The new rendering method now works on the full compat case.

Added a kernel to help test opencl data passing
renamed the kernels, buffers, etc.
MitchellHansen 9 years ago
parent 5528e03c69
commit d1bd4ce667

@ -27,9 +27,12 @@ include_directories(${OpenCL_INCLUDE_DIRS})
# Set the .cpp sources
# Set the sources, allows VS to filter them properly
file(GLOB SOURCES "src/*.cpp")
add_executable(${PNAME} ${SOURCES} include/Renderer.cpp include/Renderer.h)
file(GLOB HEADERS "include/*.h" "include/*.hpp")
file(GLOB KERNELS "kernels/*.cl")
add_executable(${PNAME} ${SOURCES} ${HEADERS} ${KERNELS})
# Link CL, GL, and SFML
target_link_libraries (${PNAME} ${SFML_LIBRARIES} ${SFML_DEPENDENCIES})

@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <list>
class Curses {
struct Slot {
Slot(wchar_t unicode_value_,
sf::Color font_color_,
sf::Color backfill_color_) :
wchar_t unicode_value;
sf::Color font_color;
sf::Color backfill_color;
struct Tile {
Tile(sf::Vector2i position_) :
blank_standby(L'\u0020', sf::Color::Transparent, sf::Color::Black),
{ };
Slot blank_standby;
int index = 0; // What index in the vector are we. Backbone for blinking and scrolling
int ratio_counter = 0; // Secondary counter to hold index positions for (ratio) length of time
int ratio_value = 0;
std::vector<Slot> slot_stack; // The icon that aligns with the index
sf::Vector2i position; // Position of the text, and backfill
void set_ratio(int ratio_) {
ratio_value = ratio_;
sf::Vector2i getPosition() const {
return position;
void push_back(Slot s) {
void clear_and_set(Slot s) {
void clear() {
sf::Color current_font_color() {
if (slot_stack.size() > 0)
return blank_standby.font_color;
sf::Color current_backfill_color() {
if (slot_stack.size() > 0)
return blank_standby.backfill_color;
wchar_t current_unicode_value() {
if (slot_stack.size() > 0)
return blank_standby.unicode_value;
void inc_index() {
if (index >= slot_stack.size() - 1) {
index = 0;
else if (ratio_counter == ratio_value) {
ratio_counter = 0;
Curses(sf::Vector2i tile_size_, sf::Vector2i grid_dimensions);
void Update(double delta_time_);
void Render();
void setTile(Tile tile_);
void setTiles(std::vector<Tile> tiles_); // Can be seperate, non-adjacent tiles
void Clear();
Tile* getTile(sf::Vector2i position_);
std::vector<Curses::Tile*> getTiles(sf::Vector2i start_, sf::Vector2i end_);
void ResizeTiles(sf::Vector2i size_);
void ResizeTileGrid(sf::Vector2i grid_dimensions_);
void setBlink(int ratio_, sf::Vector2i position_);
void setScroll(int ratio_, sf::Vector2i start_, sf::Vector2i end_);
void setScroll(int ratio_, sf::Vector2i start_, std::list<Slot> tiles_);
sf::Vector2i grid_dimensions;
sf::Vector2i tile_pixel_dimensions;
sf::RenderWindow window;
std::vector<Tile> tiles;
sf::Font font;
int multi_to_linear(sf::Vector2i position_) const;
sf::Vector2i linear_to_multi(int position_) const;
void set_tile_ratio(int ratio_, sf::Vector2i tile_position_);
void append_slots(sf::Vector2i start_, std::list<Slot> values_);

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#include <map>
#include <string.h>
#ifdef linux
#include <CL/cl.h>
#include <CL/opencl.h>
@ -15,8 +16,10 @@
#include <CL/cl_gl.h>
#include <CL/cl.h>
#include <CL/opencl.h>
#include <GL/GL.h>
// Note: windows.h must be included before Gl/GL.h
#include <windows.h>
#include <GL/GL.h>
#elif defined TARGET_OS_MAC
# include <OpenGL/OpenGL.h>
@ -47,12 +50,14 @@ public:
// Both will create the view matrix, view res buffer
void create_viewport(int width, int height, float v_fov, float h_fov) override;
void assign_light(std::string light_id, Light light) override;
void assign_lights(std::vector<Light> lights) override;
void assign_map(Old_Map *map) override;
void assign_camera(Camera *camera) override;
void validate() override;
// draw will abstract the gl sharing and software rendering
// methods of retrieving the screen buffer
void compute() override;
void draw(sf::RenderWindow* window) override;
@ -78,6 +83,8 @@ private:
int run_kernel(std::string kernel_name, const int work_size);
void print_kernel_arguments();
bool assert(int error_code, std::string function_name);
cl_device_id getDeviceID();
@ -93,5 +100,6 @@ private:
std::map<std::string, cl_kernel> kernel_map;
std::map<std::string, cl_mem> buffer_map;

@ -24,10 +24,12 @@ public:
virtual void assign_map(Old_Map *map) = 0;
virtual void assign_camera(Camera *camera) = 0;
