Need to do a bit more reading on how to set up interop. Also need to figure out the buffer thing for regular primative buffers, and also image buffersmaster
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,17 +1,125 @@
__kernel void hello(__global char* string)
string[0] = 'H';
string[1] = 'e';
string[2] = 'l';
string[3] = 'l';
string[4] = 'o';
string[5] = ',';
string[6] = ' ';
string[7] = 'W';
string[8] = 'o';
string[9] = 'r';
string[10] = 'l';
string[11] = 'd';
string[12] = '!';
string[13] = '\0';
// global : local : constant : private
// Function arguments of type image2d_t, image3d_t, image2d_array_t, image1d_t, image1d_buffer_t,
// and image1d_array_t refer to image memory objects allocated in the **global** address space.
// Open CL C
__kernel void hello(
global int2* resolution,
global char* map,
global float3* projection_matrix,
global float3* cam_dir,
global float3* cam_pos,
global image2d_t* canvas) {
printf("%s\n", "this is a test string\n");
const int MAX_RAY_STEPS = 64;
// The pixel coord we are at
int2 screenPos = (int2)(get_global_id(0) % resolution->x, get_global_id(0) / resolution->x);
// The X and Y planes
//float3 cameraPlaneU = vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
// Y being multiplied by the aspect ratio, usually around .5-6ish;
//cl_float3 cameraPlaneV = vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0) * iResolution.y / iResolution.x;
// So this is how they do that ray aiming! hah this is so tiny
// (camera direction) + (pixel.x * the X plane) + (product of pixel.y * Y plane)
// Oh all it's doing is adding the x and y coords of the pixel to the camera direction vector, interesting
//cl_float3 rayDir = cameraDir + screenPos.x * cameraPlaneU + screenPos.y * cameraPlaneV;
// the origin of the ray
// So the sign thing is for the up and down motion
//cl_float3 rayPos = vec3(0.0, 2.0 * sin(iGlobalTime * 2.7), -12.0);
// Ah, and here is where it spins around the center axis
// So it looks like its applying a function to rotate the x and z axis
//rayPos.xz = rotate2d(rayPos.xz, iGlobalTime);
//rayDir.xz = rotate2d(rayDir.xz, iGlobalTime);
// Just an intvec of out coords
//ivec3 mapPos = ivec3(floor(rayPos));
// I think this is the delta t value
// the magnitude of the vector divided by the rays direction. Not sure what the aim of that is
// The ray direction might always be normalized, so that would be the dame as my delta_T
//vec3 deltaDist = abs(vec3(length(rayDir)) / rayDir);
// The steps are the signs of the ray direction
//ivec3 rayStep = ivec3(sign(rayDir));
// ithe sign of the rays direction
// *
// Convert map position to a floating point vector and take away the ray position
// +
// the sign of the rays direction by 0.5
// +
// 0.5
// Now multyply everything by 0.5
//vec3 sideDist = (sign(rayDir) * (vec3(mapPos) - rayPos) + (sign(rayDir) * 0.5) + 0.5) * deltaDist;
// A byte mask
//bvec3 mask;
// repeat until the max steps
//for (int i = 0; i < MAX_RAY_STEPS; i++) {
// If there is a voxel at the map position, continue?
//if (getVoxel(mapPos))
// break;
// find which is smaller
// y ? z --> x`
// z ? x --> y`
// x ? y --> z`
// find which os is less or equal
// x` ? x --> x
// y` ? y --> y
// z` ? z --> z
// Now find which ons is
//mask = lessThanEqual(, min(sideDist.yzx, sideDist.zxy));
// Originally he used a component wise
/*bvec3 b1 = lessThan(, sideDist.yzx);
bvec3 b2 = lessThanEqual(, sideDist.zxy);
mask.x = b1.x && b2.x;
mask.y = b1.y && b2.y;
mask.z = b1.z && b2.z;*/
//Would've done mask = b1 && b2 but the compiler is making me do it component wise.
//All components of mask are false except for the corresponding largest component
//of sideDist, which is the axis along which the ray should be incremented.
//sideDist += vec3(mask) * deltaDist;
//mapPos += ivec3(mask) * rayStep;
// Ah this is for coloring obviously, seems to be odd though, no indexing
//vec4 color;
//if (mask.x) {
// color = vec4(0.5);
//if (mask.y) {
// color = vec4(1.0);
//if (mask.z) {
// color = vec4(0.75);
//write_imagef(image, pixel, color);
Reference in new issue