@ -15,10 +15,16 @@ const CACHE_HEIGHT: usize = 1000;
/// Typed wrapper for a u32 shader handle (index id)
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct CanvasShaderHandle {
pub struct CanvasTextHandle {
pub handle: u32
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct CanvasTextCacheHandle {
pub handle: u32
/// So currently, I'm using these as container classes which vkprocessor owns
/// I then use a CanvasFrame which accumulates lists of handles and vertices.
pub struct CanvasText {
@ -27,27 +33,27 @@ pub struct CanvasText {
font: Font<'static>,
cache: Cache<'static>,
cache_pixel_buffer: Vec<u8>,
texts: Vec<TextData>,
texts: Vec<u8>,
impl CanvasText {
pub fn new() -> CanvasText {
pub fn new(device: Arc<Device>, queue: Arc<Queue>) -> CanvasText {
let cache = Cache::builder().dimensions(CACHE_WIDTH as u32, CACHE_HEIGHT as u32).build();
let cache_pixel_buffer = vec!(0; CACHE_WIDTH * CACHE_HEIGHT);
// let font_data = include_bytes!("DejaVuSans.ttf");
// let font = Font::from_bytes(font_data as &[u8]).unwrap();
let font_data = include_bytes!("../resources/fonts/sansation.ttf");
let font = Font::from_bytes(font_data as &[u8]).unwrap();
CanvasText {
device: (),
queue: (),
font: (),
cache: (),
cache_pixel_buffer: (),
texts: ()
device: device.clone(),
queue: queue.clone(),
font: font,
cache: cache,
cache_pixel_buffer: vec![],
texts: vec![]
@ -60,132 +66,132 @@ impl CanvasText {
for glyph in &glyphs {
self.cache.queue_glyph(0, glyph.clone());
self.texts.push(TextData {
glyphs: glyphs.clone(),
color: color,
// self.texts.push(TextData {
// glyphs: glyphs.clone(),
// color: color,
// });
pub fn draw_text(&mut self,
command_buffer: AutoCommandBufferBuilder,
image_num: usize
) -> AutoCommandBufferBuilder {
let screen_width = 0;
let screen_height = 0;
let cache_pixel_buffer = &mut self.cache_pixel_buffer;
let cache = &mut self.cache;
// update texture cache
|rect, src_data| {
let width = (rect.max.x - rect.min.x) as usize;
let height = (rect.max.y - rect.min.y) as usize;
let mut dst_index = rect.min.y as usize * CACHE_WIDTH + rect.min.x as usize;
let mut src_index = 0;
for _ in 0..height {
let dst_slice = &mut cache_pixel_buffer[dst_index..dst_index+width];
let src_slice = &src_data[src_index..src_index+width];
dst_index += CACHE_WIDTH;
src_index += width;
// need to get a hold of the cache buffer handle after I create it
// will then get swapped into this texture buffer
// Hmmm so this uninit call returns the texture and then a handle for whatever fills it up
let (cache_texture, cache_texture_write) = ImmutableImage::uninitialized(
Dimensions::Dim2d { width: CACHE_WIDTH as u32, height: CACHE_HEIGHT as u32 },
ImageUsage {
sampled: true,
transfer_destination: true,
.. ImageUsage::none()
let set = Arc::new(
PersistentDescriptorSet::start(self.pipeline.clone(), 0)
.add_sampled_image(cache_texture.clone(), sampler).unwrap()
let mut command_buffer = command_buffer
.begin_render_pass(self.framebuffers[image_num].clone(), false, vec!(ClearValue::None)).unwrap();
// draw
for text in &mut self.texts.drain(..) {
let vertices: Vec<Vertex2D> = text.glyphs.iter().flat_map(|g| {
if let Ok(Some((uv_rect, screen_rect))) = cache.rect_for(0, g) {
let gl_rect = Rect {
min: point(
(screen_rect.min.x as f32 / screen_width as f32 - 0.5) * 2.0,
(screen_rect.min.y as f32 / screen_height as f32 - 0.5) * 2.0
max: point(
(screen_rect.max.x as f32 / screen_width as f32 - 0.5) * 2.0,
(screen_rect.max.y as f32 / screen_height as f32 - 0.5) * 2.0
// Vertex {
// position: [gl_rect.min.x, gl_rect.max.y],
// tex_position: [uv_rect.min.x, uv_rect.max.y],
// color: text.color,
// },
// Vertex {
// position: [gl_rect.min.x, gl_rect.min.y],
// tex_position: [uv_rect.min.x, uv_rect.min.y],
// color: text.color,
// },
// Vertex {
// position: [gl_rect.max.x, gl_rect.min.y],
// tex_position: [uv_rect.max.x, uv_rect.min.y],
// color: text.color,
// },
// Vertex {
// position: [gl_rect.max.x, gl_rect.min.y],
// tex_position: [uv_rect.max.x, uv_rect.min.y],