virtual void create_viewport(int width, int height, float v_fov, float h_fov) = 0;
virtual void assign_light(std::string light_id, Light light) = 0;
virtual void assign_lights(std::vector<Light> lights) = 0;
virtual void validate() = 0;
// draw will abstract the gl sharing and software rendering
// methods of retrieving the screen buffer
virtual void compute() = 0;
virtual void draw(sf::RenderWindow* window) = 0;
@ -35,11 +37,11 @@ protected:
sf::Sprite viewport_sprite;
sf::Texture viewport_texture;
Old_Map * map;
Camera *camera;
std::map<std::string, Light> light_map;
sf::Uint8 *viewport_image;
sf::Vector4f *viewport_matrix;
Old_Map * map = nullptr;
Camera *camera = nullptr;
std::vector<Light> lights;
sf::Uint8 *viewport_image = nullptr;
sf::Vector4f *viewport_matrix = nullptr;
int error = 0;

@ -11,8 +11,13 @@ const float PI_F = 3.14159265358979f;
struct Light {
sf::Vector4f rgbi;
// I believe that Vector3's get padded to Vector4's. Give them a non-garbage value
sf::Vector3f position;
const float padding_1 = -1;
sf::Vector3f direction_cartesian;
const float padding_2 = -2;
struct fps_counter {
@ -164,5 +169,6 @@ inline std::string read_file(std::string file_name){
std::stringstream buf;
buf << input_file.rdbuf();
return buf.str();

@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
// global : local : constant : private
// Function arguments of type image2d_t, image3d_t, image2d_array_t, image1d_t, image1d_buffer_t,
// and image1d_array_t refer to image memory objects allocated in the **global** address space.
// Open CL C
__kernel void hello(
global int2* resolution,
global char* map,
global float3* projection_matrix,
global float3* cam_dir,
global float3* cam_pos,
global image2d_t* canvas) {
printf("%s\n", "this is a test string\n");
const int MAX_RAY_STEPS = 64;
// The pixel coord we are at
int2 screenPos = (int2)(get_global_id(0) % resolution->x, get_global_id(0) / resolution->x);
// The X and Y planes
//float3 cameraPlaneU = vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
// Y being multiplied by the aspect ratio, usually around .5-6ish;
//cl_float3 cameraPlaneV = vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0) * iResolution.y / iResolution.x;
// So this is how they do that ray aiming! hah this is so tiny
// (camera direction) + (pixel.x * the X plane) + (product of pixel.y * Y plane)
// Oh all it's doing is adding the x and y coords of the pixel to the camera direction vector, interesting
//cl_float3 rayDir = cameraDir + screenPos.x * cameraPlaneU + screenPos.y * cameraPlaneV;
// the origin of the ray
// So the sign thing is for the up and down motion
//cl_float3 rayPos = vec3(0.0, 2.0 * sin(iGlobalTime * 2.7), -12.0);
// Ah, and here is where it spins around the center axis
// So it looks like its applying a function to rotate the x and z axis
//rayPos.xz = rotate2d(rayPos.xz, iGlobalTime);
//rayDir.xz = rotate2d(rayDir.xz, iGlobalTime);
// Just an intvec of out coords
//ivec3 mapPos = ivec3(floor(rayPos));
// I think this is the delta t value
// the magnitude of the vector divided by the rays direction. Not sure what the aim of that is
// The ray direction might always be normalized, so that would be the dame as my delta_T
//vec3 deltaDist = abs(vec3(length(rayDir)) / rayDir);
// The steps are the signs of the ray direction
//ivec3 rayStep = ivec3(sign(rayDir));
// ithe sign of the rays direction
// *
// Convert map position to a floating point vector and take away the ray position
// +
// the sign of the rays direction by 0.5
// +
// 0.5
// Now multyply everything by 0.5
//vec3 sideDist = (sign(rayDir) * (vec3(mapPos) - rayPos) + (sign(rayDir) * 0.5) + 0.5) * deltaDist;
// A byte mask
//bvec3 mask;
// repeat until the max steps
//for (int i = 0; i < MAX_RAY_STEPS; i++) {
// If there is a voxel at the map position, continue?
//if (getVoxel(mapPos))
// break;
// find which is smaller
// y ? z --> x`
// z ? x --> y`
// x ? y --> z`
// find which os is less or equal
// x` ? x --> x
// y` ? y --> y
// z` ? z --> z
// Now find which ons is
//mask = lessThanEqual(, min(sideDist.yzx, sideDist.zxy));
// Originally he used a component wise
/*bvec3 b1 = lessThan(, sideDist.yzx);
bvec3 b2 = lessThanEqual(, sideDist.zxy);
mask.x = b1.x && b2.x;
mask.y = b1.y && b2.y;
mask.z = b1.z && b2.z;*/
//Would've done mask = b1 && b2 but the compiler is making me do it component wise.
