ray_dir = normalize((float3)(lights[4], lights[5], lights[6]) - hit_pos);
// if (any(ray_dir == zeroed_float3))
// return;
// voxel -= voxel_step * face_mask;
// voxel_step = ( -1, -1, -1 ) * ((ray_dir > 0) - (ray_dir < 0));
// delta_t = fabs(1.0f / ray_dir);
// intersection_t = delta_t * ((hit_pos) - floor(hit_pos)) * convert_float3(voxel_step);
// intersection_t += delta_t * -convert_float3(isless(intersection_t, 0));
// } else if (voxel_data == 6 && !shadow_ray) {
// += (float3)read_imagef(
// texture_atlas,
// convert_int2(tile_face_position * convert_float2(*atlas_dim / *tile_dim)) +
// convert_int2((float2)(3, 4) * convert_float2(*atlas_dim / *tile_dim))
// ).xyz/4;
// voxel_color.w -= 0.0f;
// float3 hit_pos = convert_float3(voxel) + face_position;
// ray_dir *= sign;
// if (any(ray_dir == zeroed_float3))
// return;
// voxel -= voxel_step * face_mask;
// voxel_step = ( -1, -1, -1 ) * (ray_dir > 0) - (ray_dir < 0);
// delta_t = fabs(1.0f / ray_dir);
// intersection_t = delta_t * ((hit_pos)-floor(hit_pos)) * convert_float3(voxel_step);
// intersection_t += delta_t * -convert_float3(isless(intersection_t, 0));
// bounce_count += 1;
// } else {
// color_accumulator.w = 0.1f;
// break;
// }
// }
// At the bottom of the while loop, add one to the distance ticker

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
#include "Application.h"
const int Application::MAP_X = 16;
const int Application::MAP_Y = 16;
const int Application::MAP_Z = 16;
const int Application::MAP_X = 32;
const int Application::MAP_Y = 32;
const int Application::MAP_Z = 32;
Application::Application() {

@ -768,7 +768,7 @@ bool CLCaster::compile_kernel(std::string kernel_source, bool is_path, std::stri
build_string_stream << " -D" << define.first << "=" << define.second;
build_string_stream << " -cl-finite-math-only -cl-fast-relaxed-math -cl-unsafe-math-optimizations -cl-opt-disable";
build_string_stream << " -cl-finite-math-only -cl-fast-relaxed-math -cl-unsafe-math-optimizations";
std::string build_string = build_string_stream.str();