// color: text.color,
// },
// Vertex {
// position: [gl_rect.max.x, gl_rect.max.y],
// tex_position: [uv_rect.max.x, uv_rect.max.y],
// color: text.color,
// },
// Vertex {
// position: [gl_rect.min.x, gl_rect.max.y],
// tex_position: [uv_rect.min.x, uv_rect.max.y],
// color: text.color,
// let screen_width = 0;
// let screen_height = 0;
// let cache_pixel_buffer = &mut self.cache_pixel_buffer;
// let cache = &mut self.cache;
// // update texture cache
// cache.cache_queued(
// |rect, src_data| {
// let width = (rect.max.x - rect.min.x) as usize;
// let height = (rect.max.y - rect.min.y) as usize;
// let mut dst_index = rect.min.y as usize * CACHE_WIDTH + rect.min.x as usize;
// let mut src_index = 0;
// for _ in 0..height {
// let dst_slice = &mut cache_pixel_buffer[dst_index..dst_index+width];
// let src_slice = &src_data[src_index..src_index+width];
// dst_slice.copy_from_slice(src_slice);
// dst_index += CACHE_WIDTH;
// src_index += width;
// }
// }
// ).unwrap();
// // need to get a hold of the cache buffer handle after I create it
// // will then get swapped into this texture buffer
// // Hmmm so this uninit call returns the texture and then a handle for whatever fills it up
// let (cache_texture, cache_texture_write) = ImmutableImage::uninitialized(
// self.device.clone(),
// Dimensions::Dim2d { width: CACHE_WIDTH as u32, height: CACHE_HEIGHT as u32 },
// R8Unorm,
// 1,
// ImageUsage {
// sampled: true,
// transfer_destination: true,
// .. ImageUsage::none()
// },
else {
let vertex_buffer = CpuAccessibleBuffer::from_iter(self.device.clone(), BufferUsage::all(), vertices.into_iter()).unwrap();
command_buffer = command_buffer.draw(self.pipeline.clone(), &DynamicState::none(), vertex_buffer.clone(), set.clone(), ()).unwrap();
// ImageLayout::General,
// Some(self.queue.family())
// ).unwrap();
// let set = Arc::new(
// PersistentDescriptorSet::start(self.pipeline.clone(), 0)
// .add_sampled_image(cache_texture.clone(), sampler).unwrap()
// .build().unwrap()
// );
// let mut command_buffer = command_buffer
// .copy_buffer_to_image(
// buffer.clone(),
// cache_texture_write,
// ).unwrap()
// .begin_render_pass(self.framebuffers[image_num].clone(), false, vec!(ClearValue::None)).unwrap();
// // draw
// for text in &mut self.texts.drain(..) {
// let vertices: Vec<Vertex2D> = text.glyphs.iter().flat_map(|g| {
// if let Ok(Some((uv_rect, screen_rect))) = cache.rect_for(0, g) {
// let gl_rect = Rect {
// min: point(
// (screen_rect.min.x as f32 / screen_width as f32 - 0.5) * 2.0,
// (screen_rect.min.y as f32 / screen_height as f32 - 0.5) * 2.0
// ),
// max: point(
// (screen_rect.max.x as f32 / screen_width as f32 - 0.5) * 2.0,
// (screen_rect.max.y as f32 / screen_height as f32 - 0.5) * 2.0
// )
// };
// vec!(
//// Vertex {
//// position: [gl_rect.min.x, gl_rect.max.y],
//// tex_position: [uv_rect.min.x, uv_rect.max.y],
//// color: text.color,
//// },
//// Vertex {
//// position: [gl_rect.min.x, gl_rect.min.y],
//// tex_position: [uv_rect.min.x, uv_rect.min.y],
//// color: text.color,
//// },
//// Vertex {
//// position: [gl_rect.max.x, gl_rect.min.y],
//// tex_position: [uv_rect.max.x, uv_rect.min.y],
//// color: text.color,
//// },
//// Vertex {
//// position: [gl_rect.max.x, gl_rect.min.y],
//// tex_position: [uv_rect.max.x, uv_rect.min.y],
//// color: text.color,
//// },
//// Vertex {
//// position: [gl_rect.max.x, gl_rect.max.y],
//// tex_position: [uv_rect.max.x, uv_rect.max.y],
//// color: text.color,
//// },
//// Vertex {
//// position: [gl_rect.min.x, gl_rect.max.y],
//// tex_position: [uv_rect.min.x, uv_rect.max.y],
//// color: text.color,
//// },
// ).into_iter()
// }
// else {
// vec!().into_iter()
// }
// }).collect();
// let vertex_buffer = CpuAccessibleBuffer::from_iter(self.device.clone(), BufferUsage::all(), vertices.into_iter()).unwrap();
// command_buffer = command_buffer.draw(self.pipeline.clone(), &DynamicState::none(), vertex_buffer.clone(), set.clone(), ()).unwrap();
// }