//All components of mask are false except for the corresponding largest component
//of sideDist, which is the axis along which the ray should be incremented.
//sideDist += vec3(mask) * deltaDist;
//mapPos += ivec3(mask) * rayStep;
// Ah this is for coloring obviously, seems to be odd though, no indexing
//vec4 color;
//if (mask.x) {
// color = vec4(0.5);
//if (mask.y) {
// color = vec4(1.0);
//if (mask.z) {
// color = vec4(0.75);
//write_imagef(image, pixel, color);

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
__kernel void printer(
global char* map,
global int3* map_dim,
global int2* resolution,
global float3* projection_matrix,
global float2* cam_dir,
global float3* cam_pos,
global float* lights,
global int* light_count,
__write_only image2d_t image
) {
size_t id = get_global_id(0);
if (id == 0) {
printf("MAP: %i, %i, %i, %i", map[0], map[1], map[2], map[3]);
printf("MAP_DIMENSIONS: %i, %i, %i", map_dim[0].x, map_dim[0].y, map_dim[0].z);
printf("RESOLUTION: %i, %i", resolution[0].x, resolution[0].y);
printf("PROJECTION_MATRIX: %f, %f, %f", projection_matrix[0].x, projection_matrix[0].y, projection_matrix[0].z);
printf("CAMERA_DIRECTION: %f, %f", cam_dir[0].x, cam_dir[0].y);
printf("CAMERA_POSITION: %f, %f, %f", cam_pos[0].x, cam_pos[0].y, cam_pos[0].z);
printf("LIGHTS: %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f", lights[0], lights[1], lights[2], lights[3], lights[4], lights[5], lights[6], lights[7], lights[8], lights[9]);
printf("LIGHT_COUNT: %i", light_count);

@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ float4 cast_light_rays(
// if it does
__kernel void min_kern(
__kernel void raycaster(
global char* map,
global int3* map_dim,
global int2* resolution,

@ -226,10 +226,11 @@ int CL_Wrapper::check_cl_khr_gl_sharing() {
if (std::string(ext_str).find("cl_khr_gl_sharing") == std::string::npos) {
std::cout << "No support for the cl_khr_gl_sharing extension";
cl_khr_gl_sharing_fallback = true;
return -1;
delete ext_str;
return 1;
int CL_Wrapper::compile_kernel(std::string kernel_source, bool is_path, std::string kernel_name) {

@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include "Curses.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
Curses::Curses(sf::Vector2i tile_size_, sf::Vector2i grid_dimensions_) :
window(sf::VideoMode(tile_size_.x * grid_dimensions_.x, tile_size_.y * grid_dimensions_.y), "SimpleFML Curses"),
for (int y = 0; y < grid_dimensions_.y; y++) {
for (int x = 0 ; x < grid_dimensions_.x; x++) {
tiles.emplace_back(Tile(sf::Vector2i(x, y)));
// L'\u0020' = space char
// Set screen values to increasing unicode chars
/*wchar_t char_ind = L'\u0041';
for (int i = 0; i < tiles.size(); i++) {, sf::Color::White, sf::Color::Black);
Curses::~Curses() {
void Curses::Update(double delta_time_) {
for (Tile &tile : tiles) {
sf::Event event;
while (window.pollEvent(event)) {
if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed)
void Curses::Render() {
sf::Texture font_texture = font.getTexture(tile_pixel_dimensions.x);
// Draw text and backfills
sf::VertexArray backfill_v_arr(sf::Quads, grid_dimensions.x * grid_dimensions.y * 4);
sf::VertexArray font_v_arr(sf::Quads, grid_dimensions.x * grid_dimensions.y * 4);
int tile_index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < backfill_v_arr.getVertexCount(); i += 4) {
Tile* tile = &;
sf::Glyph glyph = font.getGlyph(tile->current_unicode_value(), tile_pixel_dimensions.x, false);
// Backfill the tile with the specified backfill color
backfill_v_arr[i + 0].position = sf::Vector2f(tile->getPosition().x * tile_pixel_dimensions.x, tile->getPosition().y * tile_pixel_dimensions.y);
backfill_v_arr[i + 1].position = sf::Vector2f(tile->getPosition().x * tile_pixel_dimensions.x + tile_pixel_dimensions.x, tile->getPosition().y * tile_pixel_dimensions.y);
backfill_v_arr[i + 2].position = sf::Vector2f(tile->getPosition().x * tile_pixel_dimensions.x + tile_pixel_dimensions.x, tile->getPosition().y * tile_pixel_dimensions.y + tile_pixel_dimensions.y);
backfill_v_arr[i + 3].position = sf::Vector2f(tile->getPosition().x * tile_pixel_dimensions.x, tile->getPosition().y * tile_pixel_dimensions.y + tile_pixel_dimensions.y);
backfill_v_arr[i + 0].color = tile->current_backfill_color();
backfill_v_arr[i + 1].color = tile->current_backfill_color();
backfill_v_arr[i + 2].color = tile->current_backfill_color();
