MitchellHansen 10 years ago
parent 6f25b81081
commit 56c4f158fc

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@

Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
# Visual Studio 14
VisualStudioVersion = 14.0.23107.0
MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "aStar", "aStar\aStar.vcxproj", "{9035B83C-F117-480E-9DEB-435AA0EBEA3F}"
GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
Debug|x64 = Debug|x64
Release|x64 = Release|x64
GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
{9035B83C-F117-480E-9DEB-435AA0EBEA3F}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
{9035B83C-F117-480E-9DEB-435AA0EBEA3F}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
{9035B83C-F117-480E-9DEB-435AA0EBEA3F}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
{9035B83C-F117-480E-9DEB-435AA0EBEA3F}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
HideSolutionNode = FALSE

@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
#include "App.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "Map.h"
// ========== Constructors =============
App::App() {
window = new sf::RenderWindow(sf::VideoMode(WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT), "SFML works!");
App::~App() { }
// ========== Mutes =============
void App::Init() {
// Set up the background texture
background_texture = new sf::Texture();
_pixelArray = new sf::Uint8[WINDOW_WIDTH * WINDOW_HEIGHT * 4];
pixel_array_texture.create(WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT);
explorer = new Explorer(&map);
void App::Input() {
while (window->pollEvent(event)) {
if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed)
if (event.type == sf::Event::KeyPressed) {
if (event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Space) {
void App::Update(double step_size) {
void App::Render() {
// Get the physics fps for the last render cycle
physics_fps = physics_frame_count * render_fps;
// Frame time in seconds
frame_time = delta_time * 1000;
// And the render fps
render_fps = 1000 / frame_time;
sf::Vector2i pos;
for (int i = 0; i < WINDOW_WIDTH * WINDOW_HEIGHT * 4; i++) {
_pixelArray[i] = 0;
// Draw the tiles
for (int x = 0; x < Map::CELLS_WIDTH; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < Map::CELLS_HEIGHT; y++) {
pos.x = x;
pos.y = y;
sf::Color thing = map.getTile(pos)->getColor();
for (int x2 = 1; x2 < 5; x2++) {
for (int y2 = 1; y2 < 5; y2++) {
int pixel_x = (x * 5) + x2;
int pixel_y = (y * 5) + y2;
_pixelArray[(pixel_y * WINDOW_WIDTH + pixel_x) * 4] = thing.r; // Red
_pixelArray[(pixel_y * WINDOW_WIDTH + pixel_x) * 4 + 1] = thing.g; // Green
_pixelArray[(pixel_y * WINDOW_WIDTH + pixel_x) * 4 + 2] = thing.b; // Blue
_pixelArray[(pixel_y * WINDOW_WIDTH + pixel_x) * 4 + 3] = thing.a; // Alpha
// Draw the player
for (int x2 = 1; x2 < 5; x2++) {
for (int y2 = 1; y2 < 5; y2++) {
int pixel_x = (explorer->getPosition().x * 5) + x2;
int pixel_y = (explorer->getPosition().y * 5) + y2;
sf::Color color = explorer->getColor();
_pixelArray[(pixel_y * WINDOW_WIDTH + pixel_x) * 4] = color.r; // Red
_pixelArray[(pixel_y * WINDOW_WIDTH + pixel_x) * 4 + 1] = color.g; // Green
_pixelArray[(pixel_y * WINDOW_WIDTH + pixel_x) * 4 + 2] = color.b; // Blue
_pixelArray[(pixel_y * WINDOW_WIDTH + pixel_x) * 4 + 3] = color.a; // Alpha
void App::Run() {
while (window->isOpen()) {
// Time since app start
elapsed_time = time();
// Time between last frame start and this frame
// 2 seconds = 30 seconds - 28 seconds
delta_time = elapsed_time - current_time;
current_time = elapsed_time;
// Make sure we aren't taking too big of steps when lagging
if (delta_time > 0.02f)
delta_time = 0.02f;
// Add the delta time to the leftover time from the last frame
accumulator_time += delta_time;
// While there is time left
while ((accumulator_time - step_size) >= step_size) {
// Take away the time we will be simulating
accumulator_time -= step_size;
// Update the game for the timestep
float App::time() {
static __int64 start = 0;
static __int64 frequency = 0;
if (start == 0) {
return 0.0f;
__int64 counter = 0;
return (float)((counter - start) / double(frequency));

