@ -4,108 +4,4 @@ RayCaster::RayCaster() {
RayCaster::~RayCaster() {
//void RayCaster::assign_map(Old_Map* map) {
// this->map = map;
// // Override values
// //this.map_dimensions = new Vector3<int> (50, 50, 50);
// //this.resolution = new Vector2<int> (200, 200);
// //this.camera_direction = new Vector3<float> (1f, 0f, .8f);
// //this.camera_position = new Vector3<float> (1, 10, 10);
// this->map_dimensions = map_dimensions;
// this->map = map;
// resolution = viewport_resolution;
// image = new sf::Color[resolution.x * resolution.y];
// // Calculate the view plane vectors
// // Because casting to individual pixels causes barrel distortion,
// // Get the radian increments
// // Set the camera origin
// // Rotate the ray by the specified pixel * increment
// double y_increment_radians = DegreesToRadians(50.0 / resolution.y);
// double x_increment_radians = DegreesToRadians(80.0 / resolution.x);
// view_plane_vectors = new sf::Vector3f[resolution.x * resolution.y];
// for (int y = -resolution.y / 2 ; y < resolution.y / 2; y++) {
// for (int x = -resolution.x / 2; x < resolution.x / 2; x++) {
// // The base ray direction to slew from
// sf::Vector3f ray(1, 0, 0);
// // Y axis, pitch
// ray = sf::Vector3f(
// ray.z * sin(y_increment_radians * y) + ray.x * cos(y_increment_radians * y),
// ray.y,
// ray.z * cos(y_increment_radians * y) - ray.x * sin(y_increment_radians * y)
// );
// // Z axis, yaw
// ray = sf::Vector3f(
// ray.x * cos(x_increment_radians * x) - ray.y * sin(x_increment_radians * x),
// ray.x * sin(x_increment_radians * x) + ray.y * cos(x_increment_radians * x),
// ray.z
// );
// int index = (x + resolution.x / 2) + resolution.x * (y + resolution.y / 2);
// view_plane_vectors[index] = Normalize(ray);
// }
// }
//RayCaster::~RayCaster() {
// delete image;
// delete view_plane_vectors;
//sf::Color* RayCaster::CastRays(sf::Vector3<float> camera_direction, sf::Vector3<float> camera_position) {
// // Setup the camera for this cast
// this->camera_direction = camera_direction;
// camera_direction_cartesian = Normalize(SphereToCart(camera_direction));
// this->camera_position = camera_position;
// // Start the loop at the top left, scan right and work down
// for (int y = 0; y < resolution.y; y++) {
// for (int x = 0; x < resolution.x; x++) {
// // Get the ray at the base direction
// sf::Vector3f ray = view_plane_vectors[x + resolution.x * y];
// // Rotate it to the correct pitch and yaw
// // Y axis, pitch
// ray = sf::Vector3f(
// ray.z * sin(camera_direction.y) + ray.x * cos(camera_direction.y),
// ray.y,
// ray.z * cos(camera_direction.y) - ray.x * sin(camera_direction.y)
// );
// // Z axis, yaw
// ray = sf::Vector3f(
// ray.x * cos(camera_direction.z) - ray.y * sin(camera_direction.z),
// ray.x * sin(camera_direction.z) + ray.y * cos(camera_direction.z),
// ray.z
// );
// // Setup the ray
// Ray r(map, resolution, sf::Vector2i(x, y), camera_position, ray);
// // Cast it and assign its return value
// image[x + resolution.x * y] = r.Cast();
// }
// }
// return image;
//void RayCaster::moveCamera(sf::Vector2f v) {
// camera_direction.y += v.x;
// camera_direction.z += v.y;