backfill_v_arr[i + 3].color = tile->current_backfill_color();
// Draw the font with the correct size, texture location, window location, and color
font_v_arr[i + 0].position = sf::Vector2f(tile->getPosition().x * tile_pixel_dimensions.x, tile->getPosition().y * tile_pixel_dimensions.y);
font_v_arr[i + 1].position = sf::Vector2f(tile->getPosition().x * tile_pixel_dimensions.x + glyph.textureRect.width, tile->getPosition().y * tile_pixel_dimensions.y);
font_v_arr[i + 2].position = sf::Vector2f(tile->getPosition().x * tile_pixel_dimensions.x + glyph.textureRect.width, tile->getPosition().y * tile_pixel_dimensions.y + glyph.textureRect.height);
font_v_arr[i + 3].position = sf::Vector2f(tile->getPosition().x * tile_pixel_dimensions.x, tile->getPosition().y * tile_pixel_dimensions.y + glyph.textureRect.height);
// Make the letter appear in the center of the tile by applying an offset
sf::Vector2f position_offset = sf::Vector2f(tile_pixel_dimensions.x / 4, tile_pixel_dimensions.y / 4);
font_v_arr[i + 0].position += position_offset;
font_v_arr[i + 1].position += position_offset;
font_v_arr[i + 2].position += position_offset;
font_v_arr[i + 3].position += position_offset;
font_v_arr[i + 0].texCoords = sf::Vector2f(glyph.textureRect.left,;
font_v_arr[i + 1].texCoords = sf::Vector2f(glyph.textureRect.width + glyph.textureRect.left,;
font_v_arr[i + 2].texCoords = sf::Vector2f(glyph.textureRect.width + glyph.textureRect.left, + glyph.textureRect.height);
font_v_arr[i + 3].texCoords = sf::Vector2f(glyph.textureRect.left, + glyph.textureRect.height);
font_v_arr[i + 0].color = tile->current_font_color();
font_v_arr[i + 1].color = tile->current_font_color();
font_v_arr[i + 2].color = tile->current_font_color();
font_v_arr[i + 3].color = tile->current_font_color();
window.draw(font_v_arr, &font_texture);
void Curses::setTile(Tile tile_) { = tile_;
void Curses::setTiles(std::vector<Tile> tiles_) {
for (Tile tile: tiles_) { = tile;
void Curses::Clear() {
for (Tile &tile : tiles) {
Curses::Tile* Curses::getTile(sf::Vector2i position_) {
return &;
std::vector<Curses::Tile*> Curses::getTiles(sf::Vector2i start_, sf::Vector2i end_) {
std::vector<Curses::Tile*> ret;
for (int i = multi_to_linear(start_); i < multi_to_linear(end_); i++) {
return ret;
void Curses::setScroll(int ratio_, sf::Vector2i start_, std::list<Slot> scroll_text_) {
// Scrolling and it's scroll ratio is faux implemented by
// essentially stacking values and repeating them to slow the scroll down
for (int i = 0; i < scroll_text_.size(); i++) {
append_slots(start_, scroll_text_);
void Curses::set_tile_ratio(int ratio_, sf::Vector2i tile_position_) {
void Curses::append_slots(sf::Vector2i start_, std::list<Slot> values_)
std::vector<Tile*> tiles = getTiles(start_,
sf::Vector2i((values_.size() + start_.x) % grid_dimensions.x,
(values_.size() + start_.x) / grid_dimensions.x + start_.y));
if (tiles.size() != values_.size()) {
std::cout << "Values did not match up to slots when appending\n";
std::list<Slot>::iterator beg_slot_it = values_.begin();
std::list<Slot>::iterator end_slot_it = values_.end();
std::list<Slot>::iterator slot_it;
std::vector<Tile*>::iterator beg_tile_it = tiles.begin();
std::vector<Tile*>::iterator end_tile_it = tiles.end();
std::vector<Tile*>::iterator tile_it;
for (slot_it = beg_slot_it, tile_it = beg_tile_it;
(slot_it != end_slot_it) && (tile_it != end_tile_it);
++slot_it, ++tile_it) {
Tile* t = *tile_it;
sf::Vector2i Curses::linear_to_multi(int position_) const {
return sf::Vector2i(position_ % grid_dimensions.x, position_ / grid_dimensions.x);
int Curses::multi_to_linear(sf::Vector2i position_) const {
return position_.y * grid_dimensions.x + position_.x;

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ int Hardware_Caster::init() {
if (assert(error, "create_command_queue"))
return error;
error = compile_kernel("../kernels/", true, "min_kern");
error = compile_kernel("../kernels/", true, "raycaster");
if (assert(error, "compile_kernel")) {
std::cin.get(); // hang the output window so we can read the error
return error;
@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ void Hardware_Caster::assign_map(Old_Map *map) {
this->map = map;
auto dimensions = map->getDimensions();
create_buffer("map_buffer", sizeof(char) * dimensions.x * dimensions.y * dimensions.z, map->get_voxel_data());
create_buffer("dim_buffer", sizeof(int) * 3, &dimensions);