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
#pragma once
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include "Map.h"
#include "Explorer.h"
class App {
// Constants
static const int WINDOW_HEIGHT = 766;
static const int WINDOW_WIDTH = 1596;
const double PI = 3.141592653589793238462643383279;
// Start the app
void Run();
Map map;
sf::Uint8* _pixelArray;
sf::Sprite pixel_array_sprite;
sf::Texture pixel_array_texture;
Explorer* explorer;
// Art assets
sf::Texture* background_texture;
sf::Sprite backgroundSprite;
void Init();
void Input();
void Update(double step_size);
void Render();
// The main render window, probably should think about supporting multiple of these
sf::RenderWindow* window;
// The events for the event handler
sf::Event event;
// Loop management data, black magic, need to redo
float time();
// Size of the physics steps to take
float step_size = 0.005f;
double current_time = 0.0;
double frame_time = 0.0;
double instant_fps = 0.0;
double accumulator_time = 0.0;
int render_frame_count = 0;
double render_fps = 0;
int physics_frame_count = 0;
double physics_fps = 0;
double elapsed_time = 0;
double delta_time = 0;

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
#include "Explorer.h"
#include <iostream>
Explorer::Explorer(Map* map_) {
color = sf::Color::Blue;
position = sf::Vector2i(10, 10);
map = map_;
Explorer::~Explorer() {
sf::Vector2i Explorer::getPosition() {
return position;
sf::Color Explorer::getColor() {
return color;
bool Explorer::move() {
// While there are moves for us to take
if (!movement_stack.empty()) {
bool valid = false; // If the next move is valid, collision
int x =;
switch (x) {
case 0: // North
if (!map->getTile(position.x, position.y - 1)->isSolid()) {
valid = true;
position = sf::Vector2i(position.x, position.y - 1);
case 1: // East
if (!map->getTile(position.x + 1, position.y)->isSolid()) {
valid = true;
position = sf::Vector2i(position.x + 1, position.y);
case 2: // South
if (!map->getTile(position.x, position.y + 1)->isSolid()) {
valid = true;
position = sf::Vector2i(position.x, position.y + 1);
case 3: // West
if (!map->getTile(position.x - 1, position.y)->isSolid()) {
valid = true;
position = sf::Vector2i(position.x - 1, position.y);
// If the path was blocked
if (!valid) {
std::cout << "Path blocked" << std::endl;
// Flush the moves list
while(!movement_stack.empty()) {
return false;
// If everything went well, pop and return true
return true;
return false;
// A*
bool Explorer::plan(sf::Vector2i destination_) {
return true;

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
#pragma once
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <stack>
#include "Map.h"
class Explorer {
Explorer(Map* map_);
sf::Vector2i getPosition();
sf::Color getColor();
sf::Color color;
sf::Vector2i position;
Map* map;
std::stack<int> movement_stack;
bool move();
bool plan(sf::Vector2i destination_);

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
#include "Map.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
Map::Map() {
Map::~Map() {
Tile* Map::getTile(sf::Vector2i position_) {
if (position_.x > CELLS_WIDTH || position_.x < 0
|| position_.y > CELLS_HEIGHT || position_.y < 0) {
return nullptr;
return tileArray[position_.x][position_.y];
bool Map::isTileSolid(sf::Vector2i position_) {
if (position_.x > CELLS_WIDTH || position_.x < 0
|| position_.y > CELLS_HEIGHT || position_.y < 0) {
return true;
return tileArray[position_.x][position_.y]->isSolid();
Tile* Map::getTile(int x_, int y_) {
return tileArray[x_][y_];
void Map::setTile(sf::Vector2i position, Tile* data) {
delete tileArray[position.x][position.y];
tileArray[position.x][position.y] = data;
void Map::Init() {
int q;
for (int x = 0; x < CELLS_WIDTH; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < CELLS_HEIGHT; y++) {
q = rand() % 100;
if (q > 70) {
tileArray[x][y] = new Tile(true, 100.0, sf::Color::Cyan);
else {
tileArray[x][y] = new Tile(false, 0.0, sf::Color::Red);

