You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

744 lines
28 KiB

Keep this is mind when masking the voxel steps, pretty unintuitive behaviour
For scalar types, the equality operators return 0 if false and return 1 if true
For vector types, the equality operators return 0 if false and return -1 if true (i.e. all bits set)
The equality equal (==) returns 0 if one or both arguments are not a number (NaN).
The equality not equal (!=) returns 1 (for scalar source operands) or -1 (for vector source
operands) if one or both arguments are not a number (NaN).
if statements will take 0 as false and any other integer as true
// =========================================================================
// ======================== INITIALIZER CONSTANTS ==========================
__constant float4 zeroed_float4 = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
__constant float3 zeroed_float3 = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
__constant float2 zeroed_float2 = {0.0f, 0.0f};
__constant int4 zeroed_int4 = {0, 0, 0, 0};
__constant int3 zeroed_int3 = {0, 0, 0};
__constant int2 zeroed_int2 = {0, 0};
// =========================================================================
// ============================ OCTREE CONSTANTS ===========================
// (X, Y, Z) mask for the idx
__constant const uchar idx_set_x_mask = 0x1;
__constant const uchar idx_set_y_mask = 0x2;
__constant const uchar idx_set_z_mask = 0x4;
__constant const uchar3 idx_set_mask = {0x1, 0x2, 0x4};
__constant const uchar mask_8[8] = {
0x1, 0x2, 0x4, 0x8,
0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80
// Mask for counting the previous valid bits
__constant const uchar count_mask_8[8] = {
0x1, 0x3, 0x7, 0xF,
0x1F, 0x3F, 0x7F, 0xFF
// uint64_t manipulation masks
__constant const ulong child_pointer_mask = 0x0000000000007fff;
__constant const ulong far_bit_mask = 0x8000;
__constant const ulong valid_mask = 0xFF0000;
__constant const ulong leaf_mask = 0xFF000000;
__constant const ulong contour_pointer_mask = 0xFFFFFF00000000;
__constant const ulong contour_mask = 0xFF00000000000000;
// =========================================================================
// ========================= RAYCASTER CONSTANTS ===========================
constant float4 fog_color = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
constant float4 overshoot_color = { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f };
constant float4 overshoot_color_2 = { 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f };
// =========================================================================
// =========================================================================
#define setting(name) settings_buffer[name]
// =========================================================================
// ========================= HELPER FUNCTIONS ==============================
// Phong + diffuse lighting function for g
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
// {r, g, b, i, x, y, z, x', y', z'}
float4 view_light(float4 in_color, float3 light, float4 light_color, float3 view, int3 mask) {
if (all(light == zeroed_float3))
return zeroed_float4;
float d = fast_length(light) * 0.01f;
d *= d;
float diffuse = max(dot(normalize(convert_float3(mask)), normalize(light)), 0.1f);
float specular = 0.0f;
if (diffuse > 0.0f) {
// Small dots of light are caused by floating point error
// flipping bits on the face mask and screwing up this calculation
float3 halfwayVector = normalize(normalize(light) + normalize(view));
float specTmp = max(dot(normalize(convert_float3(mask)), halfwayVector), 0.0f);
specular = pow(specTmp, 1.0f);
in_color += diffuse * light_color + specular * light_color / d;
return in_color;
int rand(int* seed) // 1 <= *seed < m
int const a = 16807; //ie 7**5
int const m = 2147483647; //ie 2**31-1
*seed = ((*seed) * a) % m;
// =========================================================================
// ========================= OCTREE TRAVERSAL ==============================
struct TraversalState {
// 0 being the root node
int parent_stack_position;
// Holds child descriptors and their indices in the oct array
ulong parent_stack[10];
ulong parent_stack_index[10];
// 0 being the root node
uchar scale;
uchar idx_stack[10];
// current child descriptor for this node
ulong current_descriptor;
ulong current_descriptor_index;
// The position of the (0,0)th vox in an oct
int3 oct_pos;
int3 sub_oct_pos;
// The width in voxels of the current valid masks being tested
int resolution;
// ====== DEBUG =======
char found;
struct TraversalState get_oct_vox(
int3 position,
global ulong *octree_descriptor_buffer,
global uint *octree_attachment_lookup_buffer,
global ulong *octree_attachment_buffer,
global ulong *settings_buffer
struct TraversalState ts;
ts.current_descriptor_index = setting(OCTREE_ROOT_INDEX);
ts.current_descriptor = octree_descriptor_buffer[ts.current_descriptor_index];
ts.scale = 0;
ts.parent_stack_position = 0;
ts.found = false;
// push the root node to the parent stack
ts.parent_stack[0] = ts.current_descriptor;
// Set our initial dimension and the position at the corner of the oct to keep track of our position
int dimension = setting(OCTDIM);
ts.resolution = dimension/2;
ts.oct_pos = zeroed_int3;
ts.sub_oct_pos = ts.oct_pos;
// While we are not at the required resolution
// Traverse down by setting the valid/leaf mask to the subvoxel
// Check to see if it is valid
// Yes?
// Check to see if it is a leaf
// No? Break
// Yes? Scale down to the next hierarchy, push the parent to the stack
// No?
// Break
while (dimension > 1) {
// Do the logic steps to find which sub oct we step down into
uchar3 thing = select((uchar3)(0, 0, 0),
(uchar3)(idx_set_x_mask, idx_set_y_mask, idx_set_z_mask),
convert_char3(position >= (int3)(dimension/2) + ts.oct_pos));
// So we can be a little bit tricky here and increment our
// array index that holds our masks as we build the idx.
// Adding 1 for X, 2 for Y, and 4 for Z
ts.idx_stack[ts.scale] = thing.x | thing.y | thing.z;
// Set our voxel position to the (0,0) of the correct oct by rerunning the logic step
ts.oct_pos = ts.sub_oct_pos;
ts.sub_oct_pos += select((int3)(0), (int3)(dimension/2), position >= (int3)(dimension/2) + ts.oct_pos);
int mask_index = ts.idx_stack[ts.scale];
// Check to see if we are on a valid oct / vox
if ((ts.current_descriptor >> 16) & mask_8[mask_index]) {
// Check to see if it is a leaf
if ((ts.current_descriptor >> 24) & mask_8[mask_index]) {
// If it is, then we cannot traverse further as CP's won't have been generated
ts.found = true;
// Early exit, dimension and resolution are not updated
return ts;
// If all went well and we found a valid non-leaf oct then we will traverse further down the hierarchy
dimension /= 2;
ts.resolution /= 2;
// Count the number of valid octs that come before and add it to the index to get the position
// Negate it by one as it counts itself
int count = popcount((uchar)(ts.current_descriptor >> 16) & count_mask_8[mask_index]) - 1;
// access the far pointer at which the head points too. Determine it's value, and add
// a count of the valid bits to the index
if (far_bit_mask & octree_descriptor_buffer[ts.current_descriptor_index]) {
int far_pointer_index = ts.current_descriptor_index + (ts.current_descriptor & child_pointer_mask);
ts.current_descriptor_index = octree_descriptor_buffer[far_pointer_index] + count;
// access the element at which head points to and then add the specified number of indices
// to get to the correct child descriptor
else {
ts.current_descriptor_index = ts.current_descriptor_index + (ts.current_descriptor & child_pointer_mask) + count;
// Set the current descriptor with the calculated descriptor index
ts.current_descriptor = octree_descriptor_buffer[ts.current_descriptor_index];
// And update the data structure with the descriptor and it's index
ts.parent_stack[ts.parent_stack_position] = ts.current_descriptor;
ts.parent_stack_index[ts.parent_stack_position] = ts.current_descriptor_index;
else {
// If the oct was not valid, then no CP's exists any further
// This implicitly says that if it's non-valid then it must be a leaf!!
// Parent stack is only populated up to the current descriptors parent.
// So that would be the current voxels grandparent
ts.found = 0;
return ts;
ts.found = 1;
return ts;
// =========================================================================
// ========================= RAYCASTER ENTRY ===============================
__kernel void raycaster(
global char* map,
constant int3* map_dim,
constant int2* resolution,
global float3* projection_matrix,
global float2* cam_dir,
global float3* cam_pos,
global float* lights,
global int* light_count,
__write_only image2d_t image,
__read_only image2d_t texture_atlas,
constant int2 *atlas_dim,
constant int2 *tile_dim,
global ulong *octree_descriptor_buffer,
global uint *octree_attachment_lookup_buffer,
global ulong *octree_attachment_buffer,
global ulong *settings_buffer
// Get the pixel on the viewport, and find the view matrix ray that matches it
int2 pixel = (int2)(get_global_id(0), get_global_id(1));
float3 ray_dir = projection_matrix[pixel.x + (*resolution).x * pixel.y];
// Pitch
ray_dir = (float3)(
ray_dir.z * sin((*cam_dir).x) + ray_dir.x * cos((*cam_dir).x),
ray_dir.z * cos((*cam_dir).x) - ray_dir.x * sin((*cam_dir).x)
// Yaw
ray_dir = (float3)(
ray_dir.x * cos((*cam_dir).y) - ray_dir.y * sin((*cam_dir).y),
ray_dir.x * sin((*cam_dir).y) + ray_dir.y * cos((*cam_dir).y),
if (any(ray_dir == zeroed_float3))
// Setup the voxel step based on what direction the ray is pointing
// Correct opencl for being stupid and giving us negative for true
int3 voxel_step = (-1, -1, -1) * ((ray_dir > 0) - (ray_dir < 0));
// Setup the voxel coords from the camera origin
// rtn = round towards negative
int3 voxel = convert_int3_rtn(*cam_pos);
int3 prev_voxel = voxel;
// Delta T is the units a ray must travel along an axis in order to
// traverse an integer split
float3 delta_t = fabs(1.0f / ray_dir);
// Intersection T is the collection of the next intersection points
// for all 3 axis XYZ. We want to 'boost' the intersection_t start point up to
// the offset, so we get the -(difference) between the int voxel position and the
// float camera position.
float3 offset = delta_t * ((*cam_pos) - floor(*cam_pos));
// Now we apply the inverse of the ray sign. This gives us a negative
// offset for positive values and vis versa.
float3 intersection_t = offset * -convert_float3(voxel_step);
// For negative ray directions the positive value is the correct initial offset
// For positive rays we now just have to add the delta_t to the negative offset
// and that will give us the correct positive intersection_t. Don't forget to
// correct the stupid -1==true
intersection_t += delta_t * -1 * convert_float3(isless(intersection_t, 0));
int distance_traveled = 0;
int max_distance = 20;
uint bounce_count = 0;
int3 face_mask = { 0, 0, 0 };
int voxel_data = 0;
float3 face_position = zeroed_float3;
float4 voxel_color= zeroed_float4;
float2 tile_face_position = zeroed_float2;
float3 sign = zeroed_float3;
float4 color_accumulator = zeroed_float4;
float fog_distance = 0.0f;
bool shadow_ray = false;
int vox_dim = setting(OCTDIM);
int failsafe = 0;
struct TraversalState traversal_state;
traversal_state = get_oct_vox(
int jump_power = traversal_state.resolution;
int prev_jump_power = jump_power;
int3 last_oct_pos = (0);
intersection_t +=
convert_float3((traversal_state.sub_oct_pos - * traversal_state.resolution/2);
// Andrew Woo's raycasting algo
while (distance_traveled < max_distance && bounce_count < 2) {
// Test for out of bounds contions, add fog
if (any(voxel >= *map_dim) || any(voxel < 0)){ -= * jump_power *;
color_accumulator = mix(fog_color, (1.0f,0.3f,0.3f,1.0f), 1.0f) - max(distance_traveled / 10.0f, 0.0f);
color_accumulator.w = 1.0f;
if (setting(OCTENABLED) == 0 && voxel.x < (*map_dim).x && voxel.y < (*map_dim).x && voxel.z < (*map_dim).x) {
// True will result in a -1, e.g (0, 0, -1) so negate it to positive
face_mask = -1 * ( <= min(intersection_t.yzx, intersection_t.zxy));
prev_jump_power = jump_power;
prev_voxel = voxel;
// not working, wish I would have commented!!! += * * convert_int3((traversal_state.sub_oct_pos - + traversal_state.resolution);
// += * * traversal_state.resolution;
// Test for out of bounds contions, add fog
if (any(voxel >= *map_dim) || any(voxel < 0)){ -= * jump_power *;
color_accumulator = mix(fog_color, (1.0f,0.3f,0.3f,1.0f), 1.0f) - max(distance_traveled / 8.0f, 0.0f);
color_accumulator.w = 1.0f;
uchar prev_val = traversal_state.idx_stack[traversal_state.scale];
uchar this_face_mask = 0;
// Check the voxel face that we traversed
if (face_mask.x) {
this_face_mask = idx_set_x_mask;
else if (face_mask.y) {
this_face_mask = idx_set_y_mask;
else if (face_mask.z) {
this_face_mask = idx_set_z_mask;
// and increment the idx in the idx stack
traversal_state.idx_stack[traversal_state.scale] ^= this_face_mask;
// Mask index is the 1D index'd value of the idx for interaction with the valid / leaf masks
uchar mask_index = traversal_state.idx_stack[traversal_state.scale];
// Whether or not the next oct we want to enter in the current CD's valid mask is 1 or 0
bool is_valid = false;
// Check to see if the idx increased or decreased
// If it decreased, thus invalid
// Pop up the stack until the oct that the idx flip is valid and we landed on a valid oct
if (mask_index > prev_val) // TODO: Rework this logic so we don't have this bodgy if
is_valid = (traversal_state.parent_stack[traversal_state.parent_stack_position] >> 16) & mask_8[mask_index];
failsafe = 0;
while (mask_index < prev_val || !is_valid) {
// Clear and pop the idx stack
traversal_state.idx_stack[traversal_state.scale] = 0;
// Clear and pop the parent stack
traversal_state.parent_stack_index[traversal_state.parent_stack_position] = 0;
traversal_state.parent_stack[traversal_state.parent_stack_position] = 0;
// Scale is now set to the oct above. Be wary of this
jump_power *= 2;
// Update the prev_val for our new idx
prev_val = traversal_state.idx_stack[traversal_state.scale];
// Keep track of the 0th edge of our current oct, while keeping
// track of the sub_oct we're coming from
traversal_state.sub_oct_pos = traversal_state.oct_pos;
// select take the dumb MSB truth value for vector types
// so we just gotta do this component wise, dumb
traversal_state.oct_pos.x -= select(0, jump_power, (prev_val & idx_set_x_mask));
traversal_state.oct_pos.y -= select(0, jump_power, (prev_val & idx_set_y_mask));
traversal_state.oct_pos.z -= select(0, jump_power, (prev_val & idx_set_z_mask));
// Set the current CD to the one on top of the stack
traversal_state.current_descriptor =
// Apply the face mask to the new idx for the while check
traversal_state.idx_stack[traversal_state.scale] ^= this_face_mask;
// Get the mask index of the new idx and check the valid status
mask_index = traversal_state.idx_stack[traversal_state.scale];
is_valid = (traversal_state.parent_stack[traversal_state.parent_stack_position] >> 16) & mask_8[mask_index];
if (failsafe > 10)
// At this point parent_stack[position] is at the CD of an oct with a
// valid oct at the leaf indicated by the current idx in the idx stack scale
// While we haven't bottomed out and the oct we're looking at is valid
failsafe = 0;
while (jump_power > 1 && is_valid) {
// If all went well and we found a valid non-leaf oct then we will traverse further down the hierarchy
// Count the number of valid octs that come before and add it to the index to get the position
// Negate it by one as it counts itself
int count = popcount((uchar)(traversal_state.parent_stack[traversal_state.parent_stack_position] >> 16) & count_mask_8[mask_index]) - 1;
// If this CD had the far bit set
if (far_bit_mask & octree_descriptor_buffer[traversal_state.parent_stack_index[traversal_state.parent_stack_position]]) {
// access the far point at which the head points too. Determine it's value, and add
// the count of the valid bits in the current CD to the index
uint far_pointer_index =
traversal_state.parent_stack_index[traversal_state.parent_stack_position] + // current index +
(traversal_state.parent_stack[traversal_state.parent_stack_position] & child_pointer_mask); // the relative prt to the far ptr
// Get the absolute ptr from the far ptr and add the count to get the CD that we want
traversal_state.parent_stack_index[traversal_state.parent_stack_position + 1] = octree_descriptor_buffer[far_pointer_index] + count;
// If this CD doesn't have the far bit set, access the element at which head points to
// and then add the specified number of indices to get to the correct child descriptor
else {
traversal_state.parent_stack_index[traversal_state.parent_stack_position + 1] =
traversal_state.parent_stack_index[traversal_state.parent_stack_position] + // The current index to this CD
(traversal_state.parent_stack[traversal_state.parent_stack_position] & child_pointer_mask) + count; // The relative dist + the number of bits that were valid
// Now that we have the index set we can increase our parent stack position to the next level and
// retrieve the value of its CD
traversal_state.parent_stack[traversal_state.parent_stack_position] = octree_descriptor_buffer[traversal_state.parent_stack_index[traversal_state.parent_stack_position]];
// Unlike the single shot DFS, we inherited a valid idx from the upwards traversal. So now we must
// set the idx at the tail end of this for loop
// Do the logic steps to find which sub oct we step down into
if (voxel.x >= (jump_power) + traversal_state.oct_pos.x) {
// Set our voxel position to the (0,0) of the correct oct
traversal_state.oct_pos.x += (jump_power);
// Set the idx to represent the move
traversal_state.idx_stack[traversal_state.scale+1] |= idx_set_x_mask;
if (voxel.y >= (jump_power) + traversal_state.oct_pos.y) {
traversal_state.oct_pos.y += (jump_power);
traversal_state.idx_stack[traversal_state.scale+1] |= idx_set_y_mask;
if (voxel.z >= (jump_power) + traversal_state.oct_pos.z) {
traversal_state.oct_pos.z += (jump_power);
traversal_state.idx_stack[traversal_state.scale+1] |= idx_set_z_mask;
jump_power /= 2;
// Update the mask index with the new voxel we walked down to, and then check it's valid status
mask_index = traversal_state.idx_stack[traversal_state.scale];
is_valid = (traversal_state.parent_stack[traversal_state.parent_stack_position] >> 16) & mask_8[mask_index];
if (failsafe > 10)
traversal_state.sub_oct_pos = traversal_state.oct_pos;
if (voxel.x >= (jump_power) + traversal_state.oct_pos.x) {
traversal_state.sub_oct_pos.x += (jump_power);
if (voxel.y >= (jump_power) + traversal_state.oct_pos.y) {
traversal_state.sub_oct_pos.y += (jump_power);
if (voxel.z >= (jump_power) + traversal_state.oct_pos.z) {
traversal_state.sub_oct_pos.z += (jump_power);
// Add the delta for the jump power and the traversed face
intersection_t += delta_t * jump_power * fabs(convert_float3(;
// Get the other faces
int3 other_faces = select((int3)(1,1,1), (int3)(0,0,0), (int3)(face_mask == 1));
// Get the amount of times we need to multiply the delta t to get to our face
uint3 multiplier = convert_uint3(abs(traversal_state.oct_pos - last_oct_pos) * (1.0f/prev_jump_power));
last_oct_pos = traversal_state.oct_pos;
// Go back to the beginning intersection t's for the non traversed faces
//intersection_t -= delta_t * prev_jump_power * convert_float3(;
// add back the intersection for our current jump power
//intersection_t += delta_t * convert_float3(multiplier) * jump_power * fabs(convert_float3(;
// if (traversal_state.scale == 1 && is_valid){
// voxel_data = 5;
// // -= *;
// color_accumulator = mix((1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), (1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), 1.0f - max(distance_traveled / 700.0f, 0.0f));
// color_accumulator.w *= 4;
// break;
// }
//voxel_data = map[voxel.x + (*map_dim).x * (voxel.y + (*map_dim).z * (voxel.z))];
// =======================================================================
// =======================================================================
else {
// True will result in a -1, e.g (0, 0, -1) so negate it to positive
face_mask = -1 * ( <= min(intersection_t.yzx, intersection_t.zxy));
intersection_t += delta_t * convert_float3(; += *;
// Test for out of bounds contions, add fog
if (any(voxel >= *map_dim) || any(voxel < 0)){ -= *;
color_accumulator = mix(fog_color, voxel_color, 1.0f - max(distance_traveled / 700.0f, 0.0f));
color_accumulator.w *= 4;
voxel_data = map[voxel.x + (*map_dim).x * (voxel.y + (*map_dim).z * (voxel.z))];
// =======================================================================
// =======================================================================
if (voxel_data == 5 || voxel_data == 6) {
// Determine where on the 2d plane the ray intersected
face_position = zeroed_float3;
tile_face_position = zeroed_float2;
// Collect the sign of the face hit for ray redirection
sign = (1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
// First determine the percent of the way the ray is towards the next intersection_t
// in relation to the xyz position on the plane
if (face_mask.x == 1) {
sign.x *= -1.0;
// the next intersection for this plane - the last intersection of the passed plane / delta of this plane
// basically finds how far in on the other 2 axis we are when the ray traversed the plane
float z_percent = (intersection_t.z - (intersection_t.x - delta_t.x)) / delta_t.z;
float y_percent = (intersection_t.y - (intersection_t.x - delta_t.x)) / delta_t.y;
// Since we intersected face x, we know that we are at the face (1.0)
// I think the 1.001f rendering bug is the ray thinking it's within the voxel
// even though it's sitting on the very edge
face_position = (float3)(1.00001f, y_percent, z_percent);
tile_face_position = face_position.yz;
else if (face_mask.y == 1) {
sign.y *= -1.0;
float x_percent = (intersection_t.x - (intersection_t.y - delta_t.y)) / delta_t.x;
float z_percent = (intersection_t.z - (intersection_t.y - delta_t.y)) / delta_t.z;
face_position = (float3)(x_percent, 1.00001f, z_percent);
tile_face_position = face_position.xz;
else if (face_mask.z == 1) {
sign.z *= -1.0;
float x_percent = (intersection_t.x - (intersection_t.z - delta_t.z)) / delta_t.x;
float y_percent = (intersection_t.y - (intersection_t.z - delta_t.z)) / delta_t.y;
face_position = (float3)(x_percent, y_percent, 1.00001f);
tile_face_position = face_position.xy;
// Because the raycasting process is agnostic to the quadrant
// it's working in, we need to transpose the sign over to the face positions.