create_buffer("map", sizeof(char) * dimensions.x * dimensions.y * dimensions.z, map->get_voxel_data());
create_buffer("map_dimensions", sizeof(int) * 3, &dimensions);
@ -54,8 +54,43 @@ void Hardware_Caster::assign_camera(Camera *camera) {
this->camera = camera;
create_buffer("cam_dir_buffer", sizeof(float) * 4, (void*)camera->get_direction_pointer(), CL_MEM_READ_ONLY | CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR);
create_buffer("cam_pos_buffer", sizeof(float) * 4, (void*)camera->get_position_pointer(), CL_MEM_READ_ONLY | CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR);
create_buffer("camera_direction", sizeof(float) * 4, (void*)camera->get_direction_pointer(), CL_MEM_READ_ONLY | CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR);
create_buffer("camera_position", sizeof(float) * 4, (void*)camera->get_position_pointer(), CL_MEM_READ_ONLY | CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR);
void Hardware_Caster::validate()
// Check to make sure everything has been entered;
if (camera == nullptr ||
map == nullptr ||
viewport_image == nullptr ||
viewport_matrix == nullptr) {
std::cout << "Raycaster.validate() failed, camera, map, or viewport not initialized";
} else {
// Set all the kernel args
set_kernel_arg("raycaster", 0, "map");
set_kernel_arg("raycaster", 1, "map_dimensions");
set_kernel_arg("raycaster", 2, "viewport_resolution");
set_kernel_arg("raycaster", 3, "viewport_matrix");
set_kernel_arg("raycaster", 4, "camera_direction");
set_kernel_arg("raycaster", 5, "camera_position");
set_kernel_arg("raycaster", 6, "lights");
set_kernel_arg("raycaster", 7, "light_count");
set_kernel_arg("raycaster", 8, "image");
void Hardware_Caster::compute()
// correlating work size with texture size? good, bad?
run_kernel("raycaster", viewport_texture.getSize().x * viewport_texture.getSize().y);
// There is a possibility that I would want to move this over to be all inside it's own
@ -65,7 +100,7 @@ void Hardware_Caster::create_viewport(int width, int height, float v_fov, float
// CL needs the screen resolution
sf::Vector2i view_res(width, height);
create_buffer("res_buffer", sizeof(int) * 2, &view_res);
create_buffer("viewport_resolution", sizeof(int) * 2, &view_res);
// And an array of vectors describing the way the "lens" of our
// camera works
@ -110,7 +145,7 @@ void Hardware_Caster::create_viewport(int width, int height, float v_fov, float
create_buffer("view_matrix_buffer", sizeof(float) * 4 * view_res.x * view_res.y, viewport_matrix);
create_buffer("viewport_matrix", sizeof(float) * 4 * view_res.x * view_res.y, viewport_matrix);
// Create the image that opencl's rays write to
viewport_image = new sf::Uint8[width * height * 4];
@ -129,16 +164,24 @@ void Hardware_Caster::create_viewport(int width, int height, float v_fov, float
// Pass the buffer to opencl
create_image_buffer("image_buffer", sizeof(sf::Uint8) * width * height * 4, viewport_image);
create_image_buffer("image", sizeof(sf::Uint8) * width * height * 4, viewport_image);
void Hardware_Caster::assign_light(std::string light_id, Light light) {
void Hardware_Caster::assign_lights(std::vector<Light> lights) {
this->lights = std::vector<Light>(lights);
int light_count = lights.size();
create_buffer("lights", sizeof(float) * 12 * light_count,, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY | CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR);
create_buffer("light_count", sizeof(int), &light_count);
void Hardware_Caster::draw(sf::RenderWindow* window) {
int Hardware_Caster::acquire_platform_and_device() {
@ -286,8 +329,9 @@ int Hardware_Caster::create_shared_context() {
int Hardware_Caster::create_command_queue() {
// If context and device_id have initialized
if (context && device_id) {
// And the cl command queue
command_queue = clCreateCommandQueue(context, device_id, 0, &error);
if (assert(error, "clCreateCommandQueue"))
@ -494,7 +538,7 @@ int Hardware_Caster::run_kernel(std::string kernel_name, const int work_size) {
cl_kernel kernel =;
error = clEnqueueAcquireGLObjects(getCommandQueue(), 1, &"image_buffer"), 0, 0, 0);
error = clEnqueueAcquireGLObjects(getCommandQueue(), 1, &"image"), 0, 0, 0);
if (assert(error, "clEnqueueAcquireGLObjects"))
@ -510,13 +554,30 @@ int Hardware_Caster::run_kernel(std::string kernel_name, const int work_size) {
// What if errors out and gl objects are never released?