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
#pragma once
#include "Tile.h"
#include <SFML/System/Vector2.hpp>
class Map {
static const int CELLS_HEIGHT = 153;
static const int CELLS_WIDTH = 319;
Tile* getTile(sf::Vector2i position);
Tile* getTile(int x_, int y_);
bool isTileSolid(sf::Vector2i);
void setTile(sf::Vector2i position, Tile* data);
void Init();
Tile* tileArray[319][153];

@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
#include "Pather.h"
#include <iostream>
node::node(sf::Vector2i XY, int h, int cF, int cL, node* p, Pather* pather_) {
xy = XY;
hueristic = h;
cameFrom = cF;
closedList = cL;
parent = p;
pather = pather_;
node::node() {
node::~node() {
void node::neighbors() {
int x = pather->getEndNodePosition().x;
int y = pather->getEndNodePosition().y;
sf::Vector2i dest0XY(xy.x, xy.y - 1); // North
if (!pather->map->isTileSolid(dest0XY) && pather->visitedMap[dest0XY.x][dest0XY.y] != 1) {
// If so, find the distance between this node and the end node, the hueristic
int tempx = (x - dest0XY.x);
int tempy = (y - dest0XY.y);
// I think dv is the hueristic??
double dv = sqrt((tempx * tempx) + (tempy * tempy));
int v = static_cast<int>(dv);
// Take that value and create a new node
pather->openList.emplace(new node(dest0XY, v, 0, 1, pather->active_node, pather), v);
// Set that tile as visited so we don't get stuck in a loop
pather->visitedMap[dest0XY.x][dest0XY.y] = 1;
sf::Vector2i dest1XY(xy.x + 1, xy.y); // East
if (!pather->map->isTileSolid(dest1XY) && pather->visitedMap[dest1XY.x][dest1XY.y] != 1) {
// If so, find the distance between this node and the end node, the hueristic
int tempx = (x - dest1XY.x);
int tempy = (y - dest1XY.y);
// I think dv is the hueristic??
double dv = sqrt((tempx * tempx) + (tempy * tempy));
int v = static_cast<int>(dv);
// Take that value and create a new node
pather->openList.emplace(new node(dest1XY, v, 0, 1, pather->active_node, pather), v);
// Set that tile as visited so we don't get stuck in a loop
pather->visitedMap[dest1XY.x][dest1XY.y] = 1;
sf::Vector2i dest2XY(xy.x, xy.y + 1); // South
if (!pather->map->isTileSolid(dest2XY) && pather->visitedMap[dest2XY.x][dest2XY.y] != 1) {
// If so, find the distance between this node and the end node, the hueristic
int tempx = (x - dest2XY.x);
int tempy = (y - dest2XY.y);
// I think dv is the hueristic??
double dv = sqrt((tempx * tempx) + (tempy * tempy));
int v = static_cast<int>(dv);
// Take that value and create a new node
pather->openList.emplace(new node(dest2XY, v, 0, 1, pather->active_node, pather), v);
// Set that tile as visited so we don't get stuck in a loop
pather->visitedMap[dest2XY.x][dest2XY.y] = 1;
sf::Vector2i dest3XY(xy.x - 1, xy.y); // West
if (!pather->map->isTileSolid(dest3XY) && pather->visitedMap[dest3XY.x][dest3XY.y] != 1) {
// If so, find the distance between this node and the end node, the hueristic
int tempx = (x - dest3XY.x);
int tempy = (y - dest3XY.y);
// I think dv is the hueristic??
double dv = sqrt((tempx * tempx) + (tempy * tempy));
int v = static_cast<int>(dv);
// Take that value and create a new node
pather->openList.emplace(new node(dest3XY, v, 0, 1, pather->active_node, pather), v);
// Set that tile as visited so we don't get stuck in a loop
pather->visitedMap[dest3XY.x][dest3XY.y] = 1;
Pather::Pather(Map* map_) {
map = map_;
Pather::~Pather() {
sf::Vector2i Pather::getEndNodePosition() {
return end_node->xy;
std::vector<int> Pather::pathTo(sf::Vector2i start, sf::Vector2i end) {
// Clear the visited map for erroneous data
for (int i = 0; i < Map::CELLS_WIDTH; i++) {
for (int l = 0; l < Map::CELLS_HEIGHT; l++) {
visitedMap[i][l] = 0;
// Place the start and end nodes
start_node = new node(start, 0, 0, 0, nullptr, this);
end_node = new node(end, 0, 0, 0, nullptr, this);
// Set the entry point, clean up any stray data from last run
active_node = start_node;
// Seed for the loop
openList.emplace(start_node, 0);
early_exit = false;
//path_list = Loop();
return path_list;
std::vector<int> Pather::loop() {
while (!openList.empty() && !early_exit) {
// Early exit jankyness, need to change this
if (closedList.size() > 3000) {
no_path = true;
early_exit = true;
else if (active_node->xy.x == end_node->xy.x && end_node->xy.y == end_node->xy.y) {
early_exit = true;
else {
// Find the pair with the lowest hueristic
// 5/10
std::pair<node*, int> bestMin;
for (auto testMin: openList) {
if (bestMin.second < testMin.second)
bestMin = testMin;
// Find the neighbors for that node
// Remove the active node from the openlist as you have visited it and called its neighbors
// Check to see if the node has already been added to the closed list, if not, add it
if (closedList.count(active_node) > 0) {
closedList.emplace(active_node, active_node->hueristic);
// Set the new active node to the lowest hueristic that we found earlier
active_node = bestMin.first;
std::vector<int> return_path = returnPath();
if (no_path || return_path.empty()) {
return std::vector<int>(0, 0);
std::cout << " no return path " << std::endl;
return return_path;
std::vector<int> Pather::returnPath() {
std::vector<int> path;
while (active_node != nullptr) {
delete active_node;
active_node = active_node->parent;
return path;

