This project is an implementation of a "from scratch" experimental volumetric rendering engine. Using OpenCL this program is able to hardware accelerate Woo's Fast Voxel Traversal Algorithm which traverses through a Sparse Voxel Octree as described by Laine et al. Light is simulated using the Blinn-Phong shading model along with a recursive ray tracer style of shadow tracing. Individual voxels are also textured using a user provided texture atlas and voxel data.
This project is an implementation of an experimental "from scratch" volumetric rendering engine. Using OpenCL this program is able to hardware accelerate Woo's Fast Voxel Traversal Algorithm which traverses through a Sparse Voxel Octree as described by Laine et al. Light is simulated using the Blinn-Phong shading model along with a recursive ray tracer style of shadow tracing. Individual voxels are also textured using a user provided texture atlas and voxel data.