error = clEnqueueReleaseGLObjects(getCommandQueue(), 1, &"image_buffer"), 0, NULL, NULL);
error = clEnqueueReleaseGLObjects(getCommandQueue(), 1, &"image"), 0, NULL, NULL);
if (assert(error, "clEnqueueReleaseGLObjects"))
return 1;
void Hardware_Caster::print_kernel_arguments()
compile_kernel("../kernels/", true, "printer");
set_kernel_arg("printer", 0, "map");
set_kernel_arg("printer", 1, "map_dimensions");
set_kernel_arg("printer", 2, "viewport_resolution");
set_kernel_arg("printer", 3, "viewport_matrix");
set_kernel_arg("printer", 4, "camera_direction");
set_kernel_arg("printer", 5, "camera_position");
set_kernel_arg("printer", 6, "lights");
set_kernel_arg("printer", 7, "light_count");
set_kernel_arg("printer", 8, "image");
run_kernel("printer", 1);
cl_device_id Hardware_Caster::getDeviceID() { return device_id; };
cl_platform_id Hardware_Caster::getPlatformID() { return platform_id; };
cl_context Hardware_Caster::getContext() { return context; };

@ -1,110 +1,111 @@
#include "RayCaster.h"
#include <util.hpp>
#include <Ray.h>
RayCaster::RayCaster() {
void RayCaster::assign_map(Old_Map* map) {
this->map = map;
// Override values
//this.map_dimensions = new Vector3<int> (50, 50, 50);
//this.resolution = new Vector2<int> (200, 200);
//this.camera_direction = new Vector3<float> (1f, 0f, .8f);
//this.camera_position = new Vector3<float> (1, 10, 10);
this->map_dimensions = map_dimensions;
this->map = map;
resolution = viewport_resolution;
image = new sf::Color[resolution.x * resolution.y];
// Calculate the view plane vectors
// Because casting to individual pixels causes barrel distortion,
// Get the radian increments
// Set the camera origin
// Rotate the ray by the specified pixel * increment
double y_increment_radians = DegreesToRadians(50.0 / resolution.y);
double x_increment_radians = DegreesToRadians(80.0 / resolution.x);
view_plane_vectors = new sf::Vector3f[resolution.x * resolution.y];
for (int y = -resolution.y / 2 ; y < resolution.y / 2; y++) {
for (int x = -resolution.x / 2; x < resolution.x / 2; x++) {
// The base ray direction to slew from
sf::Vector3f ray(1, 0, 0);
// Y axis, pitch
ray = sf::Vector3f(
ray.z * sin(y_increment_radians * y) + ray.x * cos(y_increment_radians * y),
ray.z * cos(y_increment_radians * y) - ray.x * sin(y_increment_radians * y)
// Z axis, yaw
ray = sf::Vector3f(
ray.x * cos(x_increment_radians * x) - ray.y * sin(x_increment_radians * x),
ray.x * sin(x_increment_radians * x) + ray.y * cos(x_increment_radians * x),
int index = (x + resolution.x / 2) + resolution.x * (y + resolution.y / 2);
view_plane_vectors[index] = Normalize(ray);
RayCaster::~RayCaster() {
delete image;
delete view_plane_vectors;
sf::Color* RayCaster::CastRays(sf::Vector3<float> camera_direction, sf::Vector3<float> camera_position) {
// Setup the camera for this cast
this->camera_direction = camera_direction;
camera_direction_cartesian = Normalize(SphereToCart(camera_direction));
this->camera_position = camera_position;
// Start the loop at the top left, scan right and work down
for (int y = 0; y < resolution.y; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < resolution.x; x++) {
// Get the ray at the base direction
sf::Vector3f ray = view_plane_vectors[x + resolution.x * y];
// Rotate it to the correct pitch and yaw
// Y axis, pitch
ray = sf::Vector3f(
ray.z * sin(camera_direction.y) + ray.x * cos(camera_direction.y),
ray.z * cos(camera_direction.y) - ray.x * sin(camera_direction.y)
// Z axis, yaw
ray = sf::Vector3f(
ray.x * cos(camera_direction.z) - ray.y * sin(camera_direction.z),
ray.x * sin(camera_direction.z) + ray.y * cos(camera_direction.z),
// Setup the ray
Ray r(map, resolution, sf::Vector2i(x, y), camera_position, ray);
// Cast it and assign its return value
image[x + resolution.x * y] = r.Cast();
return image;
void RayCaster::moveCamera(sf::Vector2f v) {
camera_direction.y += v.x;