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
#pragma once
#include <map>
#include "App.h"
#include <unordered_map>
class Pather;
class node {
node(sf::Vector2i XY, int h, int cF, int cL, node* p, Pather* pather_);
sf::Vector2i xy;
// Ugh, pointers, ugh c++
node* parent;
int hueristic;
int cameFrom;
int closedList;
Pather* pather;
void neighbors();
class Pather {
Pather(Map* map_);
Map* map;
std::unordered_map<node*, int> openList;
std::unordered_map<node*, int> closedList;
int visitedMap[App::WINDOW_HEIGHT][App::WINDOW_WIDTH];
std::vector<int> pathTo(sf::Vector2i start, sf::Vector2i end);
std::vector<int> loop();
std::vector<int> returnPath();
sf::Vector2i getEndNodePosition();
node* start_node;
node* active_node;
bool no_path = false;
bool early_exit;
std::vector<int> path_list;
node* end_node;

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
#include "Tile.h"
Tile::Tile(bool solid_, double movement_penalty_, sf::Color color_) {
solid = solid_;
movement_penalty = movement_penalty_;
color = color_;
Tile::Tile() {
solid = false;
movement_penalty = 0.0;
color = sf::Color::Red;
Tile::~Tile() {
bool Tile::isSolid() {
return solid;
double Tile::getPenalty() {
return movement_penalty;
sf::Color Tile::getColor() {
return color;
void Tile::Rewrite(bool solid_, double movement_penalty_, sf::Color color_) {
solid = solid_;
movement_penalty = movement_penalty_;
color = color_;

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
#pragma once
#include <SFML\Graphics.hpp>
class Tile {
Tile(bool solid_, double movement_penalty_, sf::Color color_);
bool isSolid();
double getPenalty();
sf::Color getColor();
void Rewrite(bool solid_, double movement_penalty_, sf::Color color_);
bool solid = false;
double movement_penalty = 0.0;
sf::Color color;

@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
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Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 6.2 KiB

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
#include <SFML/Window.hpp>
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include "App.h"
int main()
App app;
return 0;

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