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#include "Software_Caster.h"
int Software_Caster::init()
return 1;
void Software_Caster::create_viewport(int width, int height, float v_fov, float h_fov)
// CL needs the screen resolution
viewport_resolution = sf::Vector2i(width, height);
// And an array of vectors describing the way the "lens" of our
// camera works
// This could be modified to make some odd looking camera lenses
double y_increment_radians = DegreesToRadians(v_fov / viewport_resolution.y);
double x_increment_radians = DegreesToRadians(h_fov / viewport_resolution.x);
viewport_matrix = new sf::Vector4f[width * height * 4];
for (int y = -viewport_resolution.y / 2; y < viewport_resolution.y / 2; y++) {
for (int x = -viewport_resolution.x / 2; x < viewport_resolution.x / 2; x++) {
// The base ray direction to slew from
sf::Vector3f ray(1, 0, 0);
// Y axis, pitch
ray = sf::Vector3f(
static_cast<float>(ray.z * sin(y_increment_radians * y) + ray.x * cos(y_increment_radians * y)),
static_cast<float>(ray.z * cos(y_increment_radians * y) - ray.x * sin(y_increment_radians * y))
// Z axis, yaw
ray = sf::Vector3f(
static_cast<float>(ray.x * cos(x_increment_radians * x) - ray.y * sin(x_increment_radians * x)),
static_cast<float>(ray.x * sin(x_increment_radians * x) + ray.y * cos(x_increment_radians * x)),
int index = (x + viewport_resolution.x / 2) + viewport_resolution.x * (y + viewport_resolution.y / 2);
ray = Normalize(ray);
viewport_matrix[index] = sf::Vector4f(
// Create the image that opencl's rays write to
viewport_image = new sf::Uint8[width * height * 4];
for (int i = 0; i < width * height * 4; i += 4) {
viewport_image[i] = 255; // R
viewport_image[i + 1] = 255; // G
viewport_image[i + 2] = 255; // B
viewport_image[i + 3] = 255; // A
// Interop lets us keep a reference to it as a texture
viewport_texture.create(width, height);
void Software_Caster::assign_lights(std::vector<Light> *lights) {
this->lights = lights;
int light_count = static_cast<int>(lights->size());
void Software_Caster::assign_map(Old_Map * map) {
this->map = map;
void Software_Caster::assign_camera(Camera * camera) {
this->camera = camera;
void Software_Caster::validate() {
// Check to make sure everything has been entered;
if (camera == nullptr ||
map == nullptr ||
viewport_image == nullptr ||
viewport_matrix == nullptr) {
std::cout << "Raycaster.validate() failed, camera, map, or viewport not initialized";
void Software_Caster::compute() {
void Software_Caster::draw(sf::RenderWindow * window) {
void Software_Caster::cast_viewport() {
std::vector<std::thread*> threads;
for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++) {
int s = viewport_resolution.x * ((viewport_resolution.y / 13) * i);
int e = viewport_resolution.x * ((viewport_resolution.y / 13) * (i + 1));
threads.push_back(new std::thread(&Software_Caster::cast_thread, this, s, e));
for (auto i : threads) {
delete i;
void Software_Caster::cast_thread(int start_id, int end_id) {
for (int i = start_id; i < end_id; i++) {
void Software_Caster::cast_ray(int id)
sf::Vector2i pixel = { id % viewport_resolution.x, id / viewport_resolution.x };
// 4f 3f ??
sf::Vector4f ray_dir = viewport_matrix[pixel.x + viewport_resolution.x * pixel.y];
ray_dir = sf::Vector4f(
ray_dir.z * sin(camera->get_direction().x) + ray_dir.x * cos(camera->get_direction().x),
ray_dir.z * cos(camera->get_direction().x) - ray_dir.x * sin(camera->get_direction().x),
ray_dir = sf::Vector4f(
ray_dir.x * cos(camera->get_direction().y) - ray_dir.y * sin(camera->get_direction().y),
ray_dir.x * sin(camera->get_direction().y) + ray_dir.y * cos(camera->get_direction().y),
// Setup the voxel step based on what direction the ray is pointing
sf::Vector3i voxel_step = sf::Vector3i(
static_cast<int>(1 * (abs(ray_dir.x) / ray_dir.x)),
static_cast<int>(1 * (abs(ray_dir.y) / ray_dir.y)),
static_cast<int>(1 * (abs(ray_dir.z) / ray_dir.z))
// Setup the voxel coords from the camera origin
sf::Vector3i voxel = sf::Vector3i(
// Delta T is the units a ray must travel along an axis in order to
// traverse an integer split
sf::Vector3f delta_t = sf::Vector3f(
fabs(1.0f / ray_dir.x),
fabs(1.0f / ray_dir.y),
fabs(1.0f / ray_dir.z)
// offset is how far we are into a voxel, enables sub voxel movement
sf::Vector3f offset = sf::Vector3f(
(camera->get_position().x - floor(camera->get_position().x)) * voxel_step.x,
(camera->get_position().y - floor(camera->get_position().y)) * voxel_step.y,
(camera->get_position().z - floor(camera->get_position().z)) * voxel_step.z
// Intersection T is the collection of the next intersection points
// for all 3 axis XYZ.