camera_direction.z += v.y;
//void RayCaster::assign_map(Old_Map* map) {
// this->map = map;
// // Override values
// //this.map_dimensions = new Vector3<int> (50, 50, 50);
// //this.resolution = new Vector2<int> (200, 200);
// //this.camera_direction = new Vector3<float> (1f, 0f, .8f);
// //this.camera_position = new Vector3<float> (1, 10, 10);
// this->map_dimensions = map_dimensions;
// this->map = map;
// resolution = viewport_resolution;
// image = new sf::Color[resolution.x * resolution.y];
// // Calculate the view plane vectors
// // Because casting to individual pixels causes barrel distortion,
// // Get the radian increments
// // Set the camera origin
// // Rotate the ray by the specified pixel * increment
// double y_increment_radians = DegreesToRadians(50.0 / resolution.y);
// double x_increment_radians = DegreesToRadians(80.0 / resolution.x);
// view_plane_vectors = new sf::Vector3f[resolution.x * resolution.y];
// for (int y = -resolution.y / 2 ; y < resolution.y / 2; y++) {
// for (int x = -resolution.x / 2; x < resolution.x / 2; x++) {
// // The base ray direction to slew from
// sf::Vector3f ray(1, 0, 0);
// // Y axis, pitch
// ray = sf::Vector3f(
// ray.z * sin(y_increment_radians * y) + ray.x * cos(y_increment_radians * y),
// ray.y,
// ray.z * cos(y_increment_radians * y) - ray.x * sin(y_increment_radians * y)
// );
// // Z axis, yaw
// ray = sf::Vector3f(
// ray.x * cos(x_increment_radians * x) - ray.y * sin(x_increment_radians * x),
// ray.x * sin(x_increment_radians * x) + ray.y * cos(x_increment_radians * x),
// ray.z
// );
// int index = (x + resolution.x / 2) + resolution.x * (y + resolution.y / 2);
// view_plane_vectors[index] = Normalize(ray);
// }
// }
//RayCaster::~RayCaster() {
// delete image;
// delete view_plane_vectors;
//sf::Color* RayCaster::CastRays(sf::Vector3<float> camera_direction, sf::Vector3<float> camera_position) {
// // Setup the camera for this cast
// this->camera_direction = camera_direction;
// camera_direction_cartesian = Normalize(SphereToCart(camera_direction));
// this->camera_position = camera_position;
// // Start the loop at the top left, scan right and work down
// for (int y = 0; y < resolution.y; y++) {
// for (int x = 0; x < resolution.x; x++) {
// // Get the ray at the base direction
// sf::Vector3f ray = view_plane_vectors[x + resolution.x * y];
// // Rotate it to the correct pitch and yaw
// // Y axis, pitch
// ray = sf::Vector3f(
// ray.z * sin(camera_direction.y) + ray.x * cos(camera_direction.y),
// ray.y,
// ray.z * cos(camera_direction.y) - ray.x * sin(camera_direction.y)
// );
// // Z axis, yaw
// ray = sf::Vector3f(
// ray.x * cos(camera_direction.z) - ray.y * sin(camera_direction.z),
// ray.x * sin(camera_direction.z) + ray.y * cos(camera_direction.z),
// ray.z
// );
// // Setup the ray
// Ray r(map, resolution, sf::Vector2i(x, y), camera_position, ray);
// // Cast it and assign its return value
// image[x + resolution.x * y] = r.Cast();
// }
// }
// return image;
//void RayCaster::moveCamera(sf::Vector2f v) {
// camera_direction.y += v.x;
// camera_direction.z += v.y;

@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
#include <CL/cl_gl.h>
#include <CL/cl.h>
#include <CL/opencl.h>
#include <GL/GL.h>
#include <windows.h>
@ -20,18 +19,16 @@
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include "Old_Map.h"
#include "Curses.h"
#include "util.hpp"
#include "RayCaster.h"
#include "Hardware_Caster.h"
#include "CL_Wrapper.h"
#include "Vector4.hpp"
#include <Camera.h>
@ -66,19 +63,11 @@ sf::Texture window_texture;
int main() {
// It looks like I got the bulk of the stuff moved over to hardware caster.
// The lights still need work. Adding them to a map and checking for collisions
// will probably be the route I take.
// Need to hook up the assignment of kernel args
// Also need to hook up the rendering with the draw function.
sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(WINDOW_X, WINDOW_Y), "SFML");
// Initialize the raycaster hardware, compat, or software
RayCaster *rc = new Hardware_Caster();
if (rc->init() != 0) {
if (rc->init() != 1) {
delete rc;
// rc = new Hardware_Caster_Compat();
// if (rc->init() != 0) {
@ -86,9 +75,8 @@ int main() {
// rc = new Software_Caster();
// }
// This will be removed
CL_Wrapper c;
// Set up the raycaster
std::cout << "map...";
sf::Vector3i map_dim(MAP_X, MAP_Y, MAP_Z);
@ -98,92 +86,56 @@ int main() {
Camera *camera = new Camera(
sf::Vector3f(0, 0, 0),
sf::Vector2f(0.0f, 1.00f)
sf::Vector3f(10, 11, 12),
sf::Vector2f(0.1f, 1.00f)
rc->create_viewport(WINDOW_X, WINDOW_Y, 50.0f, 80.0f);
int light_count = 2;
c.create_buffer("light_count_buffer", sizeof(int), &light_count);
// {r, g, b, i, x, y, z, x', y', z'}
sf::Vector3f v = Normalize(sf::Vector3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
sf::Vector3f v2 = Normalize(sf::Vector3f(1.1f, 0.4f, 0.7f));
float light[] = { 0.4f, 0.8f, 0.1f, 1.0f, 50.0f, 50.0f, 50.0f, v.x, v.y, v.z,
0.4f, 0.8f, 0.1f, 1.0f, 50.0f, 50.0f, 50.0f, v2.x, v2.y, v2.z};
c.create_buffer("light_buffer", sizeof(float) * 10 * light_count, light, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY | CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR);
c.set_kernel_arg("min_kern", 0, "map_buffer");
c.set_kernel_arg("min_kern", 1, "dim_buffer");
c.set_kernel_arg("min_kern", 2, "res_buffer");
c.set_kernel_arg("min_kern", 3, "view_matrix_buffer");
c.set_kernel_arg("min_kern", 4, "cam_dir_buffer");
c.set_kernel_arg("min_kern", 5, "cam_pos_buffer");
c.set_kernel_arg("min_kern", 6, "light_buffer");
c.set_kernel_arg("min_kern", 7, "light_count_buffer");
c.set_kernel_arg("min_kern", 8, "image_buffer");
// The step size in milliseconds between calls to Update()
// Lets set it to 16.6 milliseonds (60FPS)
float step_size = 0.0166f;
// Timekeeping values for the loop
double frame_time = 0.0,
elapsed_time = 0.0,
delta_time = 0.0,
accumulator_time = 0.0,
current_time = 0.0;
fps_counter fps;
Light l;
l.direction_cartesian = sf::Vector3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
l.position = sf::Vector3f(10.0f, 10.0f, 10.0f);
l.rgbi = sf::Vector4f(0.3f, 0.4f, 0.3f, 1.0f);
// ============================= RAYCASTER SETUP ==================================
// Setup the sprite and texture
window_texture.create(WINDOW_X, WINDOW_Y);
window_sprite.setPosition(0, 0);
// State values
// Done setting up raycaster
sf::Vector3f cam_vec(0, 0, 0);
//RayCaster ray_caster(map, map_dim, view_res);
// ========== DEBUG ==========
fps_counter fps;
sf::Vector2f *dp = camera->get_direction_pointer();
debug_text cam_text_x(1, 30, &dp->x, "incli: ");
debug_text cam_text_y(2, 30, &dp->y, "asmth: ");
// ===========================
sf::Vector3f *mp = camera->get_movement_pointer();
debug_text cam_text_mov_x(4, 30, &mp->x, "X: ");
debug_text cam_text_mov_y(5, 30, &mp->y, "Y: ");
debug_text cam_text_mov_z(6, 30, &mp->y, "Z: ");
//debug_text cam_text_z(3, 30, &p->z);
debug_text light_x(7, 30, &light[7], "X: ");
debug_text light_y(8, 30, &light[8], "Y: ");
debug_text light_z(9, 30, &light[9], "Z: ");
// ===============================================================================
// 16.6 milliseconds (60FPS)
float step_size = 0.0166f;
double frame_time = 0.0,
elapsed_time = 0.0,
delta_time = 0.0,
accumulator_time = 0.0,
current_time = 0.0;
// Mouse capture
sf::Vector2i deltas;
sf::Vector2i fixed(window.getSize());
bool mouse_enabled = true;
sf::Vector3f cam_mov_vec;
while (window.isOpen()) {
// Poll for events from the user
sf::Event event;
while (window.pollEvent(event)) {
// If the user tries to exit the application via the GUI
if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed)
if (event.type == sf::Event::KeyPressed) {
if (event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Space) {
if (mouse_enabled)
@ -194,10 +146,6 @@ int main() {
cam_vec.x = 0;
cam_vec.y = 0;
cam_vec.z = 0;
float speed = 1.0f;
if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::LShift)) {
@ -225,8 +173,6 @@ int main() {
camera->set_position(sf::Vector3f(50, 50, 50));
if (mouse_enabled) {
deltas = fixed - sf::Mouse::getPosition();
if (deltas != sf::Vector2i(0, 0) && mouse_enabled == true) {
@ -253,34 +199,14 @@ int main() {
// ==== DELTA TIME LOCKED ====
float l[] = {
static_cast<float>(light[9] * sin(delta_time / 1) + light[7] * cos(delta_time / 1)),
static_cast<float>(light[9] * cos(delta_time / 1) - light[7] * sin(delta_time / 1))
float l2[] = {
static_cast<float>(l[0] * cos(delta_time) - l[2] * sin(delta_time)),
static_cast<float>(l[0] * sin(delta_time) + l[2] * cos(delta_time)),
light[7] = l[0];
light[8] = l[1];
light[9] = l[2];
// ==== FPS LOCKED ====
// Run the raycast
//c.run_kernel("min_kern", WORK_SIZE);
// ==== RENDER ====
// Run the raycast
// Give the frame counter the frame time and draw the average frame time
@ -288,14 +214,6 @@ int main() {
