#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include "Vector4.hpp" #include #include #include #include const double PI = 3.141592653589793238463; const float PI_F = 3.14159265358979f; struct Light { sf::Vector4f rgbi; // I believe that Vector3's get padded to Vector4's. Give them a non-garbage value sf::Vector3f position; sf::Vector3f direction_cartesian; }; struct fps_counter { public: fps_counter(){ if(!f.loadFromFile("../assets/fonts/Arial.ttf")){ std::cout << "couldn't find the fall back Arial font in ../assets/fonts/" << std::endl; } else { t.setFont(f); } } void frame(double delta_time){ if (frame_count == 100){ frame_count = 0; fps_average = 0; } frame_count++; fps_average += (delta_time - fps_average) / frame_count; } void flip_units() { if (milliseconds) milliseconds = false; else milliseconds = true; } void draw(sf::RenderWindow *r){ std::string out; if (milliseconds) out = std::to_string(fps_average); else out = std::to_string(floor(1 / fps_average)); t.setString(out); r->draw(t); } private: bool milliseconds = false; sf::Font f; sf::Text t; int frame_count = 0; double fps_average = 0; }; struct debug_text { public: debug_text(int slot, int pixel_spacing, void* data_, std::string prefix_) : data(data_), prefix(prefix_) { if (!f.loadFromFile("../assets/fonts/Arial.ttf")) { std::cout << "couldn't find the fall back Arial font in ../assets/fonts/" << std::endl; } else { t.setFont(f); t.setCharacterSize(20); t.setPosition(static_cast(20), static_cast(slot * pixel_spacing)); } } void draw(sf::RenderWindow *r) { t.setString(prefix + std::to_string(*(float*)data)); r->draw(t); } private: void* data; std::string prefix; sf::Font f; sf::Text t; }; inline sf::Vector3f SphereToCart(sf::Vector2f i) { auto r = sf::Vector3f( (1 * sin(i.y) * cos(i.x)), (1 * sin(i.y) * sin(i.x)), (1 * cos(i.y)) ); return r; }; inline sf::Vector3f SphereToCart(sf::Vector3f i) { auto r = sf::Vector3f( (i.x * sin(i.z) * cos(i.y)), (i.x * sin(i.z) * sin(i.y)), (i.x * cos(i.z)) ); return r; }; inline sf::Vector3f CartToSphere(sf::Vector3f in) { auto r = sf::Vector3f( sqrt(in.x * in.x + in.y * in.y + in.z * in.z), atan(in.y / in.x), atan(sqrt(in.x * in.x + in.y * in.y) / in.z) ); return r; }; inline sf::Vector2f CartToNormalizedSphere(sf::Vector3f in) { auto r = sf::Vector2f( atan2(sqrt(in.x * in.x + in.y * in.y), in.z), atan2(in.y, in.x) ); return r; } inline sf::Vector3f FixOrigin(sf::Vector3f base, sf::Vector3f head) { return head - base; } inline sf::Vector3f Normalize(sf::Vector3f in) { float multiplier = sqrt(in.x * in.x + in.y * in.y + in.z * in.z); auto r = sf::Vector3f( in.x / multiplier, in.y / multiplier, in.z / multiplier ); return r; } inline float DotProduct(sf::Vector3f a, sf::Vector3f b){ return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y + a.z * b.z; } inline float Magnitude(sf::Vector3f in){ return sqrt(in.x * in.x + in.y * in.y + in.z * in.z); } inline float AngleBetweenVectors(sf::Vector3f a, sf::Vector3f b){ return acos(DotProduct(a, b) / (Magnitude(a) * Magnitude(b))); } inline float DegreesToRadians(float in) { return static_cast(in * PI / 180.0f); } inline float RadiansToDegrees(float in) { return static_cast(in * 180.0f / PI); } inline std::string read_file(std::string file_name){ std::ifstream input_file(file_name); if (!input_file.is_open()){ std::cout << file_name << " could not be opened" << std::endl; return ""; } std::stringstream buf; buf << input_file.rdbuf(); input_file.close(); return buf.str(); } inline void PrettyPrintUINT64(uint64_t i, std::stringstream* ss) { *ss << "[" << std::bitset<15>(i) << "]"; *ss << "[" << std::bitset<1>(i >> 15) << "]"; *ss << "[" << std::bitset<8>(i >> 16) << "]"; *ss << "[" << std::bitset<8>(i >> 24) << "]"; *ss << "[" << std::bitset<32>(i >> 32) << "]"; } inline void PrettyPrintUINT64(uint64_t i) { std::cout << "[" << std::bitset<15>(i) << "]"; std::cout << "[" << std::bitset<1>(i >> 15) << "]"; std::cout << "[" << std::bitset<8>(i >> 16) << "]"; std::cout << "[" << std::bitset<8>(i >> 24) << "]"; std::cout << "[" << std::bitset<32>(i >> 32) << "]" << std::endl; } inline void DumpLog(std::stringstream* ss, std::string file_name) { std::ofstream log_file; log_file.open(file_name); log_file << ss->str(); log_file.close(); } inline std::string sfml_get_input(sf::RenderWindow *window) { std::stringstream ss; sf::Event event; while (window->pollEvent(event)) { if (event.type == sf::Event::TextEntered) { ss << event.text.unicode; } else if (event.type == sf::Event::KeyPressed) { if (event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Return) { return ss.str(); } } } } inline std::vector sfml_get_float_input(sf::RenderWindow *window) { std::stringstream ss; sf::Event event; while (true) { if (window->pollEvent(event)) { if (event.type == sf::Event::TextEntered) { if (event.text.unicode > 47 && event.text.unicode < 58 || event.text.unicode == 32) ss << static_cast(event.text.unicode); } else if (event.type == sf::Event::KeyPressed) { if (event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Return) { break; } } } } std::istream_iterator begin(ss); std::istream_iterator end; std::vector vstrings(begin, end); std::vector ret; for (auto i: vstrings) { ret.push_back(std::stof(i)); } return ret; }