// If we don't it will think that it is always working in the (1, 1, 1) quadrant
// and will just "copy" the quadrant. This includes shadows as they use the face_position
// in order to cast the intersection ray!!
face_position.x = select((face_position.x), (-face_position.x + 1.0f), (int)(ray_dir.x > 0));
tile_face_position.x = select((tile_face_position.x), (-tile_face_position.x + 1.0f), (int)(ray_dir.x < 0));
if (ray_dir.y > 0){
face_position.y = -face_position.y + 1;
} else {
tile_face_position.x = 1.0 - tile_face_position.x;
// We run into the Hairy ball problem, so we need to define
// a special case for the zmask
if (face_mask.z == 1) {
tile_face_position.x = 1.0f - tile_face_position.x;
tile_face_position.y = 1.0f - tile_face_position.y;
face_position.z = select((face_position.z), (-face_position.z + 1.0f), -1 * (int)(ray_dir.z > 0));
tile_face_position.y = select((tile_face_position.y), (-tile_face_position.y + 1.0f), -1 * (int)(ray_dir.z < 0));
// Now we detect what type of of voxel we intersected and decide whether
// to bend the ray, send out a light intersection ray, or add texture color
if (voxel_data == 5 && !shadow_ray){
shadow_ray = true; += (float3)read_imagef(
convert_int2(tile_face_position * convert_float2(*atlas_dim / *tile_dim)) +
convert_int2((float2)(5, 0) * convert_float2(*atlas_dim / *tile_dim))
color_accumulator = view_light(
(convert_float3(voxel) + face_position) - (float3)(lights[4], lights[5], lights[6]),
(float4)(lights[0], lights[1], lights[2], lights[3]),
(convert_float3(voxel) + face_position) - (*cam_pos),
face_mask * voxel_step
fog_distance = distance_traveled;
max_distance = distance_traveled + fast_distance(convert_float3(voxel), (float3)(lights[4], lights[5], lights[6]));
float3 hit_pos = convert_float3(voxel) + face_position;
ray_dir = normalize((float3)(lights[4], lights[5], lights[6]) - hit_pos);
if (any(ray_dir == zeroed_float3))
voxel -= voxel_step * face_mask;
voxel_step = ( -1, -1, -1 ) * ((ray_dir > 0) - (ray_dir < 0));
delta_t = fabs(1.0f / ray_dir);
intersection_t = delta_t * ((hit_pos) - floor(hit_pos)) * convert_float3(voxel_step);
intersection_t += delta_t * -convert_float3(isless(intersection_t, 0));
} else if (voxel_data == 6 && !shadow_ray) { += (float3)read_imagef(
convert_int2(tile_face_position * convert_float2(*atlas_dim / *tile_dim)) +
convert_int2((float2)(3, 4) * convert_float2(*atlas_dim / *tile_dim))
voxel_color.w -= 0.0f;
float3 hit_pos = convert_float3(voxel) + face_position;
ray_dir *= sign;
if (any(ray_dir == zeroed_float3))
voxel -= voxel_step * face_mask;
voxel_step = ( -1, -1, -1 ) * (ray_dir > 0) - (ray_dir < 0);
delta_t = fabs(1.0f / ray_dir);
intersection_t = delta_t * ((hit_pos)-floor(hit_pos)) * convert_float3(voxel_step);
intersection_t += delta_t * -convert_float3(isless(intersection_t, 0));
bounce_count += 1;
} else {
color_accumulator.w = 0.1f;
// At the bottom of the while loop, add one to the distance ticker
color_accumulator = mix(fog_color, color_accumulator, 1.0f - max(fog_distance / 700.0f, 0.0f));