sf::Vector3f intersection_t = sf::Vector3f(
delta_t.x * offset.x,
delta_t.y * offset.y,
delta_t.z * offset.z
// for negative values, wrap around the delta_t, rather not do this
// component wise, but it doesn't appear to want to work
if (intersection_t.x < 0) {
intersection_t.x += delta_t.x;
if (intersection_t.y < 0) {
intersection_t.y += delta_t.y;
if (intersection_t.z < 0) {
intersection_t.z += delta_t.z;
// use a ghetto ass rng to give rays a "fog" appearance
sf::Vector2i randoms = { 3, 14 };
int seed = randoms.x + id;
int t = seed ^ (seed << 11);
int result = randoms.y ^ (randoms.y >> 19) ^ (t ^ (t >> 8));
int max_dist = 800 + result % 50;
int dist = 0;
sf::Vector3i mask = { 0, 0, 0 };
// Andrew Woo's raycasting algo
do {
if ((intersection_t.x) < (intersection_t.y)) {
if ((intersection_t.x) < (intersection_t.z)) {
mask.x = 1;
voxel.x += voxel_step.x;
intersection_t.x = intersection_t.x + delta_t.x;
else {
mask.z = 1;
voxel.z += voxel_step.z;
intersection_t.z = intersection_t.z + delta_t.z;
else {
if ((intersection_t.y) < (intersection_t.z)) {
mask.y = 1;
voxel.y += voxel_step.y;
intersection_t.y = intersection_t.y + delta_t.y;
else {
mask.z = 1;
voxel.z += voxel_step.z;
intersection_t.z = intersection_t.z + delta_t.z;
// If the ray went out of bounds
sf::Vector3i overshoot = sf::Vector3i(
voxel.x <= map->getDimensions().x,
voxel.y <= map->getDimensions().y,
voxel.z <= map->getDimensions().z
sf::Vector3i undershoot = sf::Vector3i(
voxel.x > 0,
voxel.y > 0,
voxel.z > 0
if (overshoot.x == 0 || overshoot.y == 0 || overshoot.z == 0 || undershoot.x == 0 || undershoot.y == 0) {
blit_pixel(sf::Color::Yellow, sf::Vector2i{ pixel.x,pixel.y }, mask);
if (undershoot.z == 0) {
blit_pixel(sf::Color::Yellow, sf::Vector2i{ pixel.x,pixel.y }, mask);
// If we hit a voxel
//int index = voxel.x * (*map_dim).y * (*map_dim).z + voxel.z * (*map_dim).z + voxel.y;
// Why the off by one on voxel.y?
int index = voxel.x + map->getDimensions().x * (voxel.y + map->getDimensions().z * (voxel.z - 1));
int voxel_data = map->get_voxel_data()[index];
if (voxel_data != 0) {
switch (voxel_data) {
case 1:
blit_pixel(sf::Color::Green, sf::Vector2i{ pixel.x,pixel.y }, mask);
case 2:
blit_pixel(sf::Color::Green, sf::Vector2i{ pixel.x,pixel.y }, mask);
case 3:
blit_pixel(sf::Color::Green, sf::Vector2i{ pixel.x,pixel.y }, mask);
case 4:
blit_pixel(sf::Color::Green, sf::Vector2i{ pixel.x,pixel.y }, mask);
case 5:
blit_pixel(sf::Color(30, 10, 200, 100), sf::Vector2i{ pixel.x,pixel.y }, mask);
case 6:
blit_pixel(sf::Color::Green, sf::Vector2i{ pixel.x,pixel.y }, mask);
//write_imagef(image, pixel, (float4)(.30, .2550, .2550, 255.00));
} while (dist < max_dist);
blit_pixel(sf::Color::Red, sf::Vector2i{ pixel.x,pixel.y }, mask);
void Software_Caster::blit_pixel(sf::Color color, sf::Vector2i position, sf::Vector3i mask) {
sf::Color t = global_light(color, mask);
viewport_image[(position.x + viewport_resolution.x * position.y) * 4 + 0] = t.r;
viewport_image[(position.x + viewport_resolution.x * position.y) * 4 + 1] = t.g;
viewport_image[(position.x + viewport_resolution.x * position.y) * 4 + 2] = t.b;
viewport_image[(position.x + viewport_resolution.x * position.y) * 4 + 3] = t.a;
sf::Color Software_Caster::global_light(sf::Color in, sf::Vector3i mask) {
sf::Vector3f mask_f(mask);
in.a = in.a + (int)acos(
)/ 2